February 12, 2017 |
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Digital Writing for All Ages
Encourage students to enhance their writings with browser extensions, websites, and more!
Grades K-12
Find storytelling tools for all levels of writers. Explore the site to view video clips, find prompts, and more. Filter by grade level for easier access. Add the Record Voice feature to enhance writings with a personal touch.
Grades K-12
Add this Chrome browser extension to easily take notes while browsing any web page. Use the extension link or the right-click menu. It also offers a search feature to find previous notes.
Grades 6-12
Copy Edit Tihs!
Become an editor for the New York Times. Try this 10 question quiz with passages from New York Times articles. Each question has one grammatical error. Click on the word you believe to be incorrect, you get three chances.
Grades 4-12
Copyleaks Content Authentication
Check for plagiarism! Compare your writing to trillions of online pages. Insert the URL of your web page to compare information to online content. Have your students use this tool to check for plagiarism before they turn in written projects.
Online Collaboration
4 collaborative writing tools for students
Grades 9-12
Use this social tool to introduce students to the basics of screenwriting. While single writers can use the site, student collaboration is encouraged with creating, sharing, commenting, and editing features.
Grades 6-12
Penflip - Collaborative Writing and Version Control
Immerse students in the peer review process with PenFlip. Groups of three or more can collaborate on a writing project using the comment and editing features while maintaining complete version control.
Grades 8-12
Write the World
Write the World is an online space for students to practice writing, proofreading and commenting. Earn badges, get feedback, and join and create groups. Find prompts, rubrics, resources for all genres, and monthly competitions. Appropriate for ages 13+.
Grades 7-12
Help Me Write
Have your students solicit feedback and writing ideas from this web app to help them decide what to write next. Students can use this tool to add their writing ideas, share their thoughts, and publish their work.
Digital Storytelling Resources
Leverage these writing apps and tools for both online and offline typing
Grades 1-12
My Storybook
Dive into digital storytelling! Use clipart, upload images, or use the draw tools to create a colorful, short story. Peruse the storybooks created by others for inspiration. Discover applications for world language, history, art classes, and more.
Grades 2-12
Remove distractions using this free writing app for both online and offline typing. The free version automatically saves (unlimited) documents as you work. Customize your writing with background colors, fonts, and more.
Grades 2-12
Brainstorm writing ideas with your students using WordClouds. Follow the site's "wizard" or use the dashboard to personalize your word cloud. Choose your colors, font, and display settings. Words used the most often appear darker and bold.
Grades 2-12
Use for classroom journal or blog entries, exit tickets, and more. Post text online quickly and easily. Simply type or copy your text into the text box to generate a sharable URL. Appropriate for all ages.
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TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.