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Classroom Jeopardy - superteachtools.com
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): grammar review (31), matching (8)
In the Classroom
Use this great resource to create Jeopardy games for any content area. This resource is perfect for use on an interactive whiteboard or projector with a student emcee. Use for vocabulary/terms, identifying parts of anything, and reviewing for any curriculum topic. Use as an opener to a unit to determine what students already know. Play as a review game to assist learning for all students. Encourage students to create the clues and answers to their own Jeopardy review games as a creative way to review and reinforce. Learning support teachers may want to have students create review games together.You or your students can copy and paste the HTML code for any game on your web page, wiki, or blog for easy access to any Flash Jeopardy Game.
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TV411 - Math - Adult Literacy Media Alliance
4 to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), financial literacy (91)
In the Classroom
Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector as practice or review of current math topics. Provide a link to games on classroom computers for student practice. Spanish teachers may want students to complete a lesson in Spanish to provide real-world language practice. Share this site with parents through your classroom website or blog to provide review materials at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Activity TV - activitytv.com
K to 8tag(s): air (102), comics and cartoons (55), cooking (32), dance (31), easter (10), origami (15), preK (269), thanksgiving (24)
In the Classroom
Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector to accompany curriculum topics in science, art, physical education, language arts, health, or family/consumer science. Or show the videos to a class as examples for writing how-to (demonstration) speeches and/or videos done in language arts classes. Challenge students to create their own videos using a site such as Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here. Look here also for ideas of holiday craft projects. Share the link on your class web page for students to try activities at home during breaks.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Homestyler - Autodesk
5 to 12tag(s): architecture (74), area (52), design (78), volume (34)
In the Classroom
Members click and drag design components onto the main layout page. The free draw tool is a bit trickier to control but is similar to drawing tools in other programs. The perimeter measurement scrolls alongside the line you are drawing. The interface for such a complicated concept is intuitive. Students will need explicit instructions on how to operate this program.Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to share the tutorial presentation and demonstrate how to use the design tools. Divide students into cooperative learning groups to explore the site. Consider this resource to help math students visualize how to compute the surface area of three-dimensional shapes and understand how area and volume change with scale. Social Studies and History teachers can ask students to re-create the interior of an early American home, Greek Temple or even their own classroom. With guidance, this could be a wonderful tool to help younger students understand interior mapping skills. Classrooms focusing on "real-world learning" may find this a valuable resource tool to help students create design plans for an alternative environment.
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Earth 911 - earth911.com
K to 12tag(s): conservation (97), environment (246), recycling (45)
In the Classroom
Allow students the opportunity to choose articles of interest to read, learn more about the topics, and present to the class, write a blog post, or create a public service announcement (PSA) to communicate their learning. Have your students create an interactive online poster using Visme. Find a multitude of learning opportunities on this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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What you need to know about energy - The National Academies
4 to 12tag(s): conservation (97), energy (131), environment (246)
In the Classroom
Find a wealth of information on this site. Identify misconceptions about energy use and energy availability by assigning students to read blogs, news reports, and editorials or through use of a teacher made quiz identifying attitudes and understandings about energy. Divide students into groups to peruse the site and verify the information given with the sources listed on the site as well as other sources. Be sure to discuss credibility of sites and how to determine this with the students as well. Assign blog posts, conventional or multimedia posters, and other assignments to share the information learned. Create a concept map that showcases attitudes and reasons why they are so prevalent. Be sure to add facts to this as well. Create a campaign at school or in your community so that others can benefit from understanding the science behind energy use and availability. Have your students create an interactive online poster using Visme, reviewed here. Follow with an energy audit of the school or student homes to analyze ways to save energy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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NEN Gallery - National Education Network
K to 12tag(s): animals (295), architecture (74), england (52), fashion (11), medieval (33), plants (147), transportation (31)
In the Classroom
Bring history lessons about the 20th century alive by reviewing World War II photographs, videos, and interviews with survivors from the United Kingdom. Then ask your class to upload photographs of artifacts, people, film clips or conduct interviewers with survivors in their own community. Record the interview with a site such as Vocaroo reviewed here. Compare and contrast the experiences of both groups during the War. Have students in family and consumer science research fashion, clothing, food, and/or drink from various locations and time periods. Enrich an anticipatory set about William Shakespeare with photographs of his birthplace, Macduff's castle, the Globe Theatre, and his cottage in Stratford. Younger children will enjoy the numerous digital images of animals and antique toys. Prepare a series of topic albums for students to access and use for research by using the sites "My Album" feature.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Story of Stuff Project - The Story of Stuff Project
6 to 12tag(s): environment (246), sociology (23)
In the Classroom
Useful in classes on economics, ecology, consumer living, sociology or current events, the film would provide a wonderful discuss lead-in on topics ranging from consumer decision making to the environment. Because the site operates under the "Creative Commons" copyright agreement, you can download your own copy of the film for educational use or order a DVD copy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Moviesheets - Christopher Sheehan
6 to 12tag(s): business (52), climate (82), geology (61), movies (54)
In the Classroom
Use the worksheets to get students thinking about the science (or math, or other subjects) beyond these videos. Encourage students to create their own questions from the movie (reminding them of the relevance to your subject area) and choose the best worksheets to use and submit. Require students to add additional questions that are thought provoking and tied to the content for additional consideration. Use questions that go beyond factual recall to tie concepts together, explain phenomena, or uncover misconceptions. Continue discussion of concepts further than the paper through open discussion or blog posting. Rather than creating a worksheet, have your students create an interactive online poster using Genial.ly, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Nutrition Explorations - National Dairy Council
2 to 12In the Classroom
Allow students to try the activities and collect the information learned for discussion in class. Create conventional or multimedia posters about nutritional facts that others may not be aware of. Use an online bulletin board, such as Padlet, or interactive magazine creator like Calameo. Analyze current diets of students with what is recommended. Analyze commercials for foods for truth and untruth to learn to make good choices. Set goals for a nutrition campaign in your classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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You Are Here - Federal Trade Commission
4 to 9tag(s): advertising (26)
In the Classroom
Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Find additional activities and fact sheets in the "Parents and Teachers" section. Choose from an unbelievable array of activities. For example, in the Book Cafe, learn about privacy and personal information. Extend the discussion about sites where information is displayed and suggesting what is appropriate or inappropriate. Read articles that outline poor choices and consequences to spark discussion. Create fact sheets or posters that can be shared with younger students. Have your students create an interactive online poster using Lucidpress, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Sugar stacks - sugarstacks.com
2 to 12In the Classroom
Assign students to research different types of foods to compare sugar amounts. Have students use an online tool such as Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram (reviewed here) to compare various foods. Use this prior to a discussion of nutrition, biomolecules, or how the body uses food as fuel. Have students work cooperatively and discuss their observations with the rest of the class. Consider determining the ratio of grams to number of sugar cubes, investigating, and then creating a class set of food and sugar cube pictures. Use this graphic way to explain the concept of proportion in a very concrete way as you teach it in math class. Use student ideas to create other visual images to drive home nutritional messages to others.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Produce for Kids - Shuman Produce Inc.
K to 7tag(s): addition (129), counting (59), numbers (119), nutrition (137), preK (269)
In the Classroom
This site could be used in the elementary class setting as part of a nutritional unit. Share the "Kids Only" section on your interactive whiteboard or projector and allow students to explore on their own. Try out some of the ready to go lesson plans and other activities.Recipes included on the site would make great classroom projects or additions to the family and consumer science programs of the early middle level grades. Include this site as a reference when middle schoolers do nutrition units in health or FCS class, especially for weaker readers or ELL students.
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CareerZone Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania Department of Education
7 to 12tag(s): careers (141)
In the Classroom
This site could be applied to any course. It could be invaluable to guidance classes, family and consumer sciences, and business courses. This would be a great introductory lab for any of those classes as well as others. Demonstrate on an interactive whiteboard or projector and then have students work on individual computers to take the survey. Have students access the site and complete the survey and do a simple research into three different possibilities. Then have students reflect on the careers that surprised them as well as the ones with which they thought they would want to do. Have students create "a day in the life" blog entries related to a day on the job of one of the careers suited for them. Use Penzu.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WordSearchFun.com - WordSearchFun.com
3 to 12tag(s): photography (121), puzzles (144)
In the Classroom
Share the relevant word searches on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have cooperative learning groups practice spelling or vocabulary words by creating their own word search. List this site on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom. This is a great one for those word search lovers in your class. Why not have students use a whole-class account to make their own word searches to challenge each other with new vocabulary and terms?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Equal Exchange's Fair Trade Curriculum & Educational Resources - Equal Exchange
4 to 10tag(s): air (102)
In the Classroom
Use these lessons as part of a unit in social studies, Family and Consumer Science, or several other subjects. Take your students on a visit to a local food coop or invite one of their members to speak to your class live or via Skype (explained here.). Have students do a project comparing coop grocery sales with the more commercial establishments. Maybe even have student groups create an online Venn Diagram comparing the two using a site such as Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram (reviewed here). If you have international students from the Dominican Republic or other cocoa producing countries, share this site with them and allow them to compare what the students say on the video to their own experiences. Create your own videotaped interviews with food growers or their families. Share the videos using a tool such as Teachers.TV reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Science of Cooking - Edinformatics.com
7 to 12tag(s): cooking (32)
In the Classroom
Identify the various techniques and science behind them. For example, browning meat is called the Malliard reaction. Understanding why this brings out the best flavor in the meat is interesting. Learn about sugar substitutes, its use in cooking, and relationship to flavor. Identify taste and how we are able to sense tastes at the molecular level. Follow discussion of techniques with actual use of the technique and resultant taste tests. During a cooking lesson, why not have cooperative learning groups try something they learned? Video their "experiment" and share with the class (and parents) using a tool such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pennsylvania State Credit Union Tools - Pennsylvania State Credit Union
6 to 12tag(s): calculators (35)
In the Classroom
This would be useful for real world projects such as planning a new business, purchasing a car, planning retirement (what happens if they start to save $50 per month at age 14), or buying a home. Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have students choose a real life scenario either alone, with a partner, or in cooperative learning groups. Some examples of real life scenarios could be buying a car and calculating payments, buying your first home, using a credit card and how much you are REALLY spending, planning for retirement, or general savings (for a vacation, perhaps). The site has unlimited potential for interdisciplinary use like land management planning (loaning money) or family consumer budgeting projects. Once the calculations are completed have students share their findings by creating an online poster using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here). Share this link on your class web page or wiki as students begin real-world projects and real-life experiences.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Bubbabrain - Bubbabrain
K to 12Click the "Go" button to start your activity. Click on the correct answer to the question and then a new question appears. Prompts to try again appear if the answer is wrong and a percent right appears on your screen as you progress. Click on the teacher's link in the upper right hand corner for more information on becoming registered. Once registered, teachers can create their own games for the site. Your teacher ID can be entered by students to access created games.
tag(s): psychology (65), sociology (23), time (91)
In the Classroom
Use these activities for review of concepts or terminology with your class on specific topics/subjects. Wish there were a review game for a missing topic? Request a teacher ID, and have groups of students create the questions. Enter the information for the game and students can review by playing their game or one created by another group. Share the student-created games on your interactive whiteboard or projector.These games would be great to both help students review and help them figure out what kind of study methods work best for them.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Story of Stuff - Annie Leonard and Free Range Studios
6 to 12tag(s): earth (184), earth day (59), environment (246), resources (83)
In the Classroom
The most difficult aspect in learning about the environment is understanding how the "stuff we use" impacts more than students can imagine. Use this thought-provoking movie to stimulate class discussions, get students thinking, and create awareness. Students can take aspects of the video and do group research of additional information needed to understand. Students can also create awareness campaigns, poll friends and families, blog, or create other multimedia articles. Looking for some creative multimedia options? How about having students create public service message podcasts ("Stop! Where do you think that ___ came from?") using a tool such as podOmatic, reviewed here. Or create videos and share them using SchoolTube, reviewed here.Students can research the origins of many popular items in their lives, tracing the materials used and the resources needed to create and transport the materials and the product. Students can create a Google My Maps, reviewed here, showing the movement of materials throughout the world from resource to send product to consumer.
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