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Wind Map - Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg

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See a near-live, \"overhead\" view of the winds in the continental U.S. The information is updated hourly from the National Weather Service\'s forecast database. The wind looks like white and grey st... more
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See a near-live, "overhead" view of the winds in the continental U.S. The information is updated hourly from the National Weather Service's forecast database. The wind looks like white and grey strands and is mesmerizing to watch. Watch the wind patterns constantly changing. View previous wind patterns (especially those of particularly blustery days) from the gallery. The site recommends using the latest Chrome browser.

tag(s): atmosphere (38), maps (415), energy (275), weather (318),

In the Classroom

Watch the various wind patterns across the US. Ask students what they notice about the patterns and what could be causing them. Use this as an introduction into a weather unit or as part of the study of wind energy and alternative power. If students could map the wind around their house or community, how would they draw it? Be sure to share this site during March, when talking about the "lion" and "lamb" metaphor and the changing weather! Be sure to check it out during hurricane season, as well.

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