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Printable World Maps - Savetz Publishing

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If you need a printable map, this site is for you! Choose from over 600 maps to download and print. Selections include a world map, maps of continents, countries, states, ...more
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If you need a printable map, this site is for you! Choose from over 600 maps to download and print. Selections include a world map, maps of continents, countries, states, and even county maps for each state. There is even more...choose from maps with and without labels, state flags, Civil War states, the list goes on. After selecting a map, click on the link, and download the PDF.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): continents (32), countries (72), maps (215), stars (70), states (124)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and share this site for any number of uses. Print a labeled world map for each student to include in their social studies notebook to reference throughout the year. Find and print maps that correlate to novels and stories being read in class and ask students to label the character's journey on the map. Use maps during science lessons to label locations and environmental features found throughout the globe. Use a map as an image and upload to Google Drawings, reviewed here, then add web links, video links, and other information to add annotation to the map. Create infographics using information learned during your map studies with Canva Infographic Creator, reviewed here, that share information about different locations around the world such as population, income, and economic statistics.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Animagraffs - Jacob O'Neal

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How do things work? See how Animagraffs answers this question using beautifully animated infographics. Learn how the human eye works, how cheetahs run so fast and explore the inside...more
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How do things work? See how Animagraffs answers this question using beautifully animated infographics. Learn how the human eye works, how cheetahs run so fast and explore the inside of solar cells, among the many other topics. After selecting an infographic, scroll through to explore the different content that includes animated graphs, images, and text.

tag(s): animals (295), animation (65), eyes (5), financial literacy (91), infographics (56), machines (15), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Share the animated graphs from this site as an introduction to learning units. Provide students time to explore the animation independently, then ask them to share interesting information learned. Use Answer Garden, reviewed here, to gather student responses and share ideas as a group. The animations found on this site are perfect to include in a blended learning space such as Curipod, reviewed here. Include videos, articles, and animations to provide a digital learning unit for your students. Use the animations as a model for students to create their own infographics using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Ask students to pay attention to what makes each infographic interesting, focusing on the graphic design, type of content, and use of graphs and images.

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Alison - Mike Feerick

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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the...more
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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the site sorted by Explore Diplomas and Certificates and Discover Careers. Under More find Assessments and a Resume Builder among other tools. Browse the home page to find the popular courses and most recent offerings. Complete the free registration to begin. Upon selecting a class, view information on the number of modules, topics, and approximate length. Upon completion, Alison provides a certificate or diploma, depending on the duration of the offerings.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): business (52), careers (141), chinese (45), coding (85), communication (129), engineering (127), french (75), german (49), literature (220), multilingual (73), OER (43), Online Learning (36), politics (117), psychology (65), sociology (23), spanish (108), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Use Alison to find professional learning courses, learn the basics of a new language, or for personal development. Share Alison with students to learn skills not offered in school or share with ENL/ESL students to use when learning English. Use Alison with student cohorts interested in learning about a new topic or preparing for college-level courses.

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OK2Ask: Increase Student Achievement and Engagement in Your Classroom with Simulations - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature of simulations can be highly motivating for even your hardest to reach students. When used properly, instructional simulations can empower student learning, helping students to set goals, seek feedback, and demonstrate what they have learned. Learn to choose simulations that model the relationships between concepts studied. In this session, we will discuss how to best use simulations in the classroom to increase student achievement, allow students to reflect on what they have learned, and transfer their knowledge to new problems and situations. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the value of using simulations in the classroom; 2. Explore instructional simulations; and 3. Plan for the use of simulations in the instructional setting. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): professional development (373), simulations (14)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants - Joe Grabowski

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Bring science, exploration, and conservation into your classroom through virtual field trips with scientists and leading experts around the globe sponsored on this site. Choose from...more
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Bring science, exploration, and conservation into your classroom through virtual field trips with scientists and leading experts around the globe sponsored on this site. Choose from their many monthly options shared via satellite. Find events by scrolling through offerings on the home page, select from map locations, or use the calendar view to browse by specific dates. Most sessions are about 45 minutes long; however, additional options offer full day and week-long events. Watch events virtually or sign up for a camera spot to interact with the session presenters. Don't worry if you are unable to attend a session, view any previous activities on the site's YouTube channel.

tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), conservation (97), ecology (102), explorers (65), oceans (147), space (216), STEM (288), virtual field trips (119), water (101)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of these free sessions to bring real-word conservation and science lessons to your students. There are three ways for your class to enjoy the sessions. The first one is to "Tune in live! Any number of classrooms can watch the events live on YouTube and even send in some questions using the chat sidebar." The second one is "Grab a camera spot so your class can appear on the screen and interact with the speaker. We generally have 5-7 classrooms joining in this way each hangout." The third viewing choice is "Every hangout is recorded directly to YouTube, we have a growing library of past events that can be viewed by classrooms anytime on our channel." See more explanations to the viewing options by clicking the wavy red lines in the upper left corner and then click For Teachers. Begin by watching virtual field trips (viewing option 3), then expand your activities in additional sessions by signing up to participate and interact with the presenters. Prepare for student questioning by brainstorming ideas. Engage students by sharing ideas using an online bulletin board tool like Pinside, reviewed here. Save and share ideas on your class website. As students research information for your upcoming topic, enhance learning by using a collaborative bookmarking tool like, reviewed here, for all students to share websites with their peers and add comments. Prepare your students further for interactions with researchers by watching videos from previous broadcasts using playposit, reviewed here, to add questions for students into the YouTube videos and encourage students to add comments discussing each issue. Most of the online tools suggested above will help students document their learning during remote or distance learning sessions.
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Open Course Library - Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

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Open Course Library is an impressive collection of free, downloadable course materials. Materials include syllabi, activities, readings, assessments, and more. The course topics cover...more
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Open Course Library is an impressive collection of free, downloadable course materials. Materials include syllabi, activities, readings, assessments, and more. The course topics cover a variety of content in all subject areas. Use the search feature to narrow down available information. Most links lead to course information found on shareable Google Documents.

tag(s): anthropology (10), business (52), careers (141), cells (83), communication (129), french (75), geology (61), literature (220), media literacy (107), nutrition (137), oceans (147), OER (43), psychology (65), sign language (10), spanish (108), speech (68), statistics (120), women (146), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Use these excellent free course materials in a variety of ways. Share courses with students with specific career interests not covered by traditional curriculums such as aerospace or anthropology. Provide students the opportunity to participate in college-level learning experiences without risk by using materials found in the courses on the site. These courses are perfect for use with gifted students to offer them content at a level that challenges them. As students learn from the information found in the courses on this site, ask them to reflect and share their learning through a digital portfolio created with Mahara, reviewed here. Students can even include their digital portfolio as part of their college application process at many universities.

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LibreTexts - LibreTexts

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LibreTexts is an open educational resource (OER) for finding and sharing textbooks, textmaps, and libretexts. The site currently covers twelve college disciplines, from chemistry to...more
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LibreTexts is an open educational resource (OER) for finding and sharing textbooks, textmaps, and libretexts. The site currently covers twelve college disciplines, from chemistry to the humanities. Advanced features within the books include embedded multimedia, embedded code, and the ability to use Hypothesis, reviewed here, as a collaborative digital annotation tool within texts. Choose the Explore the Libraries option to find material by subject. Most subjects include links to texts, course shells (teaching modules from different institutions), and homework examples.

tag(s): business (52), careers (141), cells (83), communication (129), differentiation (82), ecology (102), electricity (62), elements (34), engineering (127), environment (246), evolution (88), financial literacy (91), genetics (81), geology (61), gifted (66), literature (220), logic (161), magnetism (37), mental health (32), nutrition (137), oceans (147), OER (43), organisms (15), periodic table (46), plants (147), professional development (373), psychology (65), religions (90), sociology (23), space (216), spanish (108), statistics (120), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

LibreTexts is a bonanza for AP and teachers of gifted students. Take advantage of the free texts, course outlines, and homework resources to differentiate instruction and provide lessons for advanced students. Choose resources from LibreTexts for use in any classroom to supplement current materials. As part of career-planning activities, ask students to browse through topics that interest them. Encourage students to collaborate with others with similar career interests, both in the classroom and globally. Extend learning by suggesting that students participate in Ted-Ed Clubs, reviewed here. These Clubs allow participants to share in global meetings with peers that have a common interest. As students learn more about their chosen field, encourage them to interact with members of your community to ask questions and perhaps job shadow as a way to understand the career through personal experience. If using course materials and textbooks found on LibreTexts, this is the perfect opportunity for students to ask clarifying questions from their mentor. Enhance learning by making students the experts. Ask them to present their career findings using a multimedia tool like Sway, reviewed here, to share the information learned with peers.
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Solar System Exploration - NASA

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Take a journey deep into the solar system with this engaging site from the Planetary Science Communications team at NASA. Choose a destination within the solar system to explore facts,...more
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Take a journey deep into the solar system with this engaging site from the Planetary Science Communications team at NASA. Choose a destination within the solar system to explore facts, information, and images or scroll down the home page to read about the latest news about the solar system. Dig deeper into the site to learn about careers in space, space missions, and much more. Some portions of the site also feature a downloadable app for 3D exploration of planets, moons, asteroids, and more. Stay up to date with the monthly skywatching tips.

tag(s): explorers (65), moon (72), planets (111), solar system (108), sun (71)

In the Classroom

Use this site to offer students the opportunity to explore our solar system through interactives, facts, and informative articles. Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard then allow students to explore on their own. Because the site is dense with content, you might want to provide students specific areas and content for exploration. As students learn about different pieces of the solar system, ask them to share information using Pinup, reviewed here a labeling tool; have students use an image and create notes about information learned. For example, find a free image to use of the sun and add notes with interesting facts, including distance from the earth, the temperature on the sun, and more. Use Pinup to create an image for each planet either together as a class, or have students create their own. Use the information learned to create a lively learning game using Baamboozle, reviewed here. Baamboozle is a quick and easy two-team quiz creation game that keeps track of the score as you play. Have older students create their own quiz game for classmates to play based on the material they learned from this site and others. Enhance student learning a step further and modify classroom technology use by asking them to create books about the solar system using Book Creator, reviewed here. Book Creator includes features for students to easily create digital books using their own text, videos, and images. Use BookCreator for a variety of assignments in any classroom that is integrating technology as an enhancement, modification, or transformation. Be sure to include your students' books on your class website as part of your digital library for students and parents!

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National Geographic 101 - National Geographic

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Learn about and discover some of the world's most fascinating and timely topics with National Geographic's 101 video series. Each video is under 5 minutes and features an overview of...more
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Learn about and discover some of the world's most fascinating and timely topics with National Geographic's 101 video series. Each video is under 5 minutes and features an overview of the issue. The diverse range of video subjects includes pollution, human origins, climate change, dinosaurs, the flu virus, and many others. Click the "more" button next to each video for a transcript and tags for related videos.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): animals (295), chemicals (41), climate (82), climate change (94), dinosaurs (42), diseases (67), drugs and alcohol (28), energy (131), evolution (88), genetics (81), hiv/aids (15), moon (72), planets (111), plants (147), pollution (52), religions (90), romans (40), solar energy (34), solar system (108), space (216), STEM (288), sun (71), weather (160)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the share feature included with each video to share a link or embed videos on your class website or student computers. These videos provide a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a variety of science topics that aren't always included in the science curriculum. As students find a topic of interest on the site enhance learning by asking them to research additional information, and then use Canva, reviewed here, and to modify their technology use by creating posters or infographics sharing their findings with their peers. Include student-created posters or infographics as part of an overall presentation using a portfolio-building site like, reviewed here. Use for students to create a portfolio as their future self as a scientist sharing their research that includes posters, written work, cited research, and more.

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NASA Science - NASA

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NASA Science is the home base for sharing science news, resources, and information from the first-most science authority, NASA. Choose from many different areas to explore this comprehensive...more
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NASA Science is the home base for sharing science news, resources, and information from the first-most science authority, NASA. Choose from many different areas to explore this comprehensive site. Browse the home page for an overview of recent additions that include the latest tweets, countdown clocks, and Science by the Numbers. Dig deeper by choosing specific portions of the site including Science Topics and Science News. If your school blocks YouTube the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): earth (184), explorers (65), solar system (108), space (216), STEM (288), sun (71)

In the Classroom

Become acquainted with the information shared on this site to use within your current lessons on space and science. View videos together on your interactive whiteboard or have students view videos at home and share questions and their thoughts in class. Include information from this site with other web resources to share with students. Use a bookmarking site like, reviewed here, to share online resources collaboratively. In addition to saving bookmarks, allows you to add comments to saved resources. Work together as a class to create resources for researching science topics. Instead of just watching videos, increase and enhance student learning through the use of a site such as playposit, reviewed here. playposit offers tools for adding both student and teacher comments to online videos. Use this resource to point out important information, ask critical questions, and challenge student thinking. Instead of assessing student learning of your science topic through tests or research projects, offer students the opportunity to share learning by creating their own game based on their research using a game-creation tool like Scratch, reviewed here.

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Inspark Teaching Network - Center for Education Through Exploration at Arizona State Univ.

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The Inspark Teaching Network is a collaboration of global science educators creating and sharing next-generation science courses. Join the network through sign up as an educator or...more
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The Inspark Teaching Network is a collaboration of global science educators creating and sharing next-generation science courses. Join the network through sign up as an educator or student. Learn and teach science using the options for smart courses and virtual field trips. Lessons include three options for teaching - open and use the course in its current form, enroll students to gather data and monitor progress, or customize the experience to your needs.

tag(s): cells (83), habitats (90), human body (93), organisms (15), planets (111), rock cycle (12), rocks (35), solar system (108), stars (70), Teacher Utilities (183), virtual field trips (119)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lessons and virtual experiences to enhance your current science lessons. These activities are also perfect for differentiating instruction for gifted learners or for correlating to varying student interests. Instead of using written journals, consider replacing them by asking students to use an online portfolio tool such as Pathbrite, reviewed here, to showcase their learning. Use Pathbrite to set up a digital exhibit demonstrating the science concept learned using multimedia features included in Pathbrite like videos, images and supporting articles. Ask students to modify technology use and demonstrate learning by creating an explainer video using CapCut, reviewed here, or another video creation tool. For the musically inclined student, ask them to create a rap song or poem sharing their learning and produce a video to share on SchoolTube, reviewed here.
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Nova Labs - PBS

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Engage in authentic scientific exploration with the games and interactives offered through Nova Labs. Engage in lab topics of cybersecurity, evolution, RNA, clouds, energy, and the...more
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Engage in authentic scientific exploration with the games and interactives offered through Nova Labs. Engage in lab topics of cybersecurity, evolution, RNA, clouds, energy, and the sun. Each interactive includes a collection of videos providing background information. The site also shares educator guides specific to each lab with strategies for use.

tag(s): cells (83), critical thinking (122), energy (131), evolution (88), internet safety (113), Research (84), solar energy (34), sun (71), weather (160)

In the Classroom

Nova Labs provides many opportunities for engaging students in authentic learning situations. Consider using this site as an introduction to any of the included topics. For example, begin your energy unit by assigning the energy lab as homework or as a flipped learning activity. Watch the introductory video together, then allow students to explore the site on their own. Use Playposit, reviewed here, extend technology use by adding questions and student responses to videos to encourage critical thinking skills. Have students share their learning after participating in the lab by annotating images using Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Google Drawings presents a variety of levels for technology use depending on teacher requirements for the project, or even student ability; it allows for adding narration, videos, text, and links to help explain the project. Ask tech-savvy students to create their own learning games with Scratch, reviewed here, using information learned from their research.
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SciGirls Connect! - Twin Cities Public Television

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SciGirls Connect! provides resources to connect and encourage girls to engage in STEM (Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology) activities including videos, interactives, and hands-on...more
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SciGirls Connect! provides resources to connect and encourage girls to engage in STEM (Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology) activities including videos, interactives, and hands-on activities. Browse the site to find resources divided into topics including technology, role-model profiles, and various science themes. Additional information provides resources for teachers including participation and lesson guides. SciGirls Connect! places a heavy emphasis on providing resources in Spanish, these include Latina role-models and Spanish versions of most content.

tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), careers (141), earth (184), engineering (127), environment (246), graphic design (49), heart (27), nutrition (137), space (216), spanish (108), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Bookmark SciGirls Connect! as a resource for finding interesting classroom activities for both girls and boys. Consider creating an after-school club for girls to explore different STEM careers and activities; if possible, bring in female STEM leaders from your community to help host the club or provide ongoing activities and support. Encourage the use of technology by incorporating and embedding digital tools throughout your STEM lessons. For example, instead of asking students to take notes using pencil and paper, use Google Docs or Microsoft Word. As students continue through their learning activities, use editing tools in these office products to add comments, images, and additional information. Be sure to demonstrate how to view editing changes to your students so that they can look back and reflect on their work throughout the process. Encourage your students to reflect upon their work both during individual activities and throughout the year with the use of a digital portfolio tool like Seesaw, reviewed here. Use Seesaw to create individual accounts for students to take pictures, add video, and add written commentary as part of their reflection and assessment of activities. Really enhance student learning and technology use by letting them become the teacher. Extend learning and technology use by asking students to create podcasts using Anchor, reviewed here, to teach others about concepts in science and technology, or share information about STEM careers. In addition to podcasts, you can also extend technology use and learning by asking students to use a video explainer tool like Adobe Express Video Maker, reviewed here to demonstrate and share the procedures of experiments.
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NASA Image and Video Library - NASA

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Do you need "out of this world" images? NASA provides images, video, and audio for non-commercial use, free. Browse through the newest uploads or most popular items to get an ...more
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Do you need "out of this world" images? NASA provides images, video, and audio for non-commercial use, free. Browse through the newest uploads or most popular items to get an idea of included items. If looking for specific topics, use the search bar to locate material by keyword, then use the filters to narrow down by the type of content desired. All items include a link to download to your computer along with links to share by URL or with social media. Be sure to check out the Media Usage guidelines for complete details on the usage of the site's content.

tag(s): images (260), planets (111), space (216), stars (70), video (264)

In the Classroom

Include this site with your other bookmarks for images and space-related content. Use Symbaloo, reviewed here, to share all of your space bookmarks in one easy to find location. This NASA site is an excellent resource for finding images to use with creative writing prompts; display an interesting image from the site for student storytelling lessons. Exchange paper and pen writing journals, and share their writing using Edublog, reviewed here. As students learn about space topics, ask them to find an image on this site then use Image Annotator, reviewed here, to enhance their learning by annotating the image with text, video, and web links to additional information. Extend student learning by having students create a video presentation about space using a video creation tool like Typito, reviewed here. Typito includes templates and additional tools to create professional-looking videos or use your own images and video.

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ESASky - European Space Agency

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Prepare to be amazed by the incredible features found on this interactive map of the Milky Way created with images taken during space missions. Take full advantage of the site ...more
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Prepare to be amazed by the incredible features found on this interactive map of the Milky Way created with images taken during space missions. Take full advantage of the site by viewing the tutorial video explanations (at the top far right menu) of the many features included. View different portions of the interactive by choosing the random option or select from the included target list to see targets by class such as galaxies or nebulae. Additional options allow you to zoom in and out when viewing images. The video tutorials reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

tag(s): moon (72), planets (111), space (216), stars (70)

In the Classroom

If you teach astronomy be sure to bookmark this site for easy reference at any time. Make it easy for students to find bookmarked sites like this by creating a Padlet, reviewed here, with all of your shared resources. Create columns in your Padlet to organize resources by type or topic. For example, create columns for interactives like this site, video explainers, and informative websites. Use the share button included on this site to share specific regions or resources with students for use in class or research. As students learn about different star formations, have them modify their technology use and enhance their learning as they create infographics using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here, to describe and share facts about their research. As a final project, have students redefine their technology use and extend their learning by including their infographic in a multimedia presentation as an alternative to a typical research paper. Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, offers tools for creating web pages that include videos, photos, and slide presentations.

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Frostbite Theater - Jefferson Lab

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Frostbite Theater is a video collection of more than 80 science demonstrations and experiments hosted on YouTube. Many of the experiments feature the use of liquid nitrogen, dry ice,...more
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Frostbite Theater is a video collection of more than 80 science demonstrations and experiments hosted on YouTube. Many of the experiments feature the use of liquid nitrogen, dry ice, and electricity. Most videos are less than eight minutes long. The entertaining format helps maintain high-interest levels with even the most complex science topics. Be sure to discuss how to access YouTube on school computers with your school's tech department if necessary.

tag(s): butterflies (13), electricity (62), gravity (42), light (54), moon (72), water (101), weather (160)

In the Classroom

Before watching these video experiments, ask students to predict the outcomes. Replace traditional voting methods and use an online voting tool like Dotstorming, reviewed here to generate ideas, and have students vote on their choice. Instead of just watching and discussing the videos, make them interactive, enhancing student learning, using Playposit, reviewed here. Playposit offers options for creating interactive videos by adding teacher and student questions and comments. Use these videos as a model for students to transform their learning by recording and creating their own video experiments. Use a tool like moovly, reviewed here. Share student videos on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.

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Expii Solve - Expii, Inc.

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Solve interactive math and science puzzles based on current events with Expii Solve. Choose from over 70 sets of questions with topics including the Super Bowl, Star Wars, fashion,...more
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Solve interactive math and science puzzles based on current events with Expii Solve. Choose from over 70 sets of questions with topics including the Super Bowl, Star Wars, fashion, holidays, and more. Each topic includes a set of five problems with each question increasing in difficulty. If you need help, use links to tutorials at the bottom of each question. Registration isn't required; however, registering allows you to track progress in completing puzzles.

tag(s): cultures (172), holidays (185), logic (161), problem solving (228)

In the Classroom

Be sure to save these puzzles for use throughout the school year. Use these problems as a substitute for your typical homework assignments. Include questions as part of math or science centers. Replace pencil and paper journals or notebooks by having students blog about their learning and understanding using Tumblr, reviewed here. Ask groups of students to work on topics together then share their results with the class. To enhance student learning and understanding, consider instituting a recurring podcast for students to share problems and discuss problem-solving strategies. Use a site such as podOmatic, reviewed here.

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SCALE Science Education - Stanford University

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SCALE Science Education offers performance-based science lessons for middle schoolers correlated to Next Generation Science Standards. Each of the three resources includes a complete...more
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SCALE Science Education offers performance-based science lessons for middle schoolers correlated to Next Generation Science Standards. Each of the three resources includes a complete set of materials for teachers and students; some also include slide presentations. In addition to lessons, materials also have links to optional resources incorporating literacy skills and assessments.

tag(s): adaptations (16), biodiversity (36), cells (83), chemicals (41), climate change (94), earth (184), ecosystems (80), energy (131), genealogy (8), genetics (81), matter (46), oceans (147), solar system (108), space (216)

In the Classroom

Save yourself a little time with these free units and include them with your current teaching materials. Also, take advantage of the site's free webinar introducing the materials and how to use them in the classroom. Instead of using written journals throughout your unit, ask students to replace these by keeping online journals with Microsoft Word or Google Documents: alternatively have students use a blog tool such as, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration. With have students click on an icon to upload related images, add YouTube or Vimeo links. Throughout the lessons ask students to highlight and share important information, add annotations, and add links to additional information. As you add resources for students, use Wakelet, reviewed here, to share information on your website or blog. Ask students to enhance their learning and create personal Wakelets including images from projects and their journal entries. As a final project, have students extend their learning by creating an explainer video of their activities using a video creation tool like Typito, reviewed here. Typito includes a broad range of editing tools in an easy to use format for creating video explainers.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Expii - Expii, Inc.

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Expii is a free resource for learning about math and science topics creatively through video and written explanations provided by different expert contributors. Math content begins...more
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Expii is a free resource for learning about math and science topics creatively through video and written explanations provided by different expert contributors. Math content begins with pre-algebra and moves up through advanced topics. Many units also offer options for practice. Expii also encourages students and teachers to add their content. Search for topics by keyword or choose from the different math and science topics to begin learning. Use Expii without registering; however, free registration allows you to save favorites for later use. If your district blocks YouTube, then the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): atoms (44), cells (83), charts and graphs (170), decimals (85), earth (184), electricity (62), equations (118), fractions (159), magnetism (37), molecules (43), number lines (33), number sense (70), planets (111), ratios (46), space (216), stars (70), STEM (288), sun (71), transformations (12), variables (14)

In the Classroom

Include Expii with your links for students to use at home and in class. Expii is an excellent way to provide content explanation through the voice of many different speakers, allowing the opportunity to increase student understanding. To enhance learning, ask groups of students to view lessons provided by the different contributors, then ask them to compare and contrast information by creating a concept map or Venn Diagram using Canva, reviewed here. At the end of a teaching unit, ask students to redefine what they learned using a multimedia tool like Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, or Sway, reviewed here, to share their learning. Be sure to have them include their own video explanation of the content.

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Science News for Students - Society for Science and the Public

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Science News for Students publishes daily science articles aimed at readers 9-14 years old. Written by science experts, this site features a variety of topics geared toward preteens....more
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Science News for Students publishes daily science articles aimed at readers 9-14 years old. Written by science experts, this site features a variety of topics geared toward preteens. Each story includes highlighted "power" words including providing definitions for lesser-known vocabulary. At the end of each article, find a readability score using the Flesch-Kincaid algorithm. Browse the site's home page for the most recent posts or use the Topics link to find information sorted into categories. This site also includes a keyword search to use when looking for specific information. Some articles include YouTube videos; if your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

tag(s): body systems (41), brain (56), careers (141), earth (184), environment (246), evolution (88), genetics (81), human body (93), space (216), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Include a link to Science News for Students on classroom computers to include with other non-fiction reading resources for students. Have students browse through the site to find information of interest when choosing science fair or research topics. Enhance students' learning by asking them to create an infographic related to a science topic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. This very easy to use tool includes drag and drop tools for easy creation of infographics using included templates or your own design. Take student research a step further and redefine their technology use by having students use Google Drawings, reviewed here, to upload an image related to their science research and add annotations. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. to upload an image related to their science research and add annotations. Weaker readers will need a reading buddy for some of the more challenging articles. Classes in lower grades will want to read the articles together. A quick check on one article using Juicy Studio's Readability test, reviewed here, provided an approximate grade level of 6.5. Check articles before assigning to elementary students. You might also want to use Word Sift, reviewed here, to quickly identify important words that appear in the text.

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