The Science of Engagement: MySciLife in Action

Monday, June 24, 2024 ⬥ 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Presented by Kevin Bower

Session Description:

Unlock the future of science education! Learn dynamic strategies for integrating MySciLife, a transformative digital platform, into your classroom. Explore engaging ways to foster collaboration, digital literacy, and scientific inquiry, propelling your students into a new era of interactive and impactful learning experiences.


The presentation aims to equip educators with comprehensive insights into integrating MySciLife into their teaching practices. MySciLife is a dynamic digital platform fostering student collaboration, critical thinking, and digital literacy. The purpose is to empower teachers to harness the full potential of this tool, elevating classroom engagement and preparing students for the evolving landscape of future learning.

    • Provide an overview of MySciLife, emphasizing its role as a collaborative digital platform;
    • Highlight key features that promote student engagement, digital literacy, and scientific discourse;
    • Demonstrate how MySciLife aligns with content area standards, ensuring its relevance in the curriculum;
    • Showcase examples of authentic learning activities that resonate with academic standards;
    • Illustrate how MySciLife creates innovative digital learning environments;
    • Discuss instructional design principles employed by MySciLife to facilitate active, deep learning;
    • Share best practices for maximizing the benefits of the platform while addressing potential challenges; and
    • Explore how MySciLife enables students to connect with peers from various backgrounds and cultures.

Download a PDF copy of the slides here.

Resource Materials:

In this Resource Materials section, you will find reference materials, tutorials, and how-to information that will help you review or extend your knowledge from the presentation.

Resources from TeachersFirst

Other Resources

Mentioned During the Session



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