Tools for Creativity

Tools imageOne of the greatest ironies of technology is that it enables people to become rigid and data-centered, yet it also has the capacity to expand creative process. Technology provides omnipresent tools for idea collection and idea building. It is forgiving, allows changes without penalty, and makes creative projects and raw materials accessible from anywhere, anytime. Here is a collection of tools to promote creative process in any classroom. This is only a sampling of the many tools that exist now and many more as yet unheard of. Choose a few to master well, then allow your students to teach you more from their idea bins!


Tool/ Resource
What it does
TeachersFirst review (more ideas for using it)
Blogging Basics for the Classroom
TeachersFirst’s teacher friendly tutorial all about blogs and getting started. Use blogs as a place for students to collect creative ideas, images, etc. and expand on them at a later date. Also a great place to publish work (even embedded projects) when ready to seek audience reaction. Do YOU have teacher blog (keep it professional, of course)?

Make interactive, online books. This sample goes with the middle school assignment included in this presentation.
Bookemon review
Online mind map/concept map tool. Brainstorm to collect ideas, then edit/rearrange/color code later. Limited number of free maps. review
A personal online corkboard to collect ideas review
(Note that Etherpad “disappeared” for a bit when purchased by Google, but it reemerged under this new URL with an i at the start!)
Online collaborative writing space. Can be used alone or with others. Records the entire process on a “timeline” for playback and observing process.
Etherpad review
A tool to collect written notes, images, web page clips, and more. Syncs online so it is available from any computer or on mobile devices, iPads. Large amounts of free storage. A terrific idea bin tool with potential to have MANY bins (notebooks) running at once.
Evernote review
Folder Boy Newer tool. A way to do idea collecting and organizing for those who favor an "outline" style over visual stickies. Great for creative idea bins for the logical-sequential student (or teacher).  In the queue for review!
Google Docs
Create online documents that can be shared or not. Keeps versions so you can see writing process and progress in idea collecting.
Google Docs review
ISTE Creativity Idea Bin
A sample Linoit space used by teachers at this presentation and afterward for them to add thoughts and questions.

Online “wall” to hold stickies (text), images, video clips, Color code them! This one is available as a free iOS app so is accessible from both computers and iOS mobiile devices/iPads.
Linoit review
Online mind map/concept map tool. Brainstorm to collect ideas, then edit/rearrange/color code later.
Mindomo review
A visual brainstorm space for idea collecting and drawing
Mutapic review
A great tool to prompt verbal brainstorming.
oneword review
PB Works
Free wikis for K-12. A great place to share creative products in one place and/or to give students their own wiki page as a creative bin or finished product. Retains a “history” so the student (and you) can see previous versions of a page.
PB Works review
A visual space to ”collect inspiration”
Popplet review
An online scrapbook space great for very visual idea bins/collections. Can also add text.
Scrapblog review
TeachersFirst Edge concept map/mind map tools for brainstorming
A collection of teacher- reviewed, collaborative or personal mind map and concept map tools for idea collecting, project organizing. Include tips on pros/cons, safety concerns, ideas for use, etc.

TeachersFirst Edge walls/stickies tools
A collection of teacher-reviewed, collaborative or personal walls or stickies tools. Include tips on pros/cons, safety concerns, ideas for use, etc.

TeachersFirst Edge whiteboard tools
A collection of teacher-reviewed, collaborative or personal whiteboard tools for sketching out ideas, scribblng ideas, etc. Include tips on pros/cons, safety concerns, ideas for use, etc.

Voicethread (ed version)
Have students comment on their own creative process.
Voicethread review
A wonderful, real time collection space for stickies, images, etc. Uses Flash, so does not work on iPads/iTouches
Wallwisher review
Wiki Walkthrough
TeachersFirst’s teacher friendly tutorial all about wikis and getting started.

Free wikis for K-12. A great place to share creative products in one place and/or to give students their own wiki page as a creative bin or finished product. Retains a “history” so the student (and you) can see previous versions of a page.
Wikispaces review