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World History for Us All - San Diego State University
7 to 12Present a sweeping historical overview with any of the nine Big Eras in a few class periods or delve into an era in deeper detail with their students. Each of the nine Big Eras of world history, plus the History, Geography, and Time and the Past and Future sections, offers one Panorama Teaching Unit with a PowerPoint Overview presentation. Panorama units address large-scale developments in world history through landscape and close-up teaching units.
Besides helping teachers meet state and national standards, this site offers fabulous research-based curricular activities and makes history a manageable content area for instruction. The site includes a clickable "Curriculum at a Glance" overview feature that takes you to the standards, teaching units, three essential questions, and seven key themes. This site requires Flash and Adobe. You can get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..
tag(s): continents (33), evolution (89), industrial revolution (22), migration (45), oceans (147), world war 1 (77), world war 2 (160)
In the Classroom
World History for Us All provides teachers with pedagogical support to develop a curriculum and a mindset to present history, engage students and elicit curiosity. Use this informational, user-friendly site to augment your current curriculum. As you select materials from the site to share with your student, use Fiskkit, reviewed here to collaboratively annotate and discuss the information on any shared page. For example, ask students to highlight and discuss information that is opinion vs. fact, or focus on vocabulary terms to ensure student understanding. Be sure to include components of historical thinking using the poster reviewed here to encourage students to consider history from many different perspectives.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Test Maker - Help Teaching
K to 12tag(s): quiz (66), quizzes (90), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Use this website to create personalized quizzes and tests for your students. You could also ask students to design their own tests for each other to review using your teacher log-in or appoint a student "quizmaker" each week for the content your class has covered, making this an assignment that each student does once per semester.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Digital Dialects - Craig Gibson
2 to 12tag(s): arab (12), arabic (13), chinese (45), french (75), german (49), greek (45), hebrew (16), italian (29)
In the Classroom
Try a few words in another language with your class as you study world geography and history! This site is especially useful in ENL/ESL, and world language classrooms. Have your students plan a pretend vacation and study a few words of the target language before they go. Ask students to go beyond the games by guessing the answers before they appear on the screen.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Gift of Gatsby - Anissa Hambouz & Javaid khan
8 to 12tag(s): literature (220), new york (24)
In the Classroom
The article and the accompanying interactive quiz are online, so it is essential for students to do this in a computer lab or an Internet-ready classroom. The plan includes classroom discussion of the quiz after students take it, homework as follow-up, evaluation, vocabulary, extension and interdisciplinary activities, as well as links to related sites on great books and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Power Point Games - Jefferson County Schools
2 to 12tag(s): air (102)
In the Classroom
Use these templates with any subject you wish to review: foreign language word lists, social studies terms and concepts, science, language arts, art, music, sped, etc. These activities offer an excellent method to review information through a fun and different approach. Teachers can also have students create their own versions of review games.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mysterious Places: Ancient Civilizations Modern Mysteries - Mysterious Places
4 to 12In the Classroom
This site might be offered to students doing independent research or included as "real" mysteries during a reading or literature unit on mysteries. The information could augment a lesson plan from a standard text with its lovely photos. It could be an option for exploration by accelerated students who have completed a unit on ancient history. Teachers should be aware that there is an on-line forum as a part of this site which requires registration. Its content is completely peripheral to the site, and students should simply be instructed to avoid it.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Online Newspapers - Web Wombat Pty Ltd.
5 to 12tag(s): africa (144), asia (110), central america (20), middle east (49), news (228), newspapers (92)
In the Classroom
Students can update reports and research by accessing newspapers from around the world. Any of your favorite newspaper learning activities can transfer to a newspaper in another part of the USA or world. Foreign language teachers and students will enjoy using the foreign presses for authentic learning. Social Studies teachers can assign students to compare points of view on world issues or perceptions of the U.S. via various newspapers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Guns Germs, & Steel - PBS
9 to 12tag(s): cultures (172)
In the Classroom
The information contained here will be most helpful in planning lessons on the interdependence of culture, geography and technology. Students may find information here for research purposes, but this site should be considered mostly for its usefulness to teachers in advance of unit planning.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent - University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
3 to 12tag(s): africa (144), air (102), architecture (74), black history (130)
In the Classroom
Teachers will find this site rich in resources for units on science, social studies, geography, architecture, music, art, and culture. Make Africa a "real" place by sharing on a projector as you share stories or learn about homes ("Structures") and habitats or landforms ("Landscape") with younger students. Use the sound recordings for lessons on oral history, myths, languages, and music. Assign student groups a topic area, which they can research and present to the class as a PowerPoint or another multi-media format using an interactive whiteboard or projector.Images, text, or other content downloaded from the collection may be freely used for non-profit educational and research purposes under Fair Use. That means that you may NOT put them on the web in a public site, blog, or wiki, since you would not be limiting access to class members. If you want students to create blog or wiki pages, create passworded access for class members only to areas displaying these images and resources. Check the website for instructions on how students can cite this source in their bibliographies.
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Kidlink - Kidlink
3 to 12tag(s): careers (141), communication (129), cultures (172)
In the Classroom
Students need not have their own email to use this site. Kidlink explains that they are permitted to use the teacher's email address (which allows you to monitor their activities, as well). You might want to use your "extra" email account. Set up accounts for your students to communicate in your world language class or as part of your study of other continents. With younger students, you may want to communicate as a whole-class activity, composing on a projector or interactive whiteboard.If your school policies limit your ability to use such a site, see the FAQ information and ready-to-go presentation explaining Kidlink. Share it with your principal and parents. ALWAYS get written parent permission when sharing student work/ideas online.
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Timeline of Art History - Metropolitan Museum of Art
6 to 12tag(s): art history (99), medieval (33), renaissance (38)
In the Classroom
Art teachers will find it easy to search for themes. History teachers can access items by date. Any of the "thematic essays" could be projected on an interactive whiteboard (or projection screen) to accompany a lecture in class. Or have students use this excellent resource for independent research or to illustrate their own presentations. Challenge groups to choose a time period and create blogs about the "mood" of the art. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Telegra.ph. This blog creator requires no registration! Or have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Language Menu Activities - Learnwell Oy
6 to 12tag(s): capitals (16), flags (18), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94)
In the Classroom
Mark this site in Favorites on your classroom computers for ESL and ELL students.. Provide information about this site to foreign language teachers in your school. This is a wonderful site to list in your class newsletter (if applicable) or on your class website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Rice - freerice.com
6 to 12tag(s): multiplication (122), symbols (15), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Reminiscent of The Reader's Digest "Enrich Your Word Power" feature, this is a great little time filler, especially for those students who always seem to be ahead of the rest of the class. They can challenge themselves to better their "level" as gauged by the site. They can challenge each other to see who will give the most grains of rice in any given session. If your class has a vocabulary glossary wiki, this site will provide many new entry ideas! You might even get into a conversation about how much 20 grains of rice really is and where around the world it might do the most good.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Timeless Ideas for Teaching - Concord Monitor Publishing
6 to 12tag(s): local history (14), news (228), newspapers (92)
In the Classroom
Whether you use hard-copy papers or electronic editions, many of these ideas will work even better using technology: word processing, wikis, blogs (for editorials), graphic organizer tools, digital cameras, etc. Use today's tools to study this powerful medium as it goes through transition into an electronic world. Consider asking students to compare electronic vs. hard-copy newspapers and their pros/cons, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Blogabond (beta) - Blogabond
6 to 12tag(s): cities (17), continents (33), countries (73), maps (215)
In the Classroom
Find some travel bloggers who are visiting the places you are studying and share the pictures and posts on a projector. If you teach a foreign language, you can also find posts from people in other languages as they visit the U.S.! Of course you will want to preview to be sure the blog content is appropriate for the classroom. Your students would love to comment as a class and ask questions of someone "on location" in the continent/country of interest. Create a TEACHER log-in to do this as a group to protect student safety "talking to strangers." Your school filtering may block all URLs with the word "blogs." If this is the case, you may want to use your home computer to select a few specific travel blogs that are school-appropriate and support your curriculum and request that they be unblocked.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Exploring Africa - Michigan State University
6 to 12In the Classroom
This website is literally a textbook online. Consider using a reading guide tool such as Read Ahead, for younger readers. Read Ahead is perfect for introducing any reading passage to struggling readers, special education students, and ENL/ESL learners. The information is ready to go and easy to use. It may not be possible to cover all of the information included in this extensive website. Pick and choose the modules that will be useful in your own classroom. Modules can easily be used independently and include detailed teacher notes, evaluations, printable pages, and more. Many of the activities will work well using technology, though the plans do not specify this. For example: Share some of the maps on your interactive whiteboard or have students draw some of their "preconceived notions" about Africa on the whiteboard as part of the introductory image activities.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Africa Guide - africaguide.com
2 to 12tag(s): africa (144)
In the Classroom
What a fabulous tool for online research or student-guided learning. This website presents a wonderful, concise summary of all of the countries in Africa. Why not assign individual students (or groups or 2) a specific country to research. Then the students can create an interactive PowerPoint or other presentation to share on a projection screen. With younger students, use your interactive whiteboard to share the site (turn up the speakers), allowing students to click and guide the class "trip." Music links go to Amazon, and only some have the listening feature available (scroll down the Amazon page to "Listen to Samples"). You will want to check before class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The American Experience - Hoover Dam - PBS
6 to 12tag(s): 1930s (20)
In the Classroom
This website was created to accompany the PBS movie "Hoover Dam", however it can also be useful independently to teach about the history of the Hoover Dam. Don't miss the Teacher's Guide. If you study geography, Hoover Dam is a fascinating study on the impact of WATER on human settlements. Include this as one of several web reources for students to research and discuss human interactions with and adaptations to landforms (in this case, desert).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The National Map - United States Department of the Interior
2 to 12tag(s): agriculture (47), climate (82), environment (246), geology (61), maps (215)
In the Classroom
Have your students work in cooperative learning groups to investigate the "dynamic maps". Assign each group a topic to explore (there are 7). Have the students research the information using the maps and then report their findings to the class, perhaps displaying examples on a projector or interactive whiteboard. In teaching any of the related subjects, using a projector to share a map will make the content more "real," such as displaying the butterfly layer in the map maker so students can see how the butterfly population their home state compares with other locations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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World News - WN Network
4 to 12tag(s): news (228)
In the Classroom
Share this site with your school's foreign language teachers. Have students do comparisons between English and foreign language versions of the news. If you teach writing, you can find controversial topics as writing prompts for persuasive writing among the articles, as well, and have students find facts to support their positions. Make this site available from your teacher web page for current events assignments. Reading teachers will want to use the articles on an interactive whiteboard to teach main idea and summarizing: highlight key words to use in a main idea or summary sentence you write together below the article.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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