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Dates That Matter

July 3, 1898

Joshua Slocum returns from the first solo trip around the world aboard a ship.

 Why does it matter?

Joshua Slocum, born in Nova Scotia, grew up sailing. He left home at age 14 to become a cabin boy on a fishing schooner, and later became a ship captain. In 1895, at the age of 51, he left Boston, Massachusetts, in a 36 foot single-masted sail-powered fishing boat called The Spray. More than three years later, he landed in Newport, Rhode Island, the first to sail alone around the world, and then completed his journey by returning to the starting place on July 3. In 1909, however, he set out again in The Spray headed for South America, and disappeared. His book, "Sailing Alone Around the World" is a classic adventure.

For more information...

Captain Joshua Slocum
A biography of Joshua Slocum as well as information about others who have sailed around the world since his first trip.

Joshua Slocum
The story of Captain Slocum's trip as well as some nice pictures both of the Captain and his ship The Spray. There is also a map that shows his three year journey around the world.

Sailing Alone Around the World
An e-text version of Slocum's book available for free download.