TeachersFirst Lesson Plan Contest
Do you have a great lesson plan that would work well in a BYOT classroom? BYOT stands for Bring Your Own Technology. BYOT lessons utilize sites/apps that will work on any device. If you have a great BYOT lesson, why not enter the TeachersFirst BYOT Lesson Plan Contest for your chance to win one of three Amazon gift cards that The Source For Learning is giving away as prizes. Submit an original lesson plan following the instructions and official rules below to be eligible.
- Make sure to look at the TeachersFirst Lesson Plan criteria below.
- Choose a successful BYOT lesson plan that you have written.
- Place any student worksheet templates, handouts, images etc. that a teacher would need to teach this lesson in an online folder and generate a “share” link to submit with your lesson plan.
- Submit the completed lesson plan (and the share link for your online folder if applicable) via this Google form.
- Everyone who enters will receive an email announcing the winners of the contest.
- The 3 winners will receive an AMAZON gift card.
Lesson Plan Criteria
All lesson plans must have the following:
- Subject
- Grade(s)
- Lesson duration
- Rationale
- Objectives Standards
- Materials, resources, and/or websites
- Hook
- Direct Instruction
- Guided Practice
- Independent practice
- Assessment
Any websites or apps used in the lesson plan must be free.
You may also choose to include:
- Classroom management suggestions
- Teacher self-reflection/assessment
- Differentiation options
- Accommodations for special needs
- Extension Activities
- Teacher Notes
Need an idea of what a good lesson plan might look like? Take a look at this lesson plan.
This site offers several lesson plans that are decent, but not quite exemplar. You may find some inspiration in these lesson plan ideas.
If you are trying to get the BYOT wheels spinning, why not take a look at this site that offers 10 Lesson Ideas for the BYOT classroom.
Official Rules
1. The lesson must utilize free device agnostic tools (Free app that can be accessed and used on iOS, Android, Chrome and Windows devices, and allow users to create and access projects using the same app, no matter what kind of device they have.)
2. The lesson submitted must follow the TeachersFirst/Source For Learning lesson plan criteria. All required fields must be completed in order to be eligible to win. Supporting files such as photos, videos, worksheets, and/or student pages should accompany the lesson plan as long as they are the original work of the teacher submitting the lesson.
3. The submission form will ask for the time required to deliver the lesson and the content areas it applies to.
The ideas, photos, and other materials in your submission must be yours personally. All content must be original and written by the submitting teacher.
4. If a lesson plan is used by TeachersFirst/The Source For Learning in its original or modified form, the submitting teacher will receive credit as the author.
5. TeachersFirst/The Source For Learning reserves the right to determine what is or is not a valid submission.
6. The submitting teacher gives TeachersFirst/The Source for Learning the right to publish the lesson plan and/or use it at a later date.
7. Submission of entry constitutes consent for TeachersFirst/The Source For Learning to use winner's name, location, school name, and likeness in editorials, advertising, and other public purposes without further compensation.
8. There is no entry fee to participate.
- Submissions will be judged for quality and creativity.
- Finalists will be notified via email mid-August.
- Finalists will be announced in late August via the TeachersFirst website.
- The TeachersFirst community will be given the opportunity to vote for their favorite lessons through late September.
- Winners will be announced in October, and the top 3 submissions will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
- All decisions regarding winners are final.
- Submissions are accepted from May 23, 2016, through June 30, 2016.
- Final deadline for submissions is June 30, 2016, at midnight EDT.
- Winners will be announced and notified by email no later than October 29, 2016.
- All lesson plans must be submitted using the Google Form provided here. You will need to submit all required lesson components and any other applicable files.
- A submission is final after the Terms are accepted within the submission form.
- Participants must be a licensed teacher to submit an entry.
- Valid only within the United States and its territories. This contest is void where prohibited by law.
- If you have any questions or require additional information about the TeachersFirst lesson plan contest, please contact teachersfirst@sflinc.org.