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New York Times Science Lesson Plans - New York Times

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Looking for ways to link current science events and skills such as reading and writing across the curriculum in your science classroom? Visit this ideal internet location! Created by...more
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Looking for ways to link current science events and skills such as reading and writing across the curriculum in your science classroom? Visit this ideal internet location! Created by the people of the New York Times, this lesson plan idea page has all the tools to put together quick, technology, reading and science based lessons in a fraction of the time it would take to pool the resources on your own.

tag(s): cross cultural understanding (172), main idea (8), news (228)

In the Classroom

Scan the lessons. Choose topics appropriate to your content, and then incorporate into your classroom at will. Break lessons apart into both classroom and online discussions for students. A little disclaimer: some of these cutting edge science topics can be controversial so make sure to adequately prepare your students before embarking on these learning adventures.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Watch Know Learn - Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi

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What is Watch Know Learn? Short for "You Watch, You Know, You Learn" it provides explanations for students. Finding bits of information to help students can be frustrating as resources...more
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What is Watch Know Learn? Short for "You Watch, You Know, You Learn" it provides explanations for students. Finding bits of information to help students can be frustrating as resources are disorganized on the web and may be hard to find." Watch Know Learn" is a free site that organizes small video clips to help with the understanding of a variety of topics in subject areas. Search by age (3-18+). You can click and drag the age filter to the youngest and oldest ages to include. Videos are also organized by sequence of topics taught. The site is an ongoing project with input from educators and organizations interested in education of children. Registration is not required to view the videos. Creating and saving videos to the site, as well as commenting, require registration. You can monitor site recent changes and additions using the "Change Log."

tag(s): computers (108), crafts (62), decimals (85), environment (246), ethics (21), fractions (159), holidays (185), Juneteenth (22), scientific method (48), video (264), vocabulary development (94), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Search for videos relevant to your upcoming units or share the link with older students to search on their own. Use clips as engaging openings to units or as a review at the end. Have students identify the main points in the video and relate it back to class information. Students can use the examples on the site to create their own videos about a topic they have studied that could be beneficial to others.

If you do join the site to submit videos (for more adventurous technology users), we recommend uploading, commenting, and participating in the project (the creation and growth of WatchKnow) as a whole-class collaborative activity. If your students create videos, critique them locally before submitting them to the site as the "bests" from your class.

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ScribbleMaps - Scribble Maps

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Use this tool to "draw" on and label any map available through Google Maps, including maps of the night sky! No registration or email required! Create a colorful, personalized map ...more
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Use this tool to "draw" on and label any map available through Google Maps, including maps of the night sky! No registration or email required! Create a colorful, personalized map with added scribbles and labels. Add your choice of place marker labels for geology locations, people, etc. There are even little icons available to use. Your drawing, or "Scribble Map" is then available to share by URL, email, or print. Slightly more savvy users can download, save as a KML file (readable in Google Maps or Google Earth), or embed the map in another site. The tools include sharing the map on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), as well. Add images by pasting in their URLs. Drawing tools include lines, circles, place pointers, text labels, and color/size/transparency controls for all tools. Place pointers can be edited by selecting them (arrow tool), then clicking the small pencil. This site does include Ads and all the normal controls of Google maps, including satellite, map, terrain, hybrid views and Night Sky. See a sample Scribble Map created by the TeachersFirst editors (drag the map with your mouse!). Explore the tools and MENU options at the top left when you start out. Try the different Maps views (lower right) and zoom controls. Search for a starter location using the search at the top left, just below the tools. There is no help available, but it is easy to do basic maps. Share, save, etc. by clicking Menu (top left). When you first save a map, it will ask you to create a password for that map to use to edit it later. Note that if you SAVE a map and share it by URL, those accessing it will be able to use the tools and change the map. If you want them to see it without changing it, you will need to embed it in a blog, wiki, or other web site. The map ID can be changed and customized by simply typing in your own choice of ID when you are saving the map.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): directions (11), geology (61), landforms (37), landmarks (22), map skills (59), maps (215), space (216)

In the Classroom

Students and teachers will want to keep a written record or map URLS and passwords for future reference. Model this for students so they do not lose hours of work! Teachers can prepare partially-made maps or maps for students to make corrections and changes by giving the students the URL, then having them SAVE the map with a NEW ID. To SAVE the map with a new name and URL, click "Save map" in the menu, then enter your OWN map ID. Students could use a code including their initials, such as SJ12-3-09 for a map made by Sally Jones on Dec 3, 2009. Teachers should PASSWORD protect their originals so changes can only be saved under a new name. Similarly, if a student saves the map with a map password, they don't have to worry about other students vandalizing their work. But they DO need to remember the password! Wise teachers will keep a class list of maps and passwords for forgetful students! In primary grades, make maps of your local community together on your interactive whiteboard as you teach basic map skills. Create your own "key" with symbols you choose for playgrounds, etc. Have students help map locations of favorite playgrounds, grandparents' houses, stores, etc. as they gain basic understanding of map skills. Make sure you allow students to operate the tools! Save the map and share it as a link from your class web site (or embed it there). Keep names generic so it is "safe." Other ideas to challenge gifted student beyond the curriculum or elevate challenge for small groups include: natural resource maps, immigration maps, maps of civil war battles day by day, maps of key sites in the life of a famous person, artist, or author, maps of the settings in a novel, landform maps of a continent or state, "My life" maps of places important to an elementary student's family, annotated watershed maps of pollution sources, maps of the water cycle, maps of constellations in the night sky created by students to demonstrate understanding, maps of a dream community to be built in a vacant area (desert), including the water sources, etc. that will be needed, maps of a redesigned city/town on top of its current map. Teachers can provide map challenges or templates to be completed or corrected, including maps where students must label distances and cardinal directions between points (using map scale and skills). Or provide a teacher-created map with labels in the wrong places for students to correct the landforms, resources, etc. What will YOU do with Scribble Maps?

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Toys from trash - Arvind Gupta

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Looking for simple ways to showcase simple math and science concepts? No money for classroom materials? Look no further. Use these simple instructions for making educational toys using...more
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Looking for simple ways to showcase simple math and science concepts? No money for classroom materials? Look no further. Use these simple instructions for making educational toys using everyday materials. Each toy easily demonstrates concepts that are basic for understanding processes of science. View an unbelievable amount of toys under the following categories: "Amazing Astronomy," "Pumps from the Dump," "Math Magic," "Paper Fun," Tipping Toppling Toys," Motor and Generator," "Electricity and Magnetism," "Newton Unplugged," "Fun with Pressure," "Fun with Light," "Toys from Trash," "Simple Sounds," "Strong Structures," "Flying Toys," "Force Fun," "Spinning Toys," and others. View annotated photos of the construction process or download detailed instructions. This site requires adobe Acrobat. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.

tag(s): light (54), newton (21), sound (72)

In the Classroom

Share this site on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use the simple directions and pictures for students to make their own manipulatives. After creating and observing, students can share their observations and the math and science processes can be uncovered. Use these to uncover misconceptions and dispel myths that undermine understanding of processes. Group students to choose one manipulative and present the concept to the class. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own "Toy From Trash." Have the groups create videos to share their "toys" and instructions. Share the video clips using a site such as Teachers.TV reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Geometry Games - Jeff Weeks

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Download free shareware games to encourage thinking and practice identifying geometric shapes. Many of the downloads are games, while others provide opportunities to view computer art...more
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Download free shareware games to encourage thinking and practice identifying geometric shapes. Many of the downloads are games, while others provide opportunities to view computer art and find the hidden geometry or for students to create their own! There are also activities connecting math to physics and astronomy.

Be sure to check with your technology department about the ability to download these applications to school computers. Many districts have restrictions on the ability to download. Click on each game icon to read a description of the games included and some uses. Games are Mac and Windows compatible. Read their FAQ link with each set of games for the most asked questions about the shareware. Once downloaded, to "stop" a program, click Esc. If you are not allowed to install software on your own, share these powerful games with your math or art supervisors so they can advocate for you with the tech folks.

tag(s): geometric shapes (135), symmetry (27), tessellations (3)

In the Classroom

Use many of the images as an introductory inquiry activity to get students thinking about shapes and space. In art class, use the tiling activity and others on a projector before having student create their own on paper. Share the activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Provide images to groups to explore and identify the underlying math concepts present in the artwork. Provide an opportunity for some groups to create their own work with a geometric shape that they are investigating. Follow up with student projects of the geometric shape or photographs of geometric shapes in nature and man-made structures.

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Equinox, Eclipse, & Space Vocabulary -

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Come to this site to learn more about space! This site features several interactive puzzles, a word bank of about 30 vocabulary words, an "alphalary" of solar system terms, and ...more
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Come to this site to learn more about space! This site features several interactive puzzles, a word bank of about 30 vocabulary words, an "alphalary" of solar system terms, and more. Many of the activities are able to be printed FREE of charge.

tag(s): solar system (108), space (216), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Use this site to enhance your astronomy lessons. The word bank could easily be used as vocabulary words for students to research on their own. Share the word puzzles on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students attempt to create their own word puzzles about an astronomy topic that your class is studying. Use an online puzzle creation tool such as Just Crosswords reviewed here or Puzzlemaker, reviewed here.

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Science Fair Projects World - Solar System 3D Simulator - Science Fair Projects World

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Use this free application to create accurate 3D models of the solar system. Show the planets and orbits as well as the sun and the moon. View detailed information of ...more
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Use this free application to create accurate 3D models of the solar system. Show the planets and orbits as well as the sun and the moon. View detailed information of the physical and chemical make-up of the planets, the energy of the sun, and details of solar eclipse. View all images in great color. Change orbit views or tilt and rotate orbits to other angles. Speed up or slow down the movement of the solar system. Application download is for Windows PC only and appears NOT to work with Vista.

tag(s): planets (111), solar system (108)

In the Classroom

Users will need the skills of downloading and finding and managing applications. The software is easy to use and has a wonderful interface for finding great information about the planets. The only safety concern is whether your school's policy allows you to install this free software. If not, try approaching an administrator or department head to show them the descriptions and request installation at least on you teacher computer for sharing on projector and/or whiteboard.

Use this free model to understand the physics of the universe or learn astronomy. Use as a science fair project, to ask questions or find answers, and to create material for presentation online or in class. Share the model on your interactive whiteboard or projector.

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The Hubble Heritage Project - The Space Telescope Science Institute

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View outstanding and remarkable pictures taken from the Hubble Space Telescope. Click on "Information Center" for information about the gallery, the project, frequently asked questions,...more
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View outstanding and remarkable pictures taken from the Hubble Space Telescope. Click on "Information Center" for information about the gallery, the project, frequently asked questions, and other astronomy resources. View the "Image Gallery" by category (Galaxies, Nebulae, Star Fields and Globular clusters, or Solar System Objects,) an index view, or a gallery view. The "Pan and Zoom Gallery" uses Flash to provide controls to navigate the image as well as zoom in and out. View pictures in the "Black and White Gallery" as well as beautiful "Hubble Art." Click on any image in the "Black and white Gallery" to view the image, learn about the image, and choose picture formats. This site requires Flash. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.

tag(s): solar system (108), space (216)

In the Classroom

Provide students Hubble pictures of various objects. Have students brainstorm similarities and difference among objects prior to telling them the names of the objects. Have students present their thoughts to the class, provide the names and allow time for students to do additional research. Place the information in a blog or wiki or even create an interactive book using a tool such as Bookemon. Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to present the aspects of various objects in space.

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StarDate Online - McDonald Observatory

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Use this comprehensive site to learn about the planets of the solar system as well as other objects. Use the "Stargazing" tab to view "Constellation Guide," "Moon Phases," "Eclipeses,"...more
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Use this comprehensive site to learn about the planets of the solar system as well as other objects. Use the "Stargazing" tab to view "Constellation Guide," "Moon Phases," "Eclipeses," and more. Under the "Classroom" tab find resources such as "Lesson Plans," and "Classroom Activities," There are lessons from K-12. In the "Astro Guide" section, you will find a wealth of information and pictures about the Sun, inner planets, outer planets, and minor bodies. View past and future planned space missions. Links to keywords allow for a greater understanding of the material. Activities in the "Resources" section are listed along the side with appropriate ages. Ask Merlin provides questions and their answers. A tab to the "Gift Shop" is available, so students should be cautioned. Some of the classroom activities require Adobe Reader.

tag(s): moon (72), planets (111), solar system (108), space (216)

In the Classroom

Use the activities in the Classroom resource section to provide background material for understanding Astronomy. Many activities may already be known to the teacher, but these are thoroughly explained. Students could even teach the concepts to their classmates and use these activities as a demonstration.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Mars Today - Spaceref Interactive

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The Mars Rover is providing information continually. Use this site to keep track of recent findings, developments, and understandings from the Mars Rover. This site appears as a series...more
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The Mars Rover is providing information continually. Use this site to keep track of recent findings, developments, and understandings from the Mars Rover. This site appears as a series of news articles listed in reverse chronological order along with their abstracts. Click on each newsworthy item to learn more information. Additional links are provided in each article. A Spaceref directory can be found that links to additional Mars related topics on the website. There are some advertisements at this website.

tag(s): mars (26), planets (111), solar system (108)

In the Classroom

Students can use this site to challenge previous information or myths with new findings. Have students create a timeline showing the launch, travel, landing, and findings from the Mars rover mission.

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The Nine Planets - William A. Arnett

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Here's a planet-by-planet introduction to the solar system which features stunning photographs and supporting content. If you are thinking that there are eight planets and not nine,...more
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Here's a planet-by-planet introduction to the solar system which features stunning photographs and supporting content. If you are thinking that there are eight planets and not nine, you are right, and the website points out that fact. This continually-updated site has much of the latest research on all planets, moons, and other bodies in our solar system. This site goes beyond the pictures that are courtesy of NASA as well as the information learned from countless missions. The site also provides insight into how to view planets with binoculars and other materials as well as information on mythology and history. View the movies provided and listen to the recorded sounds. Gain a renewed appreciation of the solar system using this informative site. This site does include some advertising. But it is not distracting from the great content.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): moon (72), planets (111), solar system (108)

In the Classroom

Want to find updated information about the objects in the solar system? Have your students use this site. Divide your students into groups and have them report on a particular object in the solar system. Have them present a report on one of the 8 planets, as though teaching their peers. Have students create a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint Online. This version of PowerPoint allows you to narrate a picture. Challenge students to find a photo (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate the photo as if it is a news report. To find Creative Commons images for student projects (with credit, of course), try Pikwizard. Consider making a class wiki about the solar system and including drawings or photos your students might create from their observations.

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Earth & Space Science Resources - Kids Astronomy - kidsknowitnetwork

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This site provides answers to many questions about the solar system, including information about planets, constellations, deep space, space exploration, and the universe. Click on any...more
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This site provides answers to many questions about the solar system, including information about planets, constellations, deep space, space exploration, and the universe. Click on any category to begin an in-depth explanation that goes several levels deeper. The site also includes an astronomy dictionary and links to news about space related topics.

tag(s): earth (184), planets (111), solar system (108), space (216)

In the Classroom

This site contains in-depth portions on planets and space exploration. Refer students to this when natural events like eclipses and comets are occurring. Use this site as the starting point for individual or group projects or as a major resource for your astronomy unit. Use your interactive whiteboard or projector to create an anticipatory set for a new lesson. Once this site is introduced, set up a science learning station for students to explore assigned areas of the site on individual computers.

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The Case Files - The Franklin Institute

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This wonderfully informative website provides numerous "case files" about many famous people from the world of science and technology. There are five major areas including computing,...more
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This wonderfully informative website provides numerous "case files" about many famous people from the world of science and technology. There are five major areas including computing, transportation, cosmic inquiry, energy, and communications. Click the names of the famous people to learn more about their specific inventions and/or contributions to science and technology. The downloadable PDF also includes images of artifacts from each scientist's life: diaries, writings, and more. Numerous famous scientists and inventors are included (Alexander Graham Bell, William Jennings, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Catherine Gibbon, and many others).

tag(s): aviation (40), energy (131), inventors and inventions (80), scientists (63), transportation (31)

In the Classroom

Why not use this website as a resource for "case file" research projects. Assign each student (or groups of students) a different person to investigate. Weaker readers may need a partner with strong reading skills. Then have the students present a multimedia presentation about their "case file." Some tool suggestions are (click on the tool name to access the review): Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, Vevox, Animatron, Renderforest, and Microsoft PowerPoint Online. Or have a day when students actually portray their scientist and interact with others "in character."

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Animated Virtual Planetarium - Paul Stoddard

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This website shows how the solar system rotates as time passes. Click "Visible" Solar System to start the simulation. Use the date and time controls to manipulate "time." You can ...more
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This website shows how the solar system rotates as time passes. Click "Visible" Solar System to start the simulation. Use the date and time controls to manipulate "time." You can also see the skies from the ground, view the sun in relation to the earth and other planets, and more. Students will marvel at the comet simulation and the comet and eclipse predictors. The website also features information on each separate planet and alternate historical views of the solar system, including the Copernican and the Jovian. The site requires JAVA. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..

tag(s): earth (184), moon (72), planets (111), sun (71)

In the Classroom

Use your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to show students how the night sky changes as the hours pass. Since the print is small, have students use the whteboard pens to cirle things or point out special features of the "sky." There is a Notes for Teachers link that provides descriptions of each activity and some ideas to incorporate the activities into your class.

Use this website when teaching ESL/ELL students about space and the solar system since this website is highly visual and contains few words.

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Secret Worlds: The Universe Within - Florida State University

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Students will love to see this! Start outside the Milky Way galaxy and zoom in through powers of ten until you see the smallest part of a proton in an ...more
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Students will love to see this! Start outside the Milky Way galaxy and zoom in through powers of ten until you see the smallest part of a proton in an atom on a leaf. The site further explains exponential notation (for older students). Although the content appears at first to be geared to older students, the Student Activities (lesson plans) are for elementary and middle school. Other pages on the site include "Optics Timeline," "Student Activities," "Teacher Resources," and "Tutorials." Tutorials require Java. Use the activities to explore photography, lenses and prisms, colors, shadows, crystals, and other topics. Activities explain how things work such as cameras, eyeglasses, and telescopes. The Teacher resources follow the student activities by providing an online activity guidebook.

tag(s): photography (121), space (216)

In the Classroom

Use the powers of 10 images to show relationships and scale in nature. Begin your lesson by using a tutorial. Students can work cooperatively to change parameters in the tutorial and to determine basic concepts uncovered through play with the tutorial. Students can discuss what they learned in a class discussion, lab report, or other format. Use a corresponding activity for classwork. Consult the coordinating "Teacher Resources" for guidelines and other activities using multi-sensory learning such as artistic and language interpretations. Use the Molecular Expressions website when students achieve mastery of the basic activities. The Molecular Expressions website can also be used for High School students. View the web resources for websites that offer interest to your students. Students can also research history of the concept being studied, focusing on the researchers and concepts involved.

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Universal Leonardo - University of the Arts, London

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Leonardo da Vinci is one of history's greatest geniuses. This site looks at Leonardo's work in ways that highlight how comprehensive and interdisciplinary his impact has been. Of...more
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Leonardo da Vinci is one of history's greatest geniuses. This site looks at Leonardo's work in ways that highlight how comprehensive and interdisciplinary his impact has been. Of course, you can examine his individual works of art, but this site is organized along threads, which you can access through a traditional menu or through an interactive web. Follow Leonardo's influence in math, through his inventions, in his understanding of the human body or his examination of the natural world. There is an abundance of information to learn on this site, however, there are also some just-plain-fun flash-enabled games to play like making the Mona Lisa smile broadly by correctly answering questions about her, practice mirror writing, or see if you can power his glider across a ravine.

tag(s): renaissance (38)

In the Classroom

Because Leonardo's work crosses so many curricular boundaries, teachers from many different disciplines might find this site useful as part of a lesson on a projector or interactive whiteboard, particularly when painting "the big picture" for students (no pun intended!). Art teachers, of course, can access Leonardo's work, but science teachers can use the interactive games to illustrate principles of physics or early understanding of the human body. History or literature teachers might use the site to personify the term "Renaissance Man" for students studying the time period. Whatever your discipline, be sure to make the link available from your teacher web page for curious students to explore outside of class.

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NASA for Educators: STEM Engagement - NASA

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Discover hundreds of resources for educators of students of all ages to support STEM curriculum at this site provided by NASA. Interactive games, activities, lessons, videos, facts,...more
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Discover hundreds of resources for educators of students of all ages to support STEM curriculum at this site provided by NASA. Interactive games, activities, lessons, videos, facts, projects...the NASA list of resources is vast. Use the keyword search to find content by specific topic or select from the grade level bands to view resources. The content also includes the latest space station updates and opportunities for educators. Be sure to follow the link to NASA Wavelength to find the large database of lessons searchable by topic, grade level, instructional strategy, and type of resource. TeachersFirst lists many individual activities and lessons, but this well-designed teacher portal will give you access to even more. Explore this site for a wealth of information about NASA, space, math, and science in general. From history to the present, your students will grow in NASA knowledge as they interact with the site. All ages, from preschool to college, can find appropriate information at this site.

tag(s): moon (72), nasa (30), planets (111), robotics (23), space (216), STEM (288), sun (71)

In the Classroom

This site is a must-see for all science and STEM teachers. Be sure to bookmark the site to use for lesson plans and student interactives. Easily create and share links for students using a bookmarking tool like Symbaloo, reviewed here for younger students or Papaly, reviewed here for older students. Both sites make it easy to share a group of links in one easy-to-find page. Extend classroom technology use when working with online articles, by using Fiskkit, reviewed here, as a collaborative discussion tool. After creating a Fiskkit account, use the site's tools to share a link to any online article and highlight information to use as part of your discussion. Students then can add their own thoughts to the article, making it a shared collaboration and reflection piece. As a final project, transform classroom technology use by asking students to create explainer videos using , reviewed here to demonstrate learning of concepts. Reading teachers seeking non-fiction articles for comprehension practice will find excellent options from the news listings on the home page.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Celebrating NASA's 50th Anniversary - NASA

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Celebrate NASA's 50th anniversary with 50 historic images. Browse through the presentation to find spectacular pictures of planets, astronauts on the moon, and much more. Download images...more
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Celebrate NASA's 50th anniversary with 50 historic images. Browse through the presentation to find spectacular pictures of planets, astronauts on the moon, and much more. Download images in full size, original quality, or other options. Each image includes a short description of the content. Select the link to the original 50th-anniversary site for additional but limited content, including a postcard gallery and the original 2008 Folklife Festival webpage.

tag(s): gravity (42), moon (72), nasa (30), solar system (108), space (216), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Share this site with students as you learn about and research space exploration, rocket science, or famous explorers. Because the date of NASA's 50th anniversary took place in 2008, include this information and images to give students a perspective of space exploration in the early 21st century. Download images and add to IdeaBoardz, reviewed here for students to share their scientific developments since 2008. For example, share images taken with the Hubble Telescope found on this site with those taken by the James Webb Telescope in later years. Find many images of both telescopes at Amazing Space, reviewed here. Enhance students' understanding by sharing NASA videos on YouTube, IdeaBoardz, reviewed here, and adding questions and comments to the videos using EdPuzzle, reviewed here.

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Have a high speed Internet connection? (Most schools do) Then you MUST visit these 3D virtual tours of beautiful sites all over the world with your students. Read the Welcome ...more
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Have a high speed Internet connection? (Most schools do) Then you MUST visit these 3D virtual tours of beautiful sites all over the world with your students. Read the Welcome message on the home page for directions and details, then explore the current features and several years of archives for 3D virtual tours from major world capitals to true "experiences" such as Times Square and white water rafting. Even the tour of a Banyan tree will amaze you. Bring the world into your classroom for geography, landforms, world cultures, foreign language study, or literary settings. Be in the midst of festivals or atop the Sydney Bridge.

tag(s): images (260), landforms (37), virtual field trips (119)

In the Classroom

Use a projector--or better yet, an interactive whiteboard--to take students atop the Eiffel Tower, to the high Sierras, or aboard a Mars explorer. Allow student to navigate on the whiteboard. Nte that Shift and Ctrl keys alow you to zoom, as well. Be sure to click at the top of the 3D view to Read More about the image. These tours will make landforms real, culture come alive, and science a visual art form. As you introduce terms and place, use images! You could even use a tour as a writing prompt for poetry or descriptive writing. Include the link on your teacher web page for students to "tour the world" outside of class or feature one location a week to broaden class horizons on a classroom desktop.


What a GREAT idea! Thank you. I found one with mountain biking and vistas. I'll put it up early in the period and come back to it in the end and have them write their exit cards about it. Then I will revisit it in a week or two when we start talking about metaphorical language. Shirley, CA, Grades: 6 - 12
I plan to use this as a way to start the school year with my sixth grade G/T kids. I will display a panorama on an interactive whiteboard-- one of mountains with peaks and valleys. I will ask, "Why would I show you this and say that this is our classroom this year?" The students will write down an idea on a slip of paper, guessing why I might use this as an introduction to my class. They will most likely introduce all of the classroom conduct and learning environment issues that I want to touch upon that first day: peaks and valleys during the year, some rugged terrain, studying mountains and geography, some amazing views (everyone's opinions), and more. It will also get them thinking in analogies and allow me to see how quickly some of them do this and how literal others are. Thinking, PA, Grades: 5 - 10

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Science Presentations - Jefferson County Schools

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This website truly has something for every science teacher. If you are teaching a new science topic or want to review an already introduced science concept - you must visit ...more
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This website truly has something for every science teacher. If you are teaching a new science topic or want to review an already introduced science concept - you must visit this website. This website provides free PowerPoint presentations on over 100+ science topics. There are presentations for grades K-5 and 6-12. If you do not have PowerPoint software, some of these presentations may not open, depending upon how the site-creators saved them. This site has heavy advertising at the top of the landing page. Scroll down to find the presentations.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): air (102), animals (295), matter (46), periodic table (46), plants (147), solar system (108), water (101)

In the Classroom

Try these ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard or projector in your classroom. Some may also be well-suited for individual students to run on a single classroom computer for remediation or review. There are games, resources and a lot of information.

The site includes a disclaimer asking to be notified if users find any unauthorized, copyrighted material. TeachersFirst recommends that you NOT download copies but instead use them online, just in case.

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