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GPTZero - GPTZero

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GPTZero detects whether a text is generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) product such as ChatGPT. After entering text or uploading a file, GPTZero determines the probability that...more
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GPTZero detects whether a text is generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) product such as ChatGPT. After entering text or uploading a file, GPTZero determines the probability that the document is AI-generated using information applied across several models, including ChatGPT, Bard, and human or human and AI-created works. Visit this site's FAQ section to find suggestions for educators on how to work with students when finding AI-generated text and ideas for reducing the risk of AI abuse by students.

tag(s): artificial intelligence (157), plagiarism (33), writing (322)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site when checking students' written assignments and as a resource for learning about AI-generated text with students. Ask students to include a copy of a response from GPTZero when submitting written assignments to demonstrate that the response is determined to be written by a human, not a chat tool. If your school or district doesn't have a policy regarding using AI generators, work with your students to create a classroom policy of proper use. For example, share how students can use AI generators to clarify information misunderstandings or learn more about a topic before beginning a writing project. Consider using a screen recorder like Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here to create a video sharing examples and ideas on using chat tools and verifying human-created work using GPTZero.

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