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Get the Math - The Moody's Foundation

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Use this hip site to reinforce the need for algebra in today's world. Beyond architecture, view videos that explain how musicians, fashion designers, and video game designers use algebra in their work... more
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Use this hip site to reinforce the need for algebra in today's world. Beyond architecture, view videos that explain how musicians, fashion designers, and video game designers use algebra in their work. View videos on the site or embed into a blog, wiki, or other site for your students. Though the Challenges use Flash, there is certainly a lot more to learn at this entertaining site. Teachers will find a video introduction on using the site with classes as well as lesson plans either as a word document or Adobe PDF format.

tag(s): problem solving (407),

In the Classroom

Share the catchy introduction video on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use the Introduction to raise awareness of using math in careers and the real world. Use the lesson plans provided on the site as a whole class activity or with groups of students. Have students create a podcast using a tool such as podOmatic, (explained here), blog post, or other multimedia presentation of their use of Algebra to solve the problem. Have students carefully view their world and find problems or phenomena where math can answer the question.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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