
Building Schoolwide Literacy With Free Web 2.0 Tools
Grade by Grade Project Ideas

Curriculum varies widely from school district to school district and state to state. These project ideas will help teachers envision ways that a focused set of web 2.0 tools can help students build skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening as they master concepts and skills across the curriculum.


Wordle created as whole class on projector or IWB, working up to PRINTING student-made Wordles in small groups at a center, (Bookemon or Voicethread) from PowerPoint (teacher made or done as whole class, possibly working up to groups making each slide at a center with teacher upload to Bookemon/Voicethread)

Kindergarten Ideas for Building Literacy with web 2.0 tools:

teacher created Dolch words, class names, numbers to 20, words with the same beginning letters, collection of ALL the words that hang in the classroom (so students can walk around and find/touch them from a laminated Wordle card in their hands), any collection of like words

Bookemon (or Voicethread)
Teacher-created interactive books for any topic as below, shared as a learning center.
The class can CREATE together:
sight words with illustrations, digital picture albums of class activities (promote oral language as st narrate them for parents, others), textless book for oral expression and basic story patterns, simple stories using sight words, Books for holidays/gifts, ex. Our Giving Book (see TF Giving Tree Lesson plan) or Why I love my Mom, Bus safety book, Dental Health month book: “Our Teeth,” summary books for science and social studies units, animals book, weather book
Books with step by step illustrations for students to click and “narrate” in spoken language (over and over!), My Body Book: names and digital pictures of hands, feet, etc., How Many? interactive books for counting using pictures from the classroom or schoolyard, Brown Bear, Brown Bear books (Green Frog, Green Frog, whatever…)- create together to reinforce colors, etc.