Developing a Growth Mindset through Three-Minute Journals

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One of the hottest topics in education is Growth Mindset. Inspired by Stanford University psychology professor Carol Dweck, it is the belief that the brain is like a muscle that can grow stronger through hard work. An article published in U.S. News and World Report provides more information on this topic including information on how … read more »

Start Your Year Strong with 3 Personalized Learning Tools

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The start of a new school year brings excitement to both students and teachers. This is the perfect time to share and implement personalized learning tools for your students. Many different sites offer differentiated learning activities and tips. The hard part is finding out what works for both of you. Take a look at these three new tools that personalize … read more »

Set a Solid Foundation for Math Instruction

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Do you spend a lot of time searching for ideas when teaching Math?  Or perhaps you find it difficult to find quality teaching ideas for challenging your students? Maybe it is time to go back to the basics and begin your search with resources from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Founded in 1920, it … read more »

6 Easy (and free) Tools to Manage Your School Year

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“Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action.” David Kekich Do you wonder how some teachers manage doing everything and make it look easy? The secret to getting things done is organization and management. Teachers know the beginning of the year is one of our busiest times as it brings an onslaught … read more »

Chill Out! 2 Easy Tools for Stress Reduction

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Are there times during the school year when you or your students stress out? There is no wonder why. Teachers strive to keep up with daily classroom activities along with paper work, interaction with parents and administrators, and adherence to an ever-growing list of new standards and regulations. Students are under pressure to keep up … read more »