Tech It Out Community Night
Resource Materials:
In this section of the Resources Page you will find reference materials, tutorials and how-to information that will help you review or extend your knowledge from the presentation.
Supporting Articles
- Article: The Importance of Community Involvement in Schools
- Article: Family and Community Engagement
- Article: Creating a School Community
Lancaster Online: Pequea Elementary STEAM Night
Sample Video
Planning for Tech It Out Night:
Our Planning for Tech It Out Night section is where you will find ideas and examples on how to plan your community event.
- Advertise in the community and through your school’s communication mediums.
- Post flyers and QR codes in local businesses.
- Solicit local businesses for door prizes.
- Students write letters or create videos requesting donations.
- Post the winners on school communication mediums for more traffic.
- Free advertising for the businesses!
- Whole group introduction to kick-off the event.
- Connect families with resources on school communication mediums.
- Each participant receives a card for the session.
- Whole punch the card at each station
- Families rotate to student led stations.
- Provide hands-on, minds-on activities.
- Keep the stations focused on the purpose and objectives.
- Debrief as a whole group to culminate the session.
- Participants place their cards in baskets for prize drawings from local businesses.
- Share where participants can find the winner on school communication mediums.
- Encourage music groups to play as the community enters.
- Place greeters at the door to welcome the community.
- Assign photographers to document the event.
- Showcase student work around the area of the event.
Station Rotation Topics
- School Communication Mediums
- Provide a digital scavenger hunt for participants to learn how to navigate how you communicate.
- MakerSpace Mania
- Provide participants an opportunity to experience maker activities.
- Computational Thinking Challenge
- Offer participants the opportunity to learn growth mindset through coding opportunities.
- Digital Citizenship Topics
- Social Media
- Video Game Addiction
- Screen time
- Cyber Bullying
- Texting
- Social Media Challenges
- Sex, Gender, Body Image
- Protecting Digital Identities