Turn Up The Volume: Become an Active Listener in Your Coaching

Monday, June 24, 2019 ⬥ 11:00 – 1:00 PM
Presented by Melissa Henning

Session Description:

They say we have two ears and one mouth so that we listen more than we speak, but do we? Learn to become a more effective coach with active listening strategies: increase teachers level of trust in you, your ability to help them and their comfort level with working together.


As an ed tech coach, our most important job is to listen! When teachers feel heard, this will increase their level of trust in you, your ability to help them, and their comfort level with working together. Building trust should be our biggest goal as coaches. Build trust by listening! Listening is one of the most important tools in your coaching toolbox! But are we truly hearing what the teachers are asking? We need to learn how to be active listeners. We are no longer just listening to give a response, but rather to be of service to the teachers’ (and others) needs.

In this poster session we will define active listening. We will also share WHY active listening matters (building trust and more openness to collaboration). We will highlight several tips to enable you to become a more active listener. Stop by this session to learn how to help your teachers to not only be heard but feel heard. Hear tips from our presenter and collaborate (virtually, on Padlet or a similar tool) and add your own tips to help us all be more active listeners. Turn both of your ears up… and get ready to learn to listen.


    • Participants will learn and be able to define what active listening means.
    • Participants will gain a deeper understanding of why active listening is such a necessary skill as an ed tech coach.
    • Participants will learn strategies to improve their own active listening skills.
    • Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter(s).
    • Participants will collaborate (using a virtual tool, shared on the session resource page) and share their own tips to be better active listeners.
Session Slide Deck:

Find more resources and classroom implementation ideas on this session’s RESOURCES page.

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