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Citation Generator - ClassTools

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Citation Generator creates citations for books, movies, and websites in several different formats. Choose the type of source, then select the citation type from four options, and enter...more
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Citation Generator creates citations for books, movies, and websites in several different formats. Choose the type of source, then select the citation type from four options, and enter the title or URL. Submit to receive results, then copy and paste into any document. The Citation Generator also includes a button to add to your browser. Drag the button to the bookmarks bar to receive one-click citations from any URL you visit.

tag(s): citations (33), copyright (46), plagiarism (33)

In the Classroom

Use this easy tool in any subject area when requiring research. This is a great site to recommend to students for use at home to build properly constructed citations. Use the Citation Generator to create citations using different formats to compare and contrast differences between the various types available. Include this site on your classroom computers for students to use any time citing resources.

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