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Simple English Wikipedia - Wikipedia Foundation
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Simple English Wikipedia is a new production of Wikipedia, focused on readers and learners with less vocabulary than native speakers of English. According to the producer, the pages...more
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Simple English Wikipedia is a new production of Wikipedia, focused on readers and learners with less vocabulary than native speakers of English. According to the producer, the pages featured here contain simpler words and shorter sentences than the regular Wiki pages. The number of pages is more limited as well, though this should grow with educators and learners contributing information. Another difference is that any slangs or idiomatic language is carefully explained to accommodate the ELL reader. The HELP pages explain how to write and submit articles for Simple English Wikipedia and have suggestions for simplifying English.
tag(s): writing (324)
In the Classroom
Share this site with your school ESL teachers as well as classroom teachers who may have ESL students who are involved in researching and possibly even writing new articles. Bookmark this for your classroom computer. If you do recommend wikipedia as a source for research, be sure to have the discussion about its unknown authorship and usefulness as a general information tool but not as a "scholarly" resource. As a challenge to your better writers, consider asking them to write entries that you can submit to this encyclopedia on classroom topics in simpler English. They will have to analyze their own language and writing style with far greater scrutiny than ever before. Or have the class create a two-version wiki glossary of your own on curriculum topics in any discipline, using this as a model for the "easy reading" side.KIDiddles Song Lyrics - KIDiddles
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Find the lyrics to favorite children's songs, ready for you to share in the classroom. Many also have MIDI audio files with them for you to sing along. The indexing ...more
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Find the lyrics to favorite children's songs, ready for you to share in the classroom. Many also have MIDI audio files with them for you to sing along. The indexing is well done with songs organized alphabetically by the first word of the song. There is also a subject index helpful for planning a lesson on a certain theme. You can also search by phrase and more (see the explanation of phrase searching as well as substring matching. Some songs include a suggestion how it might be used: dance, fingerplay, etc. Information about song origin, adaptation, and copyright information is available as well.
In the Classroom
Turn up your speakers, then share this site with the school librarian and parents for great times using songs with fingerplays, dances, and other activities. Sing along as a center by finding a song to fit this week's classroom theme or invent your own class set of words to a familiar tune once your students know the original. Students can write verses, and the entire class create a chorus!Use songs with elementary ESL/ELL students help perfect pronunciation, intonation, and memory of English phrases. Include this link on your teacher web page for parents to help speech or ESL/ELL students "sing along" at home.
Word Shape Generator - A to Z Teacher Stuff Tools
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Teachers can generate their own personalized word wall worksheet, customized to the words they enter. This online tool allows you to generate word shape worksheets with the word list...more
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Teachers can generate their own personalized word wall worksheet, customized to the words they enter. This online tool allows you to generate word shape worksheets with the word list at the top of the page and the word shapes below. Students then fill in the appropriate word from their word list.
tag(s): spelling (98)
In the Classroom
Special education teachers, ENL teachers, or regular teachers with students who are dysgraphically- or dyslexically-challenged will find this a valuable tool. Any student who learns visually would find this helpful in learning their spelling words. This tool generates the worksheet quickly.Word Search Maker - A to Z Teacher Stuff Tools
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This is a time-saving online tool for any subject. Reinforce concepts and spelling with your own customized word searches. This tool allows for a variety of options for the ...more
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This is a time-saving online tool for any subject. Reinforce concepts and spelling with your own customized word searches. This tool allows for a variety of options for the placement of the words or even the shape of the grid puzzle. Teachers can personalize the font styles and sizes as well.
tag(s): spelling (98), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Read the home page carefully for directions on setting your browser for a more customized look. Landscape mode works best for most puzzles. Make sure you take their suggestion of copying your word list onto your clipboard just in case you lose the word search. For younger students, consider sharing a word search on an interactive whiteboard and letting them "highlight" the words with a finger in different colors.Bulletin Board Hang Ups - TeachersFirst
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17 Favorites
TeachersFirst provides this collection of printable quotations, ready for your classroom or bulletin board. Inspire, engage, or challenge your students to think with quotes from famous...more
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TeachersFirst provides this collection of printable quotations, ready for your classroom or bulletin board. Inspire, engage, or challenge your students to think with quotes from famous leaders, sports figures, thinkers, and writers.
tag(s): bulletin boards (15), quotations (18)
In the Classroom
They look great printed on brightly colored paper! As an opening day activity, challenge small groups of students to interpret the quote hanging closest to them and predict how it may be important in your course this year. For younger students, ask them to write a paraphrase or to illustrate the quote. Be sure to change the quotes periodically and give a prize to the first student who notices. Or give a pop-quiz during the last week of school, asking students to recall as many of the year's quotes as they can (working in small groups will probably help). If you have classroom blogs, ask students to choose and reflect on a specific quote and its relevance to your class throughout the past year.
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Colorin Colorado - WETA
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This totally bilingual website (a collaboration between Reading Rockets and the American Federation of Teachers) is packed with information for both ENL/ESL and regular classroom instructors...more
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This totally bilingual website (a collaboration between Reading Rockets and the American Federation of Teachers) is packed with information for both ENL/ESL and regular classroom instructors about how to encourage reading. Although the focus is on Spanish speaking students, the information is specific and easily adaptable for all reading learners. Lots of information is available on the site concerning not only reading instructional techniques, but building partnerships with families of Hispanic students, placement and assessment, and important authors. Webcast information programs include accompanying reading and discussion questions. Webcasts can be found under the Video tab on the top menu bar. This site is a good resource to help meet the needs of increasing numbers of students born speaking other languages. Videos and webcasts reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, they may not be viewable.
tag(s): hispanic (34), parents (57), reading lists (77), reading strategies (96), spanish (108)
In the Classroom
All classroom teachers who have ENL/ESL students should consider this a primary source of information about how to teach and help second language learners. Share this link on your teacher web page and/or in a parent newsletter for those who are concerned with the challenges of the increasing number of ENL/ESL students.Helping Children Get Ready to Read - Kent District Library
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This library-prepared website is all about helping parents develop early literacy skills. Options include video demonstrations of how to read books to kids and many developmental activities...more
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This library-prepared website is all about helping parents develop early literacy skills. Options include video demonstrations of how to read books to kids and many developmental activities including things to do around the house, pre-reading activities, early reading skills information available in TWENTY-SEVEN languages, and many printable reading activities. Check out the Make and Take section: hands-on activities that help children develop the habit of using books. Activities include Activities for Print Motivation, Print Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Vocabulary, Narrative Skills, Letter Knowledge etc. These well-explained activities are fun and original. Many parts of the site are available in Spanish as well as English. Videos on this site require RealPlayer and Windows Media Player. Get them from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..
In the Classroom
Share the printables and information about the website with parents at open house or conferences and include the link on your teacher web page. Spanish-speaking families will enjoy hearing about this site as well.English Exercises - Vocabulary - Viktor Gayol
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This online tool and vocabulary site creates up to thirteen games, puzzles, and worksheets from a word list the teacher inputs on the home page. The working database contains about...more
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This online tool and vocabulary site creates up to thirteen games, puzzles, and worksheets from a word list the teacher inputs on the home page. The working database contains about 2000 English singular words, but doesn't include abstract nouns. There are some ready-made activities already done for you as examples: body parts, Christmas, family, feelings, foods, and more. Typical activities include fill-in the blank, findaword, matching, multiple choice quizzes, memory, word scrambles, and labeling. There is a charge for subscription to the services, but users who recommend someone to this site receive a one-year subscription free. The videos reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, they may not be viewale.
tag(s): game based learning (193), puzzles (148), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Use this for a center with vocabulary review activities in any primary classroom or with speech and language or special ed students for vocabulary development. Using it in ENL classes will also be great, even on an interactive whiteboard with a small group. Students can also use the games on their own to practice vocabulary outside of class, so be sure to include the link on your teacher web page.Foreign Languages - South Carolina ETV and ITV
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This Website is designed to meet the needs of schools that would like to offer foreign languages but have no language. It serves as an introductory-level course in French, German, ...more
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This Website is designed to meet the needs of schools that would like to offer foreign languages but have no language. It serves as an introductory-level course in French, German, or Spanish. Each 10-15 minute lesson presents many words, with emphasis on the spoken word rather than the written word. Teachers of gifted may have students who want to learn a language as independent study using this site. This site requires Adobe Acrobat Reader and Windows Media Player. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..
In the Classroom
Share the videos as a whole-class lesson on a projector. You will need speakers for the audio portions of this site. Include this site on your teacher web page for students and parents to access as a reference. As you study different continents or cultures, include a little of the language to expose your students to the "sounds" of other places. If you have ESL students in your class, share a video for the native English speakers to better understand the experience of learning a new language.Soaring High With Kites - everythingesl.net
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This multi-level lesson plan for ESL students offers opportunities for vocabulary development, reading, writing, and cultural sharing by responding to stories and books about kites....more
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This multi-level lesson plan for ESL students offers opportunities for vocabulary development, reading, writing, and cultural sharing by responding to stories and books about kites. Primary grade teachers could also use it in a unit on weather or as an interdisciplinary science/language arts activity. Because of its high interest level, it motivates students to participate in understanding new words and in expressing their ideas about the books they read and the techniques and history of kite flying in their countries. Students also read and talk about kite safety rules and examine websites about kites. Writing opportunities include writing rules,original stories, cultural histories haiku, and diamante poems. Students also get to design, make, decorate and fly their own kites.
tag(s): poetry (192), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Plan a kite day in the fall or spring and use all or part of these plans to learn new words, build kites, and even fly them before you write about them. This would be a terrific activity to include parents at school year's end.Amazing Kids Ezine - amazing-kids.org
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This site encourages children to read and write by sharing what other students have written and inviting them to submit writings of their own. They can write poetry, fiction, or ...more
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This site encourages children to read and write by sharing what other students have written and inviting them to submit writings of their own. They can write poetry, fiction, or non-fiction, including essays. The authors featured on the website are international, too. A carefully screened pen pal option allows children to sign up for pen pals from around the world. In the Global Village section, articles featuring countries around the globe change monthly.
tag(s): poetry (192)
In the Classroom
Use this site and its opportunities to submit work as an writing motivator to encourage development of more in-depth writing. Students will also enjoy "meeting" pen pals from around the world. Always get written parent permission before submitting student work.103 Things to Do Before/During/After Reading - Reading Rockets
K to 8
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This site has an (almost) endless supply of suggestions for what students, parents, and teachers can do to encourage more and more reading and literary involvement. Students participate...more
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This site has an (almost) endless supply of suggestions for what students, parents, and teachers can do to encourage more and more reading and literary involvement. Students participate in reading, dramatic, discussion, and artistic activities to reinforce their connection to the printed word and build comprehension in a very active way!
In the Classroom
Use this list as an idea generator for book report alternatives or even for lesson ideas. Share the link or some of the ideas on your tecaher web page for students to choose a book report product/project/performance. Print these suggestions out and share all or some of them with parents in a newsletter,at conference times, or before summer vacation. Give credit for your source, of course!Inkless Tales - Elizabeth Bushey
K to 5
8 Favorites
Viewers of this very appealing site listen to and read a variety of stories and poems, while viewing accompanying drawings and test. Not all stories have the audio features. Teachers...more
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Viewers of this very appealing site listen to and read a variety of stories and poems, while viewing accompanying drawings and test. Not all stories have the audio features. Teachers will like the Read a Story options with simple Dolch words. Children can submit their own poems and may see themselves published online, but you will want to get parent permission first! Many writing prompts and easy writing tasks look like fun on this site; additional games on the site have an educational aspect. In addition to online activities, there are a few stories and games available to print out. A few activities, and the audio poems require the Flash; however, the audio stories are now in podcast format.
tag(s): audio books (26), listening (93), poetry (192), reading lists (77), writing (324)
In the Classroom
The animated alphabet is certain to appeal to pre-K and kindergarten teachers and students. Make it a center that students can explore over and over!The Giving Tree Lesson - TeachersFirst
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A Christmas gift from one of our own staff, this lesson based on Shel Silverstein's book The Giving Tree is sure to get students thinking about the Christmas spirit. We're ...more
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A Christmas gift from one of our own staff, this lesson based on Shel Silverstein's book The Giving Tree is sure to get students thinking about the Christmas spirit. We're also offering a place for you to share your students' responses on TeachersFirst's own giving tree.
tag(s): character education (78), christmas (38), empathy (33), guided reading (33), writing (324)
In the Classroom
This lesson can be adapted for use in a language arts class with students of varying ability levels in grades 2 - 8. This lesson is also well-suited to a multi-age activity with "big buddies" and "little buddies" from upper and lower grades working together. School counselors and emotional support teachers may find this activity helpful for small groups working on social skills, character education, and specific traits such as empathy.Librivox
K to 12
7 Favorites
Download audio recordings of books and poetry in the public domain (free from copyright issues). All books are read and recorded by volunteers for this site. Several options are available...more
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Download audio recordings of books and poetry in the public domain (free from copyright issues). All books are read and recorded by volunteers for this site. Several options are available for downloading, including podcasts. Hear selections read in other languages (Note that the public domain applies in the U.S. and may not in other languages/countries). You can search for works by category, genre, author, title, or reader. The site welcomes volunteer readers. The collection is constantly growing, so check back often.
tag(s): air (102), audio books (26), listening (93), literature (221), poetry (192)
In the Classroom
Use these for read-along listening, to help weaker readers or ENL/ELL students, or to practice listening and pronunciation. World language and literature teachers can play poetry or passages from lit texts in class or assign them as homework. Make sure you have headphones or speakers for your computer, if needed. High school club advisers might like to offer this as a service opportunity for students to become readers.Musical English Lessons - Bibi Baxter
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This website has a vast collection of common English language songs (mostly "pop") which have been selected for a grammatical focus. Instructors can select the grammar point they wish...more
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This website has a vast collection of common English language songs (mostly "pop") which have been selected for a grammatical focus. Instructors can select the grammar point they wish to instruct and choose from a variety of songs that feature the specific need. Songs are printed as cloze passages, with the fill-in based on the grammatical feature. Unfortunately, there are no sound files attached to the songs. If you have i-Tunes, you could download songs (for a fee). Your students may have some of the songs, as well. There are links to answer keys for all song lyric activity sheets.
In the Classroom
Check out the information for instructors with each lesson to understand how to use the activities. While most are intended for ESL/ELL instruction and geared toward students who know popular music, selected lessons are good for grammar difficulties in general, so a special ed teacher may find them helpful, as well. Since the site is primarily text-based, you need to READ the directions!Public Domain Books On-Line - Jeff Kelley
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This privately done digitized library focuses on books published before 1923, primarily those with magnificent illustrations. Books digitized are in the public domain and are also available...more
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This privately done digitized library focuses on books published before 1923, primarily those with magnificent illustrations. Books digitized are in the public domain and are also available to the large digitization projects going on now with the Google Books project. This site's charm is its ease of use. Users can search by author's last name or by using a list of subject categories. Because the project is fairly small, it's fun to browse through the offerings before deciding on a specific choice. The quality of the digitization is very good and appears to offer complete works. Some books have been reformatted, presumably to allow viewing consistency.
tag(s): air (102)
In the Classroom
Because these books are in the public domain (i.e. older), their language is not "contemporary." The texts would make excellent pieces for reading comprehension passages or culture study of past times, and you need not be worried about copying/pasting text from these into other software and/or making copies. You could even use them as passages on an interactive whiteboard to practice "main idea" or parts of speech.The illustrations are simple and beautiful. Print out some great artwork for your classroom bulletin boards, copyright-free!
The myths/legends collection would be great for upper elementary or later mythology units. Students can also use the passages and illustrations to create multimedia "tales" of their own. Give them the opening passage and let them write the rest.
The myths/legends collection would be great for upper elementary or later mythology unitsDavid, VA, Grades: 4 - 8
The illustrations are simple and beautiful.David, VA, Grades: 4 - 8
Story Corps - NPR
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NPR is amassing a collection of oral histories by traveling across the country and talking to average people. On this website, users can read or listen to the stories told ...more
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NPR is amassing a collection of oral histories by traveling across the country and talking to average people. On this website, users can read or listen to the stories told by a wide variety of Americans. Click "Tell your story" to find Locations & Reservations for traveling Mobile Booths or directions to record on your own. The Do It Yourself guide includes tips on interview questions and an interview check list. Started in 2003, the site has many stories in its archives and frequently adds updates.
tag(s): digital storytelling (153), podcasts (105)
In the Classroom
Use this site to reconnect your students with those of other generations and geographic locations. Turn up your speakers and listen to some examples in your classroom. You can even use the story collection site as a model to start your own oral history project for your class or the entire school. You may not want to actually place your recording on the NPR site but instead house them locally in your school or community web site. As major events occur in your community, such as an anniversary or the opening of a new school, engage your students in documenting the event. The general interview guides offer useful interview techniques for school newspapers or news broadcasts, as well.
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Raise a Reader - Illinois Reading Council
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The Illinois Reading Council has selected 12 favorite children's books and created many activities to go with the books. Many of the books may be ones you include in ...more
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The Illinois Reading Council has selected 12 favorite children's books and created many activities to go with the books. Many of the books may be ones you include in your classroom or find in your literature series. These activities include books and newspapers as well as reading and writing. The activities are designed to be used within families but most would be appropriate for classroom use. Besides the twelve featured books, there are more extensive bibliographies divided by grade level.
tag(s): family (51)
In the Classroom
Suggest this site to parents to help their children with reading by including the link on your teacher web page or in a newsletter sent home. You might want to share the list with your school librarian in case children ask for the books.
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Vocabulix - Vocabulix
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This free site allows users to learn German, Spanish, or ESL (English) online by studying vocabulary and hearing it pronounced. Students can select English-Spanish or Spanish-English...more
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This free site allows users to learn German, Spanish, or ESL (English) online by studying vocabulary and hearing it pronounced. Students can select English-Spanish or Spanish-English for example. In addition to learning word by word, viewers can select the conjugation approach and focus on verb forms. In this section, students must complete a sentence by inputting the correct verb tense in their selected language. Teacher-users can create their own lessons based on their needs, their previous results in the training, or their own ideas. A free login is required to participate in the lesson-creation section. This website will soon offer other languages, vocabulary and verb conjugations. There are some ads to ignore, but they are not obtrusive.
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