January 2, 2022

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

Hurry! Applications for the winter book study close THIS TUESDAY, January 4! Learn to use technology to empower your students to become changemakers by reading, discussing, and exploring strategies and tools shared in Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good by Jennifer Williams.

New Year, New Ideas for Your Lessons

Happy New Year! This week, we’re sharing four collections to help you to find fresh ideas to celebrate the New Year, recognize the accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mark the countdown to the 100th day of school, and improve your classroom management. 

Happy New Year

This collection of reviewed resources offers ideas for incorporating New Year's activities in the regular curriculum. Whether you focus on a specific activity or share these for enrichment outside of class, your students will find fresh and new ideas!

Discover tools to set goals and reflect »

Classroom Management

Classroom management matters at all grade levels, and we have tools for all ages and subjects for collecting assignments, designing seating charts, creating cooperative learning groups, and more. Check out this collection to maximize your management.

Try some new management tools this year »

Honor the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Peruse this curated collection of lesson ideas, activities, research materials, and interactive sites for studying Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.— ideal for use around his birthday, African American History Month, civil rights units, or any time.

Click the view more option to see our entire collection »

We Made it to 100

Jump rope 100 times, name 100 cities, collect 100 cans for the food bank—there are many ways to note the 100th day of school. Many of these activities will challenge both lower and upper elementary students to build better number sense for 100.

Read about 50+ ideas (and more) for the 100th Day of School »

This Week at TeachersFirst

We’re excited to invite you to participate in our winter book study and our first bi-monthly Twitter chat of 2022. Read the details about both opportunities below. We’re also sharing timely blog posts and encourage you to share your thoughts on our weekly poll. 

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Learn new strategies and collaborate with our tech coaches

TeachersFirst 2022 Winter Book Study

TeachersFirst is hosting a winter book study again this year. We're excited to invite you to actively participate in our professional learning community of educators as we read and discuss “Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good” by Jennifer Williams!

Apply today to save your spot »

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Thursday, 1/6, 8 PM ET

Twitter Chat: Strategies for SEL

Come and tweet with us using the hashtags #OK2Ask and #TeachersFirst. During this chat, participants (and tech coaches) will share resources to help students use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.

Discuss ways to develop self-awareness and self-management skills »

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Classroom Management

Infusing Technology Blog

This week, we’re sharing a collection of blog posts related to classroom management. Use these posts to find inspiration, learn about new tools, and discover new strategies to try in your classroom.

Read all about classroom management »

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Share your thoughts with our community

Weekly Poll

This week our poll asks, "Will you have your students set New Year's goals for 2022?" Share your reply and immediately view the responses of other educators.

Will you set goals this January? »

Explore More at TeachersFirst

Find hidden treasures throughout the TeachersFirst site. Below, we’re sharing six of our favorite areas to explore.

Social and Emotional Learning

Classroom Connection Events

Classroom Planning Calendar

Special Topics Collections

Reading Treks

OK2Ask Free Virtual Workshops

Brought to You by TeachersFirst

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About TeachersFirst
TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.