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TeachersFirst Reading Treks - Make Learning a Journey - TeachersFirst

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Your students can visit the world and build their background knowledge when they choose to read a book in conjunction with Reading Treks. Find fiction and informational books at every...more
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Your students can visit the world and build their background knowledge when they choose to read a book in conjunction with Reading Treks. Find fiction and informational books at every reading level. Each Reading Trek unit has a downloadable PDF with Common Core State Standards, ISTE Standards, Grade Level, Ideas and Activities for using the Reading Trek in class, and a list of Helpful Resources. There is also a Google Maps (KMZ) file. Under the About TeachersFirst Reading Treks on the home page find step-by-step instructions for when you're ready to use a Reading Trek. TeachersFirst is just getting started creating Treks for books. Do you have a suggestion? Select Suggest a Trek from the left menu to let us know about it. We'd love to hear from you!

tag(s): independent reading (86), maps (212), reading comprehension (150), reading lists (77)

In the Classroom

These units are perfect for use with a whole-class novel, literature circles, or individual reading! Ask students to keep a journal about what they are reading and learning. Replace traditional paper and pen journals using an easy virtual journaling tool such as Penzu, reviewed here. With Penzu you can add images or your own artwork as illustrations. If you are conducting literature circles a good tool to use for small group assignments and communication is Asana, reviewed here, or Canvas Free LMS, reviewed here. For students or student groups to share their book with their peers, challenge them to enhance their learning and design an interactive multimedia poster using Genially, reviewed here.

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Free Office Online Apps - Microsoft

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Create and collaborate from any computer using the Microsoft suite of Office apps. Choose from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications to begin. Sign in to (or create)...more
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Create and collaborate from any computer using the Microsoft suite of Office apps. Choose from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications to begin. Sign in to (or create) your Microsoft account and follow directions. Each application works within the familiar interface of the downloaded applications.

tag(s): Accessibility (9), classroom management (124), collaboration (96), editing (92), Microsoft (80), portfolios (24), spreadsheets (24)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of these free Microsoft applications to access and use documents across a variety of devices. Have students collaborate on reports and presentations using the tools provided on this site. Easily curate and share class projects made using Microsoft Office using sharing links within each tool. Consider creating a class OneDrive account for students to share and upload documents and class projects. Flip your classroom by uploading documents and presentations for students to access on their own, then have students add comments and additional information to the uploaded document. Find 32 ideas for using Office Apps in this informative blog post from Microsoft.

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ABC Avenue YouTube Channel - ABC Avenue

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ABC Avenue's YouTube Channel offers videos of children's books read aloud for the youngest of readers. Choose the video link to see all uploaded videos or choose playlists to view ...more
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ABC Avenue's YouTube Channel offers videos of children's books read aloud for the youngest of readers. Choose the video link to see all uploaded videos or choose playlists to view by type of book. Playlists include funny books, picture books, and more. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): book lists (165), literature (219), preK (267), video (263)

In the Classroom

Share individual videos on classroom computers for students to view during center time. Share a link to this YouTube Channel on your class website or newsletter for viewing at home. Share this site with older students, then ask them to create their own video story read alouds for younger students using a tool like playposit (fromerly eduCanon) reviewed here, then share them using a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here.

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Kodu Game Lab - Microsoft Research

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Kodu is a software download for creating Windows PC games through a simple programming language. Download Kodu for free from the Microsoft Fuse Lab (there are "Get Kodu" buttons on...more
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Kodu is a software download for creating Windows PC games through a simple programming language. Download Kodu for free from the Microsoft Fuse Lab (there are "Get Kodu" buttons on the home page and the tips page). The software allows you to create and personalize virtual worlds through point and click options. Additional options offer "if this, then that" personalization to add variety to the game. Under Resources find the "Other Resources" and click Video to see "Getting Started" tutorial and "Biginner Videos" that reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable. A download is also available for Xbox games; however, it is not free.

tag(s): coding (89), game based learning (186), gamification (80), makerspace (43), Microsoft (80)

In the Classroom

Have students work in teams to design and develop content demonstrating an understanding of lessons in any subject area. Begin sharing Kodu with your computer experts who are interested in programming. Allow them to be the leaders in sharing how to use and personalize the program. Enhance their learning by asking them to create game creation tutorial screencasts using Screencast-o-matic, reviewed here, to share with their peers. Use Kodu as part of an after-school computer club. Be sure to take advantage of the resources section of Kodu for tips and tutorials on using the program.

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Creative Writing Now - William Victor

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Creative Writing Now offers a broad array of resources supporting the writing of fiction, poetry, and drama. Choose from tabs at the top of the page to find creative writing ...more
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Creative Writing Now offers a broad array of resources supporting the writing of fiction, poetry, and drama. Choose from tabs at the top of the page to find creative writing ideas and prompts, writing guides, and tips for writers. Creative Writing Now also offers free online courses with topics including Endless Story Ideas, Story Structure, and Bringing Characters to Life.

tag(s): creative writing (125), poetry (194), stories and storytelling (52), writing (324)

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site as a resource for many creative writing activity tools throughout the year. Encourage students to participate in the free online courses offered; some take as little as three days to complete. Share student writing using PDF to Flipbook Converter, reviewed here to turn their PDFs into an online book, There is even a page-turning effect! If you have a Word doc or image use CleverPDF, reviewed here to convert them to PDF format.

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Teacher's Guide to the Common Core State Standards - USC Rossier School of Education

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From Rossier Online this comprehensive guide for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will become your "go to" resource for questions from parents and new educators. Come away with...more
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From Rossier Online this comprehensive guide for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will become your "go to" resource for questions from parents and new educators. Come away with a thorough understanding of the four strands and the standards for ELA, as well as the standards for Math. Both Math and ELA have six shifts in standards explained in everyday language for better understanding. Also, find sections for Understanding CCSS Assessments and an explanation of the three different Types of Tests used at the time of this review. Get help with teaching parents about CCSS, and explore the Tools and Resources for just about any need you can think of for the classroom and community.

tag(s): back to school (62), commoncore (74), newbies (11), professional development (404)

In the Classroom

Share with all teachers, not just new teachers, as part of back to school planning and activities. Create your own (shortened) list of advice for new teachers in your school and district. Share with student teachers as a starting point for discussing how to handle different situations they will face as new teachers. Make a list of pertinent explanations for parents at back-to-school night or as a handout.

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GameOn.World - Jeff Borland and Orkhan Nadirli

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Increase your knowledge of the world and geography in an entertaining way with GameOn.World. Select from one of the nine categories (Sports, Entertainment, Science, Cities, Facts, People/Things,...more
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Increase your knowledge of the world and geography in an entertaining way with GameOn.World. Select from one of the nine categories (Sports, Entertainment, Science, Cities, Facts, People/Things, and more), and challenge others to join in using the Game I.D. and their name. Play GameOn.World on any device with Internet access; No registration is required! Switch the audio on or off at the bottom of the screen.

tag(s): famous people (19), game based learning (186), sports (81), trivia (19)

In the Classroom

GameOn.World is addictive and not just for teaching geography! It is a whole class activity, so introduce it to your students with a projector and their own devices or classroom computers. The questions are on your large screen or whiteboard, and students answer on their devices. Also, projected on the large screen will be the participant names and results. GameOn is an interactive activity; for instance, for location and timeline games, students respond to questions by moving a marker on a map or clicking a date on a timeline. Use GameOn.World at the beginning of class to engage students immediately. With categories like Sports, Entertainment, Science, Cities, Facts, People/Things, and more, there is something for any student to enjoy and excel in. Use GameOn.World to wrap up the end of class. Students will leave class reluctantly with a smile on their faces! Coming soon to GameOn will be the ability to create your own games, so play what they have, often, and watch for that announcement.

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Makerbot - Thingiverse: Education - Makerbot Industries, LLC

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Thingiverse offers over 15,000 3D printing designs and enough lesson plans to keep a classroom busy all school year. All free! Discover lessons for K-5, 6-8, 9-12 and university levels....more
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Thingiverse offers over 15,000 3D printing designs and enough lesson plans to keep a classroom busy all school year. All free! Discover lessons for K-5, 6-8, 9-12 and university levels. Also, find lessons categorized by subject. By clicking on any of these categories, you can then search the new page by both grade level and subject i.e. K-5 and Special Education. Click Explore or use the search bar from the top and find Quick Projects, Building Bridges, and Featured Projects. If you are really into 3D and want to design your own project, you can do that at Thingiverse, too. Thingiverse's 3D printing documents from this tool only work on MakerBot or Stratasys printers.

tag(s): artists (82), computational thinking (41), critical thinking (121), design (81), fashion (11), makerspace (43), printables (36)

In the Classroom

Whether you are a STEM or STEAM educator or teach woods or metal shop, there is something here for everyone. Are you setting up a makerspace and want to include 3D projects? Find more than you can imagine at Thingiverse. Many lessons address Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards, too. History, math, and language arts teachers may enjoy Cryptography: Sending Secret Messages and could extend it into a cross-curricular project; look at Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Making a Cartouche, too. ELA teachers, take a look at the Book Report project to create 3D Keychains having elements of the character's personality and challenges. Art teachers be sure to check out Art Connector Set SVG Conversion Project where your students can turn their drawing into a sculpture! These are just a few of the many lesson plans and projects to look into on Thingiverse. Cut down the time it takes to discover interesting projects by allowing time in class for students to explore in categories selected by you.

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Root Word and Prefix Study Pages -

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As part of their extensive vocabulary site, includes over 90 word puzzles practicing Greek and Latin root words. This site includes alignment of activities to Common...more
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As part of their extensive vocabulary site, includes over 90 word puzzles practicing Greek and Latin root words. This site includes alignment of activities to Common Core Standards. Find 90 additional prefix studies on page 2 here.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): grammar (134), grammar review (31), prefixes (10), root words (11), spelling (98), vocabulary (238), word study (60)

In the Classroom

Include these activities as part of any lessons on prefixes. Use words found on this site as a starting point, then challenge students to find additional words with the same prefixes.

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Honey & Honey Bees -

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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for Honey & Honey Bees. Find a crossword puzzle and word search using ...more
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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for Honey & Honey Bees. Find a crossword puzzle and word search using honey and bee vocabulary words.

tag(s): animals (295), insects (68), spelling (98), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (93)

In the Classroom

Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to solve the puzzles on their own. Have students try to create their own word puzzles and share them on a class wiki. Challenge students try to create a different type of word puzzle for these words using a site like Educaplay, reviewed here. Share them on a class wiki.

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Grammar Words -

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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for grammar words. Find interactive vocabulary activities using the same 20 grammar...more
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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for grammar words. Find interactive vocabulary activities using the same 20 grammar words. You will find interactive puzzles as well as fill in the blanks, definition matches, and true/false puzzles. This and other "themes" available on the site will make vocabulary development enjoyable.

tag(s): crosswords (19), grammar (134), grammar review (31), spelling (98), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (93)

In the Classroom

Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to try out the puzzles on their own. Challenge students to try to create their own word puzzles using a site like HTML Crossword Generator, reviewed here, if you are just beginning to integrate technology into your classroom, or Educaplay, reviewed here, if you and your students are experienced tech users. Share them on a class wiki.

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Animals in their Habitat -

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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for Animals in their Habitat. Find interactive puzzles using animals and habitat...more
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As part of their extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more, has added a themed area for Animals in their Habitat. Find interactive puzzles using animals and habitat vocabulary words. You will also find fill-in-the-blanks and definition matches, all using the same 21 theme words. This and other "themes" available on the site will make vocabulary development enjoyable.

tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), habitats (90), spelling (98), vocabulary development (93)

In the Classroom

Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to solve the puzzles on their own. Challenge students to try to create their own word puzzles using a site like Just Crosswords, reviewed here, if you are just beginning to integrate technology into your classroom, or Educaplay, reviewed here, if you and your students are experienced tech users. Share them on a class wiki.

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NoteBookCast -

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Create and collaborate with up to 10 others using this online whiteboard, no registration necessary. Optional registration allows you to save whiteboards for later use. Give your whiteboard...more
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Create and collaborate with up to 10 others using this online whiteboard, no registration necessary. Optional registration allows you to save whiteboards for later use. Give your whiteboard a name and choose your board size to begin. Options allow for customizing the look of the whiteboard, adding a chat box, and uploading images. Share with other users using the provided link or with your personalized code. NoteBookCast is compatible with many devices making it easy for everyone to work together.

tag(s): collaboration (96), drawing (61), iwb (32)

In the Classroom

Most subject area teachers and their students will benefit from the use of this tool. Allow students to create collaborative drawings as responses to literature. They can map out the plot or themes, add labels, create character studies, and more. Share the finished products on an interactive whiteboard, projector, or your class website. Have a group of students create a drawing, so another group can use it as a writing prompt. Use a NoteBookCast board as a brainstorming or sketching space as groups (or the class) share ideas for a major project or for solving a real world problem. Use this tool with students in a computer lab (or on laptops) to create a drawing of the setting in a story during a read-aloud. As an assessment idea, have students draw out a simple cartoon with stick figures to explain a more complex process such as how democracy works. If you are lucky enough to teach in a BYOD setting, use this site to demonstrate and illustrate any concept while students use the chat and drawing tools to interact in real time. If you are studying weather, have students diagram the layers of the atmosphere and what happens during a thunderstorm, for example. Introduce this tool to students who are working on group projects. Alternatively, have students use this to work as partners or as a small team to complete complex math problems or equations.

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The Memory Palace - Nate DiMeo

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The Memory Palace is a storytelling podcast created by an Artist in Residence at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Choose any episode to listen online to a real-life story, and ...more
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The Memory Palace is a storytelling podcast created by an Artist in Residence at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Choose any episode to listen online to a real-life story, and view some notes about the podcast. There are hundreds of captivating stories, one being Elmer McCurdy Rides Again and Again; he's "an outlaw sent to his maker at barely past 30 but not to his grave..." Use tags to find episodes with similar content. Find other stories categorized by Favorites, History, Places, and Topics. Optionally, subscribe using iTunes or an RSS reader and automatically receive new episodes.

tag(s): 1800s (75), 1900s (73), art history (91), artists (82), digital storytelling (155), listening (92), museums (50), new york (24), podcasts (104), presidents (135)

In the Classroom

You may want to consider choosing the link Where Do I Start? to begin your journey with this podcast. This section contains the author's personal favorites. Listen to weekly podcasts together in class to stimulate discussion and interest in art and history topics and the art of storytelling. Assign the weekly podcast as listening homework. Some of the comments may suggest songs and other stories that are similar. After you've invetigated those, share them with your students. Have students create a series of questions to ask each other about issues discussed on the podcast. Have cooperative learning groups create podcasts demonstrating their understanding of one of the concepts. Use a site such as Buzzsprout, reviewed here.

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TED-Ed Student Talks - Lessons Worth Sharing - TEDEd

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TED-Ed Student Talks provide a platform for students aged 8-18 across the world to explore ideas, share information, and participate in global conversations. Begin by applying to start...more
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TED-Ed Student Talks provide a platform for students aged 8-18 across the world to explore ideas, share information, and participate in global conversations. Begin by applying to start a club to discuss thoughts and ideas of interest to your group through the leadership of an adult facilitator. Each club is open to up to 50 members. Clubs provide 13 meetings beginning with three sessions exploring TED Talks, following that, students learn how to frame and share ideas. At the conclusion, participants upload their final talk to the TED-Ed YouTube Channel. Under Discover find Lessons, Collections, Insights and more. Be sure to explore the topics under Create and Get Involved. The videos are hosted on YouTube.

tag(s): collaboration (96), creativity (92), critical thinking (121), logic (161), problem solving (225)

In the Classroom

Facilitate a TED-Ed Club to promote problem-solving skills and creative thinking in any subject. Challenge students to pursue ideas of interest to them in the classroom. Create a club as an after-school activity for like-minded students, or as enrichment for gifted learners. TED-Ed Club provides an outlet for some quieter students with interests other than what is offered in the curriculum, encourage these students to share their interests and passions through the guidelines provided in the clubs.

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3x3 Links - Federico Elles

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3x3 Links is a bookmarking site that organizes saved websites into a 3x3 grid. Add items as a link to any website or create a folder that links to a ...more
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3x3 Links is a bookmarking site that organizes saved websites into a 3x3 grid. Add items as a link to any website or create a folder that links to a new grid with websites you add. Customize your page to include a personalized URL, add a background image or color, and include or delete captions.

tag(s): bookmarks (44), preK (267)

In the Classroom

3x3 Links is an excellent tool for efficiently managing online resources in your classroom. For younger students, use this site as the home page on classroom computers. Add direct links to sites for student use or create folders for each subject. This site allows the creation of multiple grids, create a grid for each content unit or semester. Use the embed code to add the grid to your class webpage. For older students, this site is perfect for organizing and sharing resources for study or research projects. As an example, if your students are doing a research report on a state, ask them to create a grid to include folders linking to different topics including famous people, population information, geography, and history. Although there is an option to create up to 9 cubes in your grid, it isn't necessary so the number of cubes can be suited to fit your needs.

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Sticky Notes: Just Popped Up! - Ukiv

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Do you always place sticky notes on your computer screen? This Chrome extension is for you. This simple design allows you to add a note to your screen with one ...more
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Do you always place sticky notes on your computer screen? This Chrome extension is for you. This simple design allows you to add a note to your screen with one click. Change font size, color, and themes to personalize your stickies. View your notes across devices when logged in to Chrome. Be sure to watch for updates to include multiple sticky notes and features for sharing.

tag(s): brainstorming (18), note taking (36), organizational skills (89)

In the Classroom

Make notes for conferences, lab materials, books needed, or even parent conferences on any web page. Add sticky notes to any webpage or PDF shared with students on your interactive whiteboard to remind them of the necessary information or as a list of important items to watch for when viewing a page. Create a list of vocabulary words from any website as you view it together. Share this extension for students to use on their device for note-taking.

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Loose Canon - Julia Franks

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Create excitement about books and promote the love of reading with Loose Canon. This site provides over 9000 book recommendations to view by subject or grade level. Create a free ...more
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Create excitement about books and promote the love of reading with Loose Canon. This site provides over 9000 book recommendations to view by subject or grade level. Create a free classroom account to add your books and recommendations by your students. Free accounts allow up to 60 participants to share and compare texts. Be sure also to view the resources provided by Loose Canon. This portion of the site shares assessment, classroom activities, and reading research to viewers without requiring registration. Included is approximately a five minute video explaining reading workshop and features of Loose Cannon. This video resides on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, the video may not be viewable.

tag(s): book lists (165), book reports (28), classroom management (124)

In the Classroom

Share Loose Canon with your students as an extensive resource for finding and comparing books to read. Use materials found on this site to create collaborative Literature Circles in your classroom. If you create an account with Loose Canon, ask students to share their thoughts on books read in school and at home by reviewing and rating it on Loose Canon. These reviews can be made public, or students can keep them private. Take your reading reflections a step further and transform classroom technology use by asking students to share their thoughts through a multimedia presentation using an interactive tool like Sway, reviewed here, that allows you to include images, links, and videos.

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fabmarks -

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FabMarks provides online test preparation for standardized tests including PSAT, SAT, ACT, and GMAT. Prepare for testing through the site's videos, practice questions, and assessments....more
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FabMarks provides online test preparation for standardized tests including PSAT, SAT, ACT, and GMAT. Prepare for testing through the site's videos, practice questions, and assessments. Choose your test to begin, then select from the study planner or practice tests. Registration isn't required; however, it allows you to save and view progress throughout the training materials.

tag(s): assessment (152), test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Share this site on your class website with students to use in place of worksheets or other printed test prep materials. Encourage students to create their own account and take advantage of the lessons and assessments provided. As students progress through the practice materials, encourage them to share suggestions for problem-solving and test-taking with other students. Ask students to create a portfolio including annotated images to reflect and share their progress in test preparation using a tool such as Spaces, reviewed here. Have cooperative learning groups create podcasts sharing their ideas using a site such as Podcast Generator, reviewed here.

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Twitter Chat: Personalized Learning: What's all the Buzz? - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from November 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Through this chat participants...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from November 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Through this chat participants will: understand and discuss the basic principles of personalized learning; share resources and ideas for incorporating personalized learning into the classroom; discuss benefits and the impact of personalized learning; explore integrated digital content that allows for a differentiated path and pace for learning.

tag(s): twitterchatarchive (175)

In the Classroom

View this chat yourself or with your colleagues to learn more about personalized learning. Learn about resources and discuss the benefits.

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