October 13, 2019

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

Thousands of Teacher-reviewed Resources!

October is Computer Learning Month

Computer Learning Month is a time to learn about new technology and share this knowledge with others. We support edtech learning year-round and this week we share resources to learn more about social media, evaluating news sources, using Google and Microsoft tools, plus civics in the digital world. 

Grades 4-8

Social Media Test Drive

Delve into these interactive modules offering practice in digital citizenship skills through a social media simulation. Learn about digital footprint, online privacy, addressing cyberbullies, fake news, and more. Find tutorials and a teacher's guide.

Grades 5-12


Engage with four FREE interactive lessons to teach students how to evaluate and judge news and news sources, including real-world examples and journalism experts as the digital guide. You can view videos, take polls, view resources, and complete quizzes.

Grades K-12

In Pictures

Try your hand at a variety of tutorials to learn about Microsoft and Google Suite Products. This site offers screenshots to guide you with pictures. Choose a product to begin, go through the tutorial in steps, or select a task from the included list.

Grades 8-12

Digital Civics Toolkit

Navigate through five high-quality modules and resources for teaching key practices associated with digital life. Each module consists of a conversation starter video, activities and closing reflections, and background resources for educators.

Computer Learning Collections

Dig into these curated lists of computer learning resources related to Internet safety, copyright and fair use, and digital citizenship.

Grades K-12

Internet Safety Resources

Build awareness instead of fear as you and your students discover how to harness the power of the Internet for safe learning and communication. This curated list of Internet safety resources includes information for all ages.

Grades K-12

Copyright and Fair Use Resources

Demonstrate and teach ethical use of images and other media. This selection includes instructional activities about copyright and solutions for using images, music, and texts legally, either through Fair Use or Creative Commons licensing.

Grades K-12

Digital Citizenship Resources

Modeling and helping students learn about digital citizenship is the responsibility of the adults in our students' lives, including teachers and parents. Teachers in all subject areas can share these resources in the classroom and on your website.

Creative Tools for Learning

Create neat digital projects with this trio for building wikis, apps, and gifs. 

Grades K-12


TWiki is an open-source application for creating and using wikis. Add and share information without any coding or programming skills, for an easily editable page. Add text, links, and documents to your wiki pages. Enhance your wiki with plugins.

Grades 4-12

Brush Ninja

Create animated gifs using the paintbrushes, pencils, text, and shapes to draw and color each frame. Use the control panel to adjust and play the animation. The timeline feature allows you to see the animation frames, and drag-and-drop in any order.

Grades 7-12


Use Glide to create apps from Google Sheets without writing code. Choose one of your Google Sheet documents, and import it into the app. Use the features to customize information, add icons, and more. When finished, share the url for your project.

This Week at TeachersFirst

Spend some time learning with us on Tuesday and Thursday this week as we explore strategies for critically examining resources and tips for managing limited access to technology in the classroom. Read about digital learning in our Infusing Technology blog. And, please take a moment to participate in our weekly poll about online homework.

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OK2Ask® Virtual Workshop

Facts Are Facts . . . Aren't They?

Join us Tuesday (10/15) at 7 pm ET as we discuss: Facts Are Facts...Aren’t They? Learn strategies that promote critical examination of online resources and plan a learning activity that fosters digital literacy. Collaborate with other educators.

Explore tools and strategies for teaching media literacy »

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#OK2Ask Twitter Chat

Limited Access to Technology: Tips and Strategies

Connect with our edtech coaches and your peers in our Twitter chat Thursday (10/17) at 8 pm ET. Use the hashtag #OK2Ask to discuss strategies for maximizing available classroom technology and share tips for creating authentic group learning activities.

Join our next #OK2Ask Twitter chat »

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Infusing Technology Blog

Digital Learning

With Computer Learning Month upon us, it is important to remember that it is not about the technology, it’s about the learning. Refer to this blog post related to digital learning for low-tech options, classroom ideas, and more.

Discover digital learning tips for the classroom »

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Share Your Thoughts

Weekly Poll

This week our poll relates to Computer Learning Month. How many of your homework assignments can be completed entirely online (no textbook necessary)? Share your response. When you click submit, view the poll results to see how other educators responded.

Is your homework accessible online? »

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TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.