OneNote: The Inclusive Educator’s Power Tool

Monday, June 24, 2024 ⬥ 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Presented by Kevin Bower

Session Description:

Unlock the full potential of Microsoft OneNote in fostering inclusive classrooms. Learn to tailor content for diverse learners and leverage accessibility features. Learn strategies to personalize learning, promote engagement, and enhance accessibility. Empower yourself to create an inclusive environment. Harness the power of OneNote for transformative and inclusive teaching practices.


This presentation navigates the challenges of inclusivity in classrooms by showcasing its accessibility for diverse learners. It empowers educators with versatile tools, fostering an inclusive environment. This forward-looking approach not only addresses current hurdles but also paves the way for a more equitable and dynamic future of learning.

The presentation aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to leverage OneNote as a powerful tool for fostering inclusivity in the classroom. By showcasing OneNote’s features and strategies, the goal is to empower teachers to create an environment that supports diverse learning needs and ensures equal access to educational opportunities for all students.

    • Highlight the benefits of creating an inclusive learning environment for students and educators.;
    • Demonstrate how OneNote adapts to different teaching styles and learning preferences;
    • Provide guidance on creating content that is accessible to students with diverse abilities;
    • Showcase templates and tools within OneNote to customize to meet students’ needs; and
    • Provide examples of differentiated instruction and personalized learning plans using OneNote.

Download a PDF copy of the slides here.

Resource Materials:

In this Resource Materials section, you will find reference materials, tutorials, and how-to information that will help you review or extend your knowledge from the presentation.

Resources from TeachersFirst

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