Denmark & Norway in Hamlet


Use this chart to help you answer the questions below.

Present ruler
Former ruler and his killer
The sons and their motives
Denmark Claudius, who is Old Hamlet's brother Old Hamlet (killed by poison in the garden by Claudius) Young Hamlet (Prince of Denmark) must avenge Old Hamlet's death by killing Claudius
Norway Old Fortinbras' brother

Old Fortinbras (killed in battle by Old Hamlet)

Young Fortinbras (Prince of Norway) must avenge his father's death by gaining back that land his father lost in battle

Use the mouse or the TAB key to move from one selection to the next. To start over, hold down the SHIFT key and click "reload" on your browser.

Hint: Since they aren't mentioned explicitly in the play, we'll refer to Hamlet's father as "Old Hamlet" and Fortinbras' father as "Old Fortinbras."

1. Who is Old Hamlet's killer?

2. Who killed Old Fortinbras?

3. Which two characters must avenge their fathers' deaths?

4. Who is the present ruler of Norway?

5. Who is the present ruler of Denmark?

6. Who is the former ruler of Norway?

7. Who is the former ruler of Denmark?

8. Who was killed in battle?

9. Who was poisoned in a garden?

10. Who must avenge his father's death by killing King Claudius?