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Calculator - Athera Corporation
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calculators (35)
In the Classroom
Use these tools whenever calculators are needed in class. Share this link on your class website for students (and parents) to access at home.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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NobelPrize.org - Nobel Media AB 2011
4 to 12tag(s): creativity (86), literature (220), medicine (56)
In the Classroom
Inspire your students to strive for excellence! Show students original, creative, thinking. Let students know they can understand the ideas awarded by trying the educational activities offered. Follow each year's announcements and award ceremonies. Use as an inspiration when beginning your own Nobel Prize winning awards competitions. Encourage students to use critical thinking skills to form opinions based on facts. Substitute pen and paper in your class by having students blog about what they are learning and understanding using Telegra.ph, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration. Extend learning by inviting pairs or small groups to use a tool like NoteJoy, reviewed here, to take notes and share links, documents, and images to organize for an interactive poster. Use Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, for the poster. Gifted programs can easily incorporate many of the ideas into the curriculum. Lead your students to Nobel Award winning thinking.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Geniventure - Concord Consortium
5 to 12In the Classroom
It is recommended that educators try this game before assigning this activity to students to understand how students participate and move throughout levels. Search YouTube to find video tutorials if necessary. Use the simulations as a flipped learning activity to generate questions about genetics and heredity. Consider using a resource such as Sway, reviewed here to assign your flipped learning lesson. Examples to include in Sway are a link to Geniventure, a flashcard deck, and a link to a Microsoft Form, reviewed here for students to complete when finished with the activity. Use to discuss significant vocabulary and content needed for understanding chromosomes and genetic traits.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Space, NASA Information and News - Tech Media Network
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): moon (72), nasa (30), space (216), stars (70), sun (71)
In the Classroom
Share the videos and activities on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Try using this website as a resource in art class to have students find a picture and recreate it though their own interpretation. Have students in a language arts class choose a photograph and create a story about how it came to be as a creative writing exercise. Have students in science class use it as a research resource for adding great images to their presentations. Or assign a particular article that relates to an astronomy class, have the whole class read it as homework, and then have them post reactions on a class wiki page. Not familiar with wikis? Check out the TeachersFirst Wiki Walk-Through.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Biotechnology Institute - Biotechnology Institute
9 to 12tag(s): biodiversity (36), genetics (81)
In the Classroom
Click Programs on the top menu and use the challenges available to pique curiosity in students. There are three types of challenges - Global Healthcare Challenge (Medical Biotechnology), the Global Sustainability Challenge (Agricultural Biotechnology) or the Global Environment Challenge (Industrial/Environmental Biotechnology). Use the Newsroom to view videos and read articles about the latest in biotechnology.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CIESE Tele-Collaborative Classroom Projects - The Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education
1 to 12tag(s): animals (295), engineering (127), genetics (81), light (54), plants (147), scientists (63), sun (71), water (101)
In the Classroom
Use these collaborative projects to teach students more about science and engineering. Even though some of the start dates have passed, teachers can still access the information and lessons. Many projects offer the future dates. If you choose to participate during the time frame or not, you can use the materials to collaborate with a class in the same school or in another state.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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PBS Learning Media - Physical Education - PBS
K to 12tag(s): alphabet (53), careers (141), dance (31), data (151), decimals (85), diseases (67), fitness (39), human body (93), mark twain (8), multimedia (51), music theory (45), percent (59), probability (98), problem solving (228), psychology (65)
In the Classroom
Find more details and teacher information under "Customization for States and District" to align the offerings here with your state's standards. Check this site for an introduction to a curriculum topic or unit or when looking for support activities to reinforce concepts. Use this site as the starting point for individual or group projects. Share the interactives as a learning center or on your interactive whiteboard or projector. This is one that you want to save in your favorites.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mind42 - IRIAN Solutions Vienna
1 to 12tag(s): concept mapping (15), mind map (27)
In the Classroom
This free organizational tool can be used in classrooms at every level. Teachers can use this tool to help organize learning units and share the orgnanization on screen so students see how pieces fit together. Share the unit map with other teachers, students, or parents, to highlight goals, objectives, learning tasks, assessments, and resources. Share before your unit and expectations become very clear. Use as a yearly overview for parents showing units with resources at the beginning of the year at Open House. Let parents see the multiple ways their child will be assessed through the year. Students can use this tool for direction in problem based learning situations. Use this tool in science for collecting data, experiments, or science fair outlines. Use the tool in writing class to make writing guides for narrative or expository writing. In reading, use for predictions, sequencing of stories, inferences, or organizing genres of books each student has read. Have students map multiple ways to solve a single problem in math class. Have students keep daily requirements or schedules with readily available resources as links. Let students enjoy taking notes from content based classes. Have a student scribe create the notes each day and share with the class. Have student groups map the current unit before the test as a review activity.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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JASON Science - Home - The JASON Project
7 to 12tag(s): ecology (102), energy (131), geology (61), video (264), weather (160)
In the Classroom
With the array of information, lesson plans, and modules for learning this website can be used in so many different ways! If you are searching for a video clip that is relevant to your current topic, perform a search of their digital library. Looking for an entire lesson plan or a single assignment? Click on the Teacher Tools bar to quickly find something suitable. Share the video clip on your interactive whiteboard. If several topics relate to your current subject matter, challenge cooperative learning groups to investigate different portions of this site. (This would only work with older/more independent students.) Then have student create projects to share with the class and "teach" about their topic. Have students create online posters on paper or do it together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Curriki - EnterpriseDB Postgre SQL company
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): graphic organizers (48), literacy (121), OER (43), operations (72), resources (83), rubrics (36), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Curriki has several ways to benefit teachers and students. Use Curriki as a resource listed on your website to have extra opportunities for additional practice or enrichment for parents and students. If you have a blended classroom, Curriki is the perfect tool to use for your students to access assignments. Use as a way to organize your digital resources. The lesson plan and Webquest templates are user friendly and promote best practices. While growing in your professional development by connecting with teachers worldwide, let your class learn with other classes worldwide. Curriki encourages you to think critically about your own lessons, and also the lessons suggested.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Research Building Blocks - Read, Write, Think - International Reading Association
3 to 12tag(s): book reports (28), interactive stories (21), Research (84)
In the Classroom
View the Hints About Print interactive with your class on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to demonstrate different concepts on choosing appropriate resources for research. If you don't have an interactive whiteboard, create a link on your classroom computers for students to view as a center. This site is perfect to use with older students who may have already done research projects as a review for choosing materials. ESL and Special Education teachers may want to use materials included in this lesson as an aid for students who have been assigned research projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Braineos - Braineos.com
5 to 12tag(s): flash cards (43), game based learning (187), grammar (137), operations (72), verbs (26)
In the Classroom
Have students or groups of students create flashcards for study. Provide the link to this site or ready made flashcard sets for study as needed. Create flashcards for vocabulary words in all subjects, math facts, or any other material that needs to be learned.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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TinEye - Idee Inc.
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): images (260), photography (121), plagiarism (33), search engines (48)
In the Classroom
This tool is best used by a teacher to determine whether class pictures have been used elsewhere or determine the origin of pictures students have used in projects. Check the origin of student-used pictures to determine source. Determine whether pictures (yours or others) have been used without permission. Easily determine whether pictures have also been altered.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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DOGOnews - Meera Dolasia
2 to 12tag(s): journalism (73), news (228), reading comprehension (149), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Non-fiction reading and background knowledge have found a new emphasis with The Common Core State Standards. It is more important now than ever to help connect students with quality, non-fiction reading and viewing material. Find great news resources and videos of the week to create assignments for your class at DOGOnews. You may want to create a class page and load several news articles. Have students choose from the articles, and email it to themselves. Have students print out the article and complete a "close reading" of the article by annotating it. Then have students who chose the same article get together in groups to discuss their reactions about the article, create a summary together, and create four or five open-ended questions about the article. Lastly, create groups of four, with each student having a different article, and have them present their article to the others in the group and ask them their open-ended questions to trigger a discussion. Create a class magazine from the articles. Or better yet, have students create a multimedia presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint Online, reviewed here. This site allows you to narrate a picture. Challenge students to find a photo (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate the photo as if it is a news report. Strengthen reading comprehension by having an 'article du jour' on your interactive whiteboard or projector as students arrive. Link this site on your homepage.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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YoungZine - Deepa Gopal
3 to 10Besure to check out Climate360 for Weather and Climate Basics, What Actions Can We Take, What are the Solutions, and several others.
tag(s): communities (33), news (228), service projects (17), sustainability (45)
In the Classroom
Have your students make comments on articles (public comments), take quizzes, rate articles, and participate in contests. You can create custom assignments and have students respond and discuss, right on Youngzine! This is a great way to assess student's understanding and create an arena for a discussion/debate between class students. Or, ask your students to summarize an article, as a way to encourage them to think and write.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MyPlate - USDA.gov
1 to 12In the Classroom
Dietary guidelines can be a help to all teachers, faculty, and staff. Challenge students to track their food and physical activity. Plan meals to bring you perfect health. Plan a nutrition day in which every student shares some aspect of this site in a presentation with other classes and parents. Have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here. Evaluate the cafeteria lunches to bring even more fun into your recipe! Add an international portion with your students' multicultural recipes to add to make your own cookbook, or website. Be sure to add this link to your own site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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English - Pronunciation Lesson - EmbedPlus
4 to 12tag(s): pronunciation (34), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94), word study (60)
In the Classroom
As an ENL/ESL teacher you can use this site in your classroom or post it on your class website for student practice. If YouTube is blocked at your school, have this site posted on your webpage for parent and student use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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State of the Ocean - Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
7 to 12tag(s): climate (82), climate change (94), data (151), earth (184), oceans (147)
In the Classroom
Choose a parameter to display, such as wind speed. It is best to choose only one topic (data set) at a time and be sure to instruct students to uncheck previous boxes before choosing a new one. Use as an inquiry activity to look at various parameters around the globe and ask questions about what they see. For example, Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly shows areas of the oceans that are warming and some that are cooling more than others. Provide time for students to spin the globe and zoom in to look at where various changes are occurring and make observations. Enhance student learning by bringing these observations to light in class using Padlet, reviewed here, and brainstorm why the phenomenon exists. If you have an interactive whiteboard, display the Padlet so that students can see theirs and others ideas as they add their observations to the board as they make discoveries. Then, create columns in your Padlet to have students discuss and sort their statements into "proven" and "unproven" columns in the Padlet displayed on your IWB. Research what has already been demonstrated about warming and cooling as well as the potential impacts it may have. Compare these changes with other parameters such as chlorophyll to understand producers and their ocean environment.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ThatQuiz - ThatQuiz
3 to 12tag(s): africa (144), angles (51), asia (110), cells (83), charts and graphs (170), conversions (37), europe (84), exponents (35), factors (29), fractions (159), french (75), geometric shapes (135), german (49), human body (93), inequalities (25), measurement (123), money (114), north america (15), place value (34), probability (98), quiz (66), quizzes (90), spanish (108), time (91)
In the Classroom
Assign quizzes to students to complete on classroom computers or in computer labs. Modify activities for different student levels. Create a teacher account and modify quizzes to meet your own needs. Challenge students to complete quizzes and then increase the difficulty level. Share this link on your classroom website for students to access (to practice skills) while both in and out of the classroom. Consider allowing students to create quizzes for each other using a class account during review times or in small groups. It is much more fun to "study" by creating a quiz!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Hinterland Who's Who - Wildlife in Canada - Environment Canada
3 to 12tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), environment (246), habitats (90)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site to use with any animal research or projects. Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector and allow students to explore on their own. Have students choose an animal from the site to research then make a multimedia presentation using one of many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here. Use questions from the Issues and Topics section during classroom debates and discussions on the environment.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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