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Bitesize - Math Algebra - BBC
7 to 11tag(s): charts and graphs (171), equations (118), fractions (160), symbols (15)
In the Classroom
This is a fabulous site to use with your class to review concepts that are difficult to grasp. Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to share the revise(review) information and activity. Then have students work on independent computers to complete the online test that reviews that concept.Provide this link on your class website so students can use it for extra practice in specific areas of difficulty.
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Math Videos - mathplayground.com
2 to 10tag(s): decimals (85), fractions (160), measurement (123), numbers (119), percent (59)
In the Classroom
The possibilities at this website abound. The website offers both audio and visual descriptions for each math topic, thus enabling you to reach your visual and audio learners. Use your interactive whiteboard or projector to share a specific topic with your students. Or make the videos a learning center for students to explore independently, and view the videos that relate to their individual needs. Be sure to provide this link for home use via your class newsletter or on your website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Johnnie's Math Page - Johnnie Wilson
K to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): addition (129), counting (59), division (98), measurement (123), multiplication (122), patterns (62), probability (99), statistics (120), subtraction (110), symmetry (27), tangrams (8)
In the Classroom
What a fantastic website to include in your classroom web page and newsletter. All of these activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard or projector. Share a link to games and activities for students to play during math centers. This is an excellent resource for gifted students. The activities could also be used for enrichment, additional practice, and re-teaching skills. Use these activities for students to share as part of their digital portfolio by asking students to share their reflections and tips on learning new concepts. Seesaw is an excellent tool for creating and sharing online portfolios.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Fill-It-In Outline Mathematics - Alexander Bogomolny
1 to 10In the Classroom
These activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard (or projector). You could also provide a link to this website in your class newsletter or on your class web page. Many of the activities would provide excellent at-home practice and/or enrichment. Challenge your students to answer a question of the week for extra credit.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cool Math - Coolmath.com
K to 12tag(s): addition (129), decimals (85), logic (161), puzzles (146)
In the Classroom
Provide this link in your class newsletter or share the link on your class web page for students to use this resource for additional practice at home. Use selected activities as a center on your single classroom computer or for whole-class practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Beacon Learning Center: Student Web Lessons - Beacon Learning Center
K to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (171), evolution (89), expository writing (31), industrial revolution (22), native americans (108), primary sources (116), probability (99), symmetry (27), writing (323)
In the Classroom
If you want ready-to-go lessons guaranteed to work well on your interactive whiteboard, this collection is a winner. You simply open the activity on the whiteboard and have students tap and drag their way through as you talk with the class. (Invite your most "active" student to be "Vanna White" for a great behavior management solution). Many lessons would work well on laptops or on a computer cluster center, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A Maths Dictionary for Kids - Jenny Eather
2 to 8Another wonderful portion of the site is a new section titled Math Charts. Search this portion by choosing from areas such as numbers, operations, decimals, or much more then choose one of the sub-topics. Each chart includes a visual description of the topic and is specifically created to be printed for classroom use, choose the print button at the bottom of the page and the content will enlarge to fill the most it can in whatever size paper is chosen. Be sure not to miss the blackline masters located at the bottom of this section that contain many printables for classroom use such as fraction strips, hundreds charts, and much more.
tag(s): addition (129), charts and graphs (171), data (151), decimals (85), division (98), fractions (160), measurement (123), money (114), multiplication (122), order of operations (28), percent (59), ratios (46), subtraction (110), time (91)
In the Classroom
The math charts are a wonderful resource for classroom bulletin boards, wall decorations, and more - simply laminate for increased durability. Print onto standard sized paper for use in math notebooks or journals. Create a scavenger hunt for students to perform to find words in the math dictionary, have students write definitions and illustrations in math notebooks. View the site using your interactive whiteboard when discussing, introducing, or reviewing math concepts. Share this site through your classroom website or newsletter for reference at home. Share with ESL/ELL and Special Education teachers as a resource to use with students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Illuminations - NCTM
K to 12tag(s): data (151), measurement (123), numbers (119), operations (72), probability (99)
In the Classroom
Keep this one in your professional favorites to find supporting technology for any math concept. As you find practice or extension ideas for student use or at home reinforcement, share specific links on your class web page or classroom computer center for students to access independently or as you assign them for needed practice. The full site is overwhelming for most parents, so share the specific areas that fit your curriculum.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Slope Calculation - Explore Math
7 to 9tag(s): charts and graphs (171), equations (118)
In the Classroom
Don't miss the associated lesson plans. Share this site with students to use for additional practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NSF Classroom Resources - National Science Foundation
4 to 12tag(s): antarctica (30), arctic (40), biomes (110), chemicals (41), computers (108), cultures (172), earth (184), engineering (127), environment (246), fractions (160), geometric shapes (135), numbers (119), origami (15), planets (111), robotics (23), space (217), symmetry (27)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site as a reference site for finding further material. Under each subject find a varity of formats from forums and articles, to videos, interactives, podcasts, experiments and more. Some of the resources on this site may lead to a starting point for individual or group projects. Use parts of this site at a center. Share this site with staff (especially new teachers) and parents looking to extend science and math activities at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Internet for Classrooms - Internet4Classrooms, LLC
1 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): graphic organizers (48), polls and surveys (49), professional development (377), social networking (61)
In the Classroom
Keep this bookmarked for a variety of ideas to update your curriculum continually to keep it fresh and intriguing. The technology tutorials can teach old dogs new tricks, or also help young dogs find new tricks. Allow your students to choose from a variety of project ideas for their highest level of motivation. Add as a resource on your web site for fun sites for your students to explore. Use many tools given in tutorials to make your presentations sizzle, for students, teachers, or other audiences. Challenge gifted students with brainteasers, puzzles, accelerated curriculum, or ACT/SAT prep.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Print Free Graph Paper
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): charts and graphs (171)
In the Classroom
Save the site as a link for quick printing of graph paper when needed. Provide the link to students and parents to use at home when graph paper is needed. Quickly print graphs onto transparency film to use on overhead projectors.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pi Land - Eve Andersson
7 to 12tag(s): pi (29)
In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector, then allow students to explore on their own. Use the poems, photos, and other aesthetics as examples, then have students create their own Pi aesthetics to share on your classroom website or blog. Have a class competition to see who can memorize the most digits in Pi after training with the Pi memory trainer.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Tortoise and Hare Race - Shodor
3 to 12tag(s): estimation (33), functions (52), measurement (123), patterns (62)
In the Classroom
Provide students with a copy of the explorations questions to complete alone or with a partner. Use on your interactive whiteboard for a quick 5 minute filler, change the amount of the tortoise's head-start each time to offer different outcomes each time. Ask students to predict the outcome of each race before beginning, allow changes midway, and discuss what is happening to change students' opinions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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