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Physical Education Update - Physical Education Update.com

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Welcome to every PE teacher's best resource: Physical Education Update. Find videos and articles offering thousands of ideas, games, tips, and drills. Follow on an RSS feed or follow on Facebook or twitter. There is a fee-based section for members only. This review only refers to the free area.
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In the Classroom

Find new activities and challenges to make your class different every time. Find practical advice on the best training activities. Offer as a resource for families and students to add movement into their healthy lifestyle. Have your classes watch the games shared (on your interactive whiteboard or projector). Challenge students to create their own variations of the games shown or new games entirely. Add an early morning exercise period for all students to burn off energy and be ready for their day. Use this site to compliment your unit on healthy lifestyles. After school programs can try new ideas to make this time exciting and fun.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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