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November 2, 2015
Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers®
This Tuesday as you head out to vote in the election, don’t forget to grab a sandwich in honor of National Sandwich Day. Need an after-school (post-voting) snack? Stop by TeachersFirst and attend our OK2Ask snack session webinar (PD certificates are available) or just search our menu of MANY resources available for FREE whenever you crave a special “learning” snack.
Election Buzz and Books
Bring the election buzz into your classroom this week with TeachersFirst’s Resources for Elections. Help students build their awareness about leadership and leaders by recommending students to choose a book for independent reading from our CurriConnects 100 Leaders leveled booklists.
It Isn’t Too Late to Join In - World Water Monitoring Challenge
Get your class involved in the World Water Monitoring Challenge. Monitor a lake, stream, bay, or any other nearby body of water. The challenge continues through December 31. Learn more about it here.
New Contributors
Do you enjoy helping colleagues learn about technology? Would you like to use that passion to contribute to TeachersFirst? The Source For Learning (SFL) is currently looking for new contributors for our TeachersFirst community. If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out this Google form.
OK2Ask: Free PD
Registration continues for our November sessions. We still have a four treats for you to hop in and have a quick “learning” snack. Read our FAQ for general information about certificates, etc. Please be sure to read the detailed descriptions and suggested technology comfort levels BEFORE you register for the best match for your learning needs. Coming up in November:
3 Terrific Tech Tools to Poll/Quiz Students, Organize Tasks, and Make Your Images Come to Life!
Tuesday November 3, 2015 at 7pm EasternTech Coaches: Tools to Get the Job Done
Tuesday November 10, 2015 at 7pm EasternTechnology Integration Made Easy with AudioBoom
Thursday November 12, 2015 at 4pm Eastern3 Tools for Creating Timelines
Tuesday November 17, 2015 at 7pm Eastern
VSTE Conference
Are you attending the VSTE Conference on December 6-8 in Roanoke, VA? The Source For Learning is a proud sponsor of the VSTE Conference and we hope to see you there!
Calendar Happenings
The TeachersFirst Classroom Planning Calendar offers resources related to events and observations on the calendar all throughout the year. Check out these resources:
Grab a Book!
The November theme from TogetheRead is “Good Food!” TogetheRead provides a list of recommended books, questions, and activities designed to build stronger readers. The themes include books for all ages, centered around the same theme. Parents find questions to ask as the family reads, deepening comprehension before, during, and after reading. Included are free and low-cost ideas for activities families can do together, as well. TogetheRead involves the entire family in supporting literacy.
This week’s Teacher Poll asks: What changes did you notice after the first report card was sent home? Place your vote on the teacher poll on the TeachersFirst home page.
Featured Sites
This week in our Featured Sites you'll find:
- Quiz on the Go
- Math Interactives for the Young
- Easy Tweets
- New Books You Can’t Wait to Discuss
- History Mystery
- Twisted Wave
- Groupting
- And more
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are reading this November 8 or later, the link above will take you to the Featured Sites for the current week. Find the archived November 1 Features here, and don’t miss our many other recent additions from the link at the bottom of the Featured Sites page.
As you enjoy your sandwich on Tuesday, be sure to explore the free treats available on TeachersFirst. What snacks can we provide to help you nourish your class? Take a moment to let us know...
The TeachersFirst Team