Digital Storytelling 101
Resource Materials:
In this section of the Resources Page you will find reference materials, tutorials and how-to information that will help you review or extend your knowledge from the presentation.
Digital Storytelling 101 Syllabus
Digital Storytelling 101
ISTE: Ed Tech Conference
Elementary, Middle, and High School
June 23, 2019
Digital Storytelling 101 (Teacher Education) Credits: never ending
Professor: Gretchen Sting
E-mail: Poster Session Office hours: During the poster session, after the session, |
Class Times:
Section Day Times 1 Monday 11:00-1:00 |
Email checked: Everyday or so | |
Required Materials:
Willingness to learn |
Required Tools: Enthusiasm, excitement, and willingness to learn |
Catalog Description
This laboratory course focuses on the use of educational technology in support of student learning, engagement, enhancement, extension of integration of technology into the K-12 curriculum.Strategies to capture student interest, excitement, and success will be explored.
Course Goals
This course is designed to help achieve the following goals:
1) Develop a philosophy on the purpose and the role of technology in teaching and learning.
2) Develop a level of comfort in the planning and delivering technology enhanced instruction with the goal of promoting student learning and interest utilizing constructivist teaching methods.
3) Acquire a set of technological skills that can be used to enhance classroom instruction.
Connection to the Mission of the ISTE
ISTE inspires the creation of solutions and connections that improve opportunities for all learners by delivering: practical guidance, evidence-based professional learning, virtual networks, thought-provoking events and the ISTE Standards.
Connecting to the student and teacher growth and learning:
- content and pedagogical knowledge,
- technology to facilitate teaching and learning,
- Addresses state standards
- Improves creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration and
- impacts teacher and student learning
ISTE Standards for Students:
For Students:
Creative Communicator
- Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
- Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
- Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Course Policies
- Show excitement
- Take a risk
- Think of a story
- Try it out!
- Late Assignments: Have fun! Keep exploring!
- E-mail: Email me and I am happy to help!
Objectives of the Course
After this course, students will be prepared with ways to effectively integrate technology into their future lessons. Technology is a tool that can be used to engage students and enhance education. You will be ready to move into the wild world of Digital Storytelling!
Student Evaluation: (Grading Policy)
Are you comfortable with planning a Digital Storytelling Project? If you are, then you pass with flying colors! If you need more help, contact me at
Grade Distribution (135 points)
Class Participation 10
Completion of weekly mini-workshop homework and attendance
Narrative or Story Topic on Padlet 10
Explore a Digital Storytelling Program 10
Curricular idea for Digital Storytelling 10
Excitement 30
Share with colleagues 30
Course Grading Scale: A = 100 Students learn, you win!
Tutorial Videos
Adobe Spark Video
Sway Tutorials
Google Slides Tutorials
Our In-the-Classroom section is where you will find ideas and examples on how to integrate the tools shared into classroom instruction.
Planning for the use of Digital Storytelling in 12 Easy Steps
Step 1: What story do I tell?
Step 2: Make a Story Plan
Step 3: Write!
Step 4: Give Feedback
Step 5: Rubric
Step 6: Digital Storytelling Program
Step 7: Text
Step 8: Images
Step 9: Audio
Step 10: Work in Progress
Step 11: Final Evaluation
Step 12: Sharing
Digital Storytelling Topics
- Narrative Story
- Memoir
- Historical Fiction
- Realistic fiction
- Fantasy
- Futuristic
- Experience
- Retelling of literature
- War of the Roses in 1455……
- A personal experience
- A favorite place
- A special object
- A lesson learned
- A moment in history
- Science content
- Math content
- Conflict
- Lessons learned
Digital Storytelling Planning
Simple Digital Storytelling Planning Sheet
Digital Storytelling Planning Sheet 2
Digital Storytelling Assessment
What areas do you want to stress? What would a perfect example contain? You do not need to assess every area, only what you feel would be appropriate for you, your steps in where you are in the learning curve of digital storytelling.
- Planning
- Storyboard
- Written Story
- Use of audio
- Use of images
- Use of text
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- DigitalStoryRubric_Revised
- digital_storytelling rubric
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