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The Science of Cooking - Edinformatics.com

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Interested in the chemical changes that occur during cooking? Have food related cooking questions? Find your answer here on this free site. Learn proper food cooking techniques and identify the science behind them. The menu at the top offers topic such as Recipes, Cooking Techniques, a Food Encyclopedia, and more.

In the Classroom

Identify the various techniques and science behind them. For example, browning meat is called the Malliard reaction. Understanding why this brings out the best flavor in the meat is interesting. Learn about sugar substitutes, its use in cooking, and relationship to flavor. Identify taste and how we are able to sense tastes at the molecular level. Follow discussion of techniques with actual use of the technique and resultant taste tests. During a cooking lesson, why not have cooperative learning groups try something they learned? Video their "experiment" and share with the class (and parents) using a tool such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.

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