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October 5, 2015
Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers®
In October we smell the farm fields freshly harvested and see kids scouring the pumpkin patch for “the one.” There is something about the potential of that perfect pumpkin, waiting to be carved into just the face you want it to be. Learning is the same way: a chance to turn limitless potential into a glowing face.
Marvelous Mysteries
The October theme from TogetheRead is “Marvelous Mysteries!” TogetheRead provides a list of recommended books, questions, and activities designed to build stronger readers. The themes include books for all ages, centered around the same theme. Parents find questions to ask as the family reads, deepening comprehension before, during, and after reading. Included are free and low-cost ideas for activities families can do together, as well. TogetheRead involves the entire family in supporting literacy.
WOW Them!
Do you like to share your tech “finds” with students or colleagues on your website, blog, or wiki? If so, you can really look smart! Embed the TeachersFirst Featured Sites widget and have new “finds” every week without ever lifting a finger. If you can copy/paste, you an embed anything! Find the code to copy/paste here. Never embedded anything? We have a resource to help you. Or better yet, ask one of your students for help!
Coming Up... On the Calendar
The TeachersFirst Classroom Planning Calendar offers resources related to events and observations on the calendar all throughout the year. Take a look at these:
This week’s Teacher Poll asks: What percentage of your students have Internet connected devices to do homework? Place your vote on the teacher poll on the TeachersFirst home page.
Are You Ready For an Adventure?
Globetracker’s Mission: Locating Louie returns this year for social studies classes in grades 2-6. Preview Globetracker’s Mission TODAY! The mission officially kicks off on October 25, 2015. Follow the travels of teens Geo and Meri as they traverse across North America and blog about it along the way.
OK2Ask: FREE Online PD
Registration is now OPEN for all fall sessions. We have several NEW sessions! Read our FAQ for general information about certificates, etc. Please be sure to read the detailed descriptions and suggested technology comfort levels BEFORE you register for the best match for your learning needs. Coming up:
Daily 5 with a Technology Twist
Tuesday October 6, 2015 7pm EasternThe Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship in Your Classroom
Tuesday October 13, 2015 7pm EasternGoogle Search Tips and Tricks
Thursday October 15, 2015 4pm Eastern
Don’t Forget: World Water Monitoring Challenge
Get your class involved in the World Water Monitoring Challenge. Monitor a lake, stream, bay, or any other nearby body of water. The challenge continues through December 31. Learn more about it here.
Featured Sites
This week in our Featured Sites find:
- Dustbin
- Above the Clouds
- Every Last Drop
- The Great Human Odyssey
- Breaking News Generator
- Jellybean Scoop
- Daily 5 Triple Play!
- Critical Reading Study Guide
- And more
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are reading this October 11 or later, the link above will take you to the Featured Sites for the current week. Find the archived October 4th Features here, and don’t miss our many other recent additions from the link at the bottom of the Featured Sites page.
Let TeachersFirst be your pumpkin patch for learning.
The TeachersFirst Team