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Civil War Read-Alouds - TeachersFirst

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This read-aloud collection, written by an experienced elementary library/media specialist,- includes books to read aloud in elementary classes. It also includes the lesson ideas to do before, during, ... more
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This read-aloud collection, written by an experienced elementary library/media specialist,- includes books to read aloud in elementary classes. It also includes the lesson ideas to do before, during, and after the read-aloud. Infuse an extra measure of history into your curriculum and tap into the richness of our nation's story while you build reading and listening skills. The books about the Civil War and related topics include a wealth of fictional and informational literature to share with your students. The lists and related activities are segmented into lower, middle, and upper elementary. There are Lexile'A® levels for the books (where available). If your library does not have the books you want to use from this list, try using the ISBN numbers to borrow them on inter-library loan from a public library nearby.

tag(s): civil war (215), slavery (130), lincoln (112),

In the Classroom

These read-alouds are perfect during February celebrations of Presidents Day and Black History Month but could be used any time. If your social studies curriculum includes the CIvil War or you simply want to connect the interrelated topics of Lincoln, slavery, and the Civil War, this is a great place to start.

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