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NetFamilyNews - Anne Collier
K to 12tag(s): cyberbullying (40), internet safety (113)
In the Classroom
Include this site on your class web page for parents as a reference to help them deal with technology issues at home. If you do not have a web-page consider sending a newsletter home. If you are doing an Internet safety lesson with your class, parents can reinforce the lesson at home with information and ideas from NetFamilyNews. Have students make a poster with rules that help them stay safe when using technology such as the Internet and cell phones. Students can take this poster home, share it with parents and add rules for use at home. The poster can be displayed by the computer or in students' bedrooms.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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YouTube Teachers - Learn. Teach. Share - YouTube EDU
K to 12YouTube is very valuable to educators looking for great educational content. There are videos for early elementary concepts like safety up through college-level courses. YouTube has the ability to stream content into channels based upon your viewing preferences, and videos are easily marked as "favorites" to find in your history. It offers suggested channels based on your watching history including trending and popular videos. Parents can filter out objectionable content and comments using Safety Mode -- which is often disabled.
Create a YouTube channel to collect videos for easy access by students. Upload teacher-created videos for your class to your channel. Do you know a great video not featured on YouTube EDU? Suggest it for the EDU collection.
tag(s): video (264)
In the Classroom
Use YouTube Teachers/EDU to create a channel of appropriate videos for your class. Consider creating your own videos of content that can be uploaded to your YouTube channel. Use videos to introduce topics, dig deeper into the content, and review for exams. You may even want to try "flipping" you class so students view the video information as homework and practice with concepts in class the next day. Students can be given the task of finding suitable videos that take the content deeper for better understanding. Create video guides that go with the videos or quizzes that can be given at the end. Assign videos for students to view and give them time to use the information to create a presentation for the rest of the class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Duck Duck Go - ddg.gg
2 to 12tag(s): search engines (48), search strategies (22)
In the Classroom
Provide a link to Duck Duck Go on your class website or as a start page on a classroom computer. Use Duck Duck Go to teach about search strategies and help students think of search terms. When discussing searching in class, compare Duck Duck Go to other search engines, noticing the differences between the search experience and results between the various search engines. Be sure to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and reliability of the search results with each of the various search engines. Be sure to point out the additional search terms and how these terms can provide more targeted search results. Try a game where students predict what other terms might show up from a given starting search. This will teach the mental flexibility to realize what else the search engine might "think" you mean. For example, if we enter "apple," what other terms might we see?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digg.com - Digg Inc.
7 to 12tag(s): debate (42), news (228), social networking (61)
In the Classroom
Try using Digg as a warmup Internet activity in the beginning of the school year by having older students sign up for their own account. Have them scan and read as part of current events teaching. The articles can be controversial which provides a great place to start debates. Are you beginning to integrate technology into your classroom? Use a tool such as WeJIT, or if you are a more experienced technology user try Virtual Debate, which has online examples and resources for conducting virtual debates, to formalize a debate topic. Digg also provides an excellent resource for research. Have students make a multimedia presentation using Genial.ly. Genial.ly allows you to add polls, videos, embeds, web links, PowerPoint, PDFs, and you can create a variety of formats like interactive posters, images, infographics, charts, presentations, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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QR Treasure Hunt Generator - Classtools.net
4 to 12Note: QR code readers exist for every type of phone and are easily found on the Internet. For computers, add-ons exist for Firefox and Chrome as well as a desktop application from Adobe.
tag(s): game based learning (187), gamification (79), qr codes (18)
In the Classroom
Use to make any class content into a treasure hunt for knowledge. Keep students engaged by creating learning centers that have a question requiring an answer and perhaps another activity at the center before going on to the next. Have students learn and answer questions about mystery objects, art prints, or books/authors with accompanying QR codes. Identify trees by creating a QR code with a question about the tree and perhaps another link taking them to specific information. Create a scavenger hunt around the school asking questions about activities in the school or certain student projects found in showcases. (The first QR code could be printed in the school newsletter.) Create a treasure hunt with books in the library to test library search skills or to find a specific book and answer questions from the index, table of contents, etc. Use QR codes on objects in Geometry to ask questions about the shapes or solve a problem based on a physical object. Any subject area and content could find a use for this Treasure Hunt Generator. Challenge students to create their own QR treasure hunts as a way to "present" research projects. Use in social studies for the entire class to create a QR code hunt around your community to bring local history to life for all residents.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Readability Test Tool - David Simpson
1 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): independent reading (83), readability (5), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Use this tool to offer differentiated resources for the different reading levels in your class. At the beginning of the year, as you learn your students' capabilities, use this tool to find reading at the appropriate level to eliminate frustration. This is perfect for finding the "just right" level for your highly advanced/gifted students and those needing extra remediation. If you do discover that a website you want to use is over your students' independent reading level, you can still use it, just use Read Ahead, reviewed here as a guided reading activity for younger students. Read Ahead is perfect for introducing any reading passage to struggling readers, special education students, and ENL/ESL learners. View readability levels of websites before sharing with students to find appropriate reading levels for differentiation. On an interactive whiteboard or with a projector, test passages of public domain texts from sites like Project Gutenberg, reviewed here, by famous authors to see how their writing ranks when discussing their writing style.Why not have students put in the URL for their blog or wiki (or simply paste in a writing sample) to see the level at which they are writing? This is one way to encourage writing as a craft and challenge students to include more varied vocabulary and sentence structure in their writing.
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Small QR - smallqr.com
6 to 12In the Classroom
Create a QR code for your class site or blog and include it on handouts for Back to School night. Create a QR code scavenger hunt for students, making a webquest more engaging. Add QR codes to documents for students to check their answers to questions. Expand knowledge of a topic by adding a QR code to a site that expands upon what is in the textbook. Create a data chart accessible via a QR code. Students access the data and manipulate the information. Have students create a book trailer or review and affix a QR code to the outside of the book. Students may be more apt to read a book that has been reviewed by another student. Make a display completely interactive with a QR code that describes the assignment, the process, the research, student's reactions and more! Add extra help information to any assignment that asks students to solve problems. Create an online help tutorial accessible via a QR code, and place the code beside a similar problem. Link directly to a Google Map. Place QR code contact information for you and your school on contact cards to give to parents. Attach QR codes to physical objects around the room to provide information about the object. Place the links in a newsletter using QR codes instead of a series of words that need to be typed.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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obooko - Tony Stanton, Sarah Bainbridge, Tim Johnson
7 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): creative writing (124), ebooks (43), mysteries (20), novels (34), poetry (192), religions (90)
In the Classroom
For your language arts class, obooko contains many examples of contemporary writing. Selections for critiquing and editing are readily available without hurting any class member's feelings. Look at examples for current ideas and places to begin brainstorming. Included are free templates for different types of writing. Have each member of your class become a published author! Use the titles as writing prompts or read only half of the story and have students finish it in their own way. Bring each student's story into the lives of many. Assign critiques using obooko. You might even create a school or class obooko literary magazine during poetry month. Library/media specialists may want to select certain eBooks to load on school iTouches for students to read and review. Start an obooko reading club with these free options. If you are uncomfortable sharing here or school policy prohibits it, have your classes create a similar website (wiki) with published pieces from your school or class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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YouTube Copyright School - YouTube
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): copyright (44), multimedia (51), plagiarism (33)
In the Classroom
Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start your study of plagiarism on writing projects or copyright in general. Use it in art or music classes when discussing the use of "derivative works" or performance rights on music. Include this site on your class webpage for students and parents to access as a reference. To show what they have learned from this site, enhance or transform (depending on teacher requirements) class room technology use by challenging students to create an online infographic about copyright to share using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here.Comments
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Mind42 - IRIAN Solutions Vienna
1 to 12tag(s): concept mapping (15), mind map (27)
In the Classroom
This free organizational tool can be used in classrooms at every level. Teachers can use this tool to help organize learning units and share the orgnanization on screen so students see how pieces fit together. Share the unit map with other teachers, students, or parents, to highlight goals, objectives, learning tasks, assessments, and resources. Share before your unit and expectations become very clear. Use as a yearly overview for parents showing units with resources at the beginning of the year at Open House. Let parents see the multiple ways their child will be assessed through the year. Students can use this tool for direction in problem based learning situations. Use this tool in science for collecting data, experiments, or science fair outlines. Use the tool in writing class to make writing guides for narrative or expository writing. In reading, use for predictions, sequencing of stories, inferences, or organizing genres of books each student has read. Have students map multiple ways to solve a single problem in math class. Have students keep daily requirements or schedules with readily available resources as links. Let students enjoy taking notes from content based classes. Have a student scribe create the notes each day and share with the class. Have student groups map the current unit before the test as a review activity.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Yippy - Yippy, Inc.
2 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): search engines (48), search strategies (22)
In the Classroom
Use for any topic in any subject area. For example, a search for evolution revealed the following clusters: Texas Board, Biology, Human, and Theory. View more options by clicking on all clouds at the bottom of the list. Discuss with your class what kind of information about the topic that you are looking for before choosing a cloud. Have a broad concept to discuss in class? Assign a specific cloud to each group of students and have them report their findings back to the class. Have a class discussion about how all of the pieces of information fit together. Create a class concept map that ties all the information together. Use a tool such as bubbl.us (reviewed here) to create and share the concept maps.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine - KidRex.org
K to 7This site includes advertising.
tag(s): internet safety (113), search engines (48)
In the Classroom
Create a link to KidRex on classroom computers for students to use as a default search engine. Use this site on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to demonstrate how to search for items or when searching with your students.Comments
A similar site that uses Google SafeSearch, but may be more appropriate for older kids is http://www.KidzSearch.comDaniel, CA, Grades: 0 - 12
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Chrome Experiments - Google
6 to 12tag(s): animation (65), computers (109), design (78), graphic design (49)
In the Classroom
This is a great resource for computer design and programming coursework. Each programmer has tagged their project with the name of technology they used to create their project. Consider showing examples of these technologies on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students develop their own experiment that uses Java Script and Google Chrome and then submit their work to the site. Make sure students understand not to share the link with anyone they do not trust or want contributing. Be sure to review the content in the chat session before using it with students. It is necessary to have an email in order to participate in online discussions. Read tips for safely managing email registrations here. It is essential that permissible use and consequences are set before introducing the site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Google Family Safety Center - Google
K to 12tag(s): computers (109), internet safety (113)
In the Classroom
Use the resources from the site to show students how to safely search the internet. Post the link on your class website for parents to access from home. In addition, set up a safe search engine for students to use when doing research.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Just Paste It - JustPaste.it
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): blogs (65), communication (129), images (260), note taking (36)
In the Classroom
Copy and paste important information found on websites while viewing as a class into Just Paste It, then save as a PDF for students to have a hard copy or share a link to the information through your classroom website or LMS. Use this tool to create a simple blog. Challenge students to create their own "Paste It" to use to take research notes, write study notes for vocabulary, or many other uses. Have students create individual pages (blog posts) as part of classroom projects then share them using a tool such as Padlet, reviewed here, to create an online bulletin board to use to display information learned. Why would a teacher share text or images this way? Teachers can offer an assignment, a writing prompt, a vocab list, a story starter, a handout, or even a permission slip for parents to download, print, and sign.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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4teachers.org - ALTEC.org
K to 12You will also find links to make your own rubrics (or adapt others), adapt or create problem-based checklists, find Webquests or Thinkquests, find tools for students to write persuasively, and you can view online lessons or create your own. Those are just a few of the resources you'll find at 4teachers.org. Enjoy 4teachers video channel to see tutorials and educational videos. You might also consider joining in a weekly teacher blog on structured topics and see the featured site of the week.
This site includes advertising.
tag(s): note taking (36), persuasive writing (58), rubrics (36), spanish (108)
In the Classroom
This site is a great site to begin with basic understanding of technology in education. Tutorials explain many of the basics educators must have. Ready to use lessons, rubrics, and calendar resources are easily available. This is also a great site for Spanish resources. Share with colleagues to help boost your technology savvy classroom!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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SimilarSites - Similar Group
K to 12tag(s): search engines (48)
In the Classroom
Find similar sites such as for photo editing, etc. when in the need of a new resource. Allow students time to look at the alternatives and make a choice based on their needs and availability. Create a class discussion about certain aspects of the sites being analyzed. Art teachers can use this tool to find artist portfolios to share -- and to avoid sites with art content you had best not to share in a school setting!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CyberWise - CyberWise
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (85), internet safety (113), media literacy (107), tutorials (53)
In the Classroom
Share videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector with students to discuss media tools and how they are using them, or show before assigning projects using current media tools. Challenge students to create an online "scrapbook" on cyber safety using Smilebox, reviewed here, or ask them to create a simple infographic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Share videos with parents to help them understand current media tools and how to use them.Comments
Great tool- always need all we can find to help teach this with students.Charlotte, AL, Grades: 0 - 12
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Tammy Worcester's Tech Tip of the Week - Tammy Worcester
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): folktales (34), idioms (30), number sense (70), operations (72), tutorials (53)
In the Classroom
Trying to think of new ways to use technology with your students (in all grades?). Want to learn just one small tip each week? The weekly tips are a great ice-breaker to using technology and new teaching ideas in your classroom. Try that one tip that is suggested and explore more as you feel comfortable.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free English Lessons Online - esolcourses.com
2 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): grammar (137), listening (93), reading comprehension (149), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
You may want to complete some of the selections with a projector and your interactive whiteboard for the whole class as there are listening activities, reading activities and quizzes about holidays, etc. You could differentiate by having small groups of students or individuals listening and reading at their different levels while you work with another group, or small groups of students can listen at a station that is one of several literacy stations in your classroom. Since each of the selections has activities in several language arts strands, one selection could make up your student's instruction for the day, or week. Students could rotate through a station for listening, one for vocabulary development, etc.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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