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Kids in Motion Math Collection - PBS Learning Media

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This collection of math activities from PBS Learning includes five lesson plans, and five videos focused on practicing and learning math facts. Lessons also integrate physical education into learning activities. Select an activity for an overview of learning objectives and the activity then click on the "view" icon to open a PDF document containing the lesson. Use the links found in each lesson to assign to Google Classroom or share via social media options.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free activities shared in this math collection to practice and reinforce math facts through physical activity. Consider sharing lessons with your school's physical education teacher as a way to incorporate math instruction as a cross-curricular approach. Incorporate lessons from the site into your current math activities. Use a tool such as Curipod, reviewed here, to deliver blended math lessons that include ideas from this site along with videos, quizzes, and additional materials. Differentiate tasks easily within Curipod by creating activities for different levels of learners. After completing lessons from the collection, ask students to create their own math learning games. Share instructions for student-created games using Clipchamp, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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