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City Guesser - virtualvacations.us

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How well can you guess the name of a city based on audio and street scenes within a video? Play City Guesser as an individual or in a multi-player scenario to see how well you know your geography. Start by selecting from different world areas, or try your hand anywhere in the world as your starting point. When you think you know where it is, click the link to start guessing. Drop a pin on the map's location of your guess, then click to see how close you are! Once you become a pro, try the advanced challenges that test your radius streak and ability to find locations without audio clues or within a predetermined time limit. Compete with friends using the multi-player option to create a private room, join a random room (not recommended), or use a code provided by a friend.

In the Classroom

City Guesser is an excellent resource to use together as a class on your whiteboard, at computer centers, or as a quick learning activity to teach students about using visual cues and critical thinking skills. Before placing a guess, ask students to share the clues they saw in the video that led to their suggestion. Use City Guesser as an ongoing estimation activity in math class. Create a chart to show the average distance between guesses and actual locations, then challenge students to become more accurate with their guesses. As students discover interesting places, encourage them to research and learn more about the location. Use Google My Maps, reviewed here to create virtual field trips around the world based on locations previewed in City Guesser.

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