May 7, 2023

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

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May-Related Resources

We celebrate National Pet Month, National Photograph Month, National Inventors Month, and Mother's Day in May. This week's resources will help you create powerful lessons related to these four topics. 

National Pet Month

Celebrate the benefits and rewards of owning a pet (or several)! Check out this Reading Trek about a penguin who becomes a pet. Use the activities in the instructional guide to engage your students in reading.

Explore the book and map of locations from the story »

National Photograph Month

National Photo Month is celebrated every May by both professional and amateur photographers. In honor of this annual celebration, read this new blog post related to a tech tool you can use to annotate your photographs!

Read all about the tool - Image Annotator »

National Inventors Month

May is National Inventors Month, a perfect time to infuse your social studies and science lessons with information about past and present inventors and inventions. Peruse this collection to find resources for all ages.

Introduce your students to inventors »

Mother's Day

Peruse this collection of reviewed resources to learn about Mother's Day's history and find ways to incorporate the holiday into your curriculum. You’ll also find ideas for free virtual gifts students can create to thank their moms.

Share ideas with your students »

This Week at TeachersFirst

Events and learning opportunities are blooming this week. Learn something new during our virtual workshop on Tuesday (5/9). This week is also Teacher Appreciation Week—and we're so grateful for you! Finally, we have included resources for a global collaboration opportunity and we kindly ask for your input in our weekly poll.

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Tuesday, 5/9, 7 PM ET

OK2Ask: Playlists to Personalize Learning

This session will help you create playlists that integrate multiple types of activities while using incremental checkpoints. Of all the tools you can put in your blended learning toolkit, the playlist is one you want to take advantage of!

Learn to use playlists to support student voice and choice »

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Teacher Appreciation Week (5/8–5/12)

Thank You, Teachers!

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, a national holiday celebrated in the U.S. during the first full week of May. Give thanks and recognition to the teachers in your life with this collection of classroom ideas and tools for custom-made gifts.

Help students thank other educators with these tools »

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Make global connections

Across the World Once a Week

Make connections beyond your classroom and try out this simple, social way for students to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals from students worldwide. Your class is presented with one question per week to answer about where you live.

Explore the details about XW1W and join the journey »

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Share your thoughts with our community

Weekly Poll

This week our poll asks, "Which of the following May events will you spend the most time on during your lessons?" Submit your reply and view the responses of other educators.

Will you share more about Pets, Inventors, or Photographs? »

More to Explore at TeachersFirst

These six additional areas offer a variety of activity ideas for your lessons. 

Classroom Planning Calendar

Classroom Connection Events

Special Topics

Reading Treks

Twitter Chats

Rubrics to the Rescue

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TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.