Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - A response journal

Created for TeachersFirst by Brenda Walton, Ed.D.

Chapter 9 - Flood

Below are some passages from Chapter 9. As you read them, begin to think about Dillard's literary style.

P. 151-- "The long-haired girls strayed into giggling clumps at the corner of the road; the garbage trucks sped away gloriously, as if they had been the Tarleton twins on thoroughbreds cantering away from the gates of Tara."

P. 151 -- "It looks like somebody else's creek that has been usurped or taken our creek and is roving frantically to escape, big and ugly, like a blacksnake caught in a kitchen drawer."

P.154 -- "Tomatoes in flat gardens are literally floating in mud; they look as though they have been dropped whole into a boiling, brown-gravy stew."

Written response # 12 -- Response to Dillard's writing/ research (250-500 words)

In what ways are science and literature connected? How can a "poet" bring about positive environmental change? Look up an example of a literary response to nature and comment about it. Here are some suggested authors to check: Thomas Berry, Charles Darwin (yes!), Warwick Fox, James Lovelock, Caroline Merchant, Theodore Roszak, Alfred North Whitehead, Wendell Berry, Henry David Thoreau, Joseph Wood Krutch.