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Password Folder - PasswordFolder.net
K to 12tag(s): digital citizenship (85), internet safety (113), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Add Password Folder to your Windows device for many different uses. For example, protect sensitive student files, private data, or financial information. In addition, use a password when sharing files with parents to ensure that only authorized viewers access personal information. Adding a password to folders also provides an extra layer of security if your device is hacked.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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PDF Converter - PDF Candy
K to 12tag(s): conversions (37), editing (93), worksheets (69)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save PDF Converter for any number of classroom uses. Easily convert any document into a PDF for easy sharing and use, add comments and notes to PDF documents, or convert PDF files to images or PowerPoint presentations. Use the Sign PDF option to make classroom documents electronic; for example, use this option for field trip permissions or to verify that parents view essential information. Use the Protect PDF resource to add a password to sensitive documents. Use the merge tool to combine several PDF documents submitted by students to create a class book, then use PDF to Flipbook Converter, reviewed here to make an online flippable book for all to view and enjoy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: Tech Integration Made Easy with Screencastify - TeachersFirst
1 to 12There are many...more
There are many ways you can use screencasts to support instruction: giving activity instructions to students, helping parents support students who are struggling with an assignment, or even allowing students to make their thinking visible. Screencastify can facilitate all of these and more. Join us to learn how you can put this tool to work for your students. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn basic use of Screencastify; 2. Explore three ways to use screencasts in your classroom; and 3. Plan for the instructional use of Screencastify. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): blended learning (36), flipped learning (8), professional development (373), remote learning (54), video (264)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: 3 Cool Tools for the Flipped Classroom - TeachersFirst
1 to 12Let's flip the...more
Let's flip the classroom by sending direct instruction materials home and completing application exercises in class! This model of instruction works well for blended classrooms where the emphasis is placed on student autonomy - allowing students to learn at their own pace. Join us for this session on using Microsoft Flip (formerly Flipgrid), Sway, and Forms to facilitate student instruction. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn flipped instruction basics; 2. Explore three tools that can facilitate flipped instruction; and 3. Plan for the use of flipped instruction in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): blended learning (36), flipped learning (8), Microsoft (79), professional development (373), remote learning (54)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: Game-Based Learning Basics - TeachersFirst
K to 12Learn the basics...more
Learn the basics of game-based learning (GBL)! In this session, we will explore tools that you can use to incorporate GBL into different content areas, talk about strategies for implementing games, and discuss classroom management tips you can use while your students are learning. Participants will leave knowing how to choose a learning game for use in their setting. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Review the meaning of game-based learning (GBL); 2. Explore tools used for GBL; and 3. Discuss classroom management strategies to support implementing GBL. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): game based learning (187), professional development (373)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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How to Research: Ultimate Guide [+Online Tools] - IvyPanda
5 to 12tag(s): presentations (23), process writing (37), Research (84), writing (323)
In the Classroom
This article is quite lengthy, but it provides students with a great deal of information on research and reporting researched information. At a minimum, share the provided link to the step-by-step image with students to use as a reference guide. For more in-depth lessons, break down the information into smaller pieces and include them in your current research project lessons. Consider using a curation tool such as Padlet, reviewed here, to share this resource and others with students to guide research projects. For example, include a column with tools for evaluating sources such as Checkology, reviewed here, and another column with online tools to create citations such as MyBib, reviewed here. Offer students an option of different tools to create and share their presentations, including Ourboox, reviewed here, to create a digital flipbook or Powtoon, reviewed here, as an option for video presentations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Wheel of Life Online Template - Class Tools
3 to 12tag(s): biographies (93), characterization (19), charts and graphs (170)
In the Classroom
The Wheel of Life template is an interesting addition to current classroom resources for evaluating literary or historical characters. Ask students to share their thoughts on the essential characteristics to include when assessing characters and ask them to justify their inclusions. For example, when discussing Abraham Lincoln, is it important to include wealth, or is there a better trait to include that defines his impact on society? Ask groups of students to create a Wheel of Life based upon characters, then compare and contrast what they included and found necessary to include as character traits. Use student-created templates to highlight important information to include when writing biographies or when creating presentations. Share completed reports using a one-page website creator such as About.me, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Spider Scribe - SpiderScribe.net
4 to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (170), graphic organizers (48), mind map (27)
In the Classroom
Use SpiderScribe to create chapter or story maps as a collaborative project, or work together as a class to create a story map on your interactive whiteboard. Use this tool for literature activities, research projects, social studies, or science topics. Use this to create family trees or food pyramids in family and consumer science. Have students collaborate (online) to create group mind maps or review charts before tests on a given subject. Have students organize any concepts they study. They can color code concepts to show what they understand, wonder about, and question. Enhance student learning using SpiderScribe and ask students to demonstrate a step-by-step process, such as the life cycle of a butterfly. Include students' SpiderScribe creations as part of larger multimedia projects created using Sway, reviewed here or Google Slides, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: Resource Roundup: Free Tools from the Edge - TeachersFirst
K to 12Looking for new...more
Looking for new tech tools? Go to the cutting edge with TeachersFirst! Discover tools you and your students can use to create images, timelines, whiteboards, mind maps, and more. Learn how the TeachersFirst Edge collection is organized so you can find a tool that fits your needs. Get inspired and explore classroom applications for timesaving tools in this fast-paced session. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Explore the categories and tools reviewed on the TeachersFirst Edge; 2. Plan to implement an Edge resource for student-centered use as part of an upcoming teaching unit; and 3. Use an Edge tool to create an instructional learning object. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): creating media (13), professional development (373)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Straw.Page - Osman Ahmed
4 to 12tag(s): blogs (65), communication (129), digital storytelling (153), portfolios (23), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Add Straw.Page to your list of website creation tools to offer for students to use for many different projects. For example, ask students to share poems, lab reports, or quick journal entries and add an image or links to additional information. If students are creating pages, check with your district's policy on publishing student work. Create pages to share information with parents about upcoming events and important dates or a list of links for resources to use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Google Read Along - Google
K to 12tag(s): digital reading (16), gamification (79), independent reading (83), preK (269)
In the Classroom
Google Read Along would be a great addition to any preschool or early elementary classroom. Teachers who work with ENL students or adults learning to read may also find this site helpful. Students will gain confidence by practicing reading independently yet still get assistance if needed, all while the teacher can work with individual students or small groups. In addition, many books are cross-curricular, so they can be used to enhance instruction for other core subjects.Comments
This is a great resource to help my Spanish 1 and Heritage students to learn how to read.Jessica Zapata, , Grades: 9 - 12
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Writing Forward - Melissa Donovan
7 to 12tag(s): creative writing (124), descriptive writing (42), editing (93), expository writing (31), grammar (137), letter writing (19), paragraph writing (15), persuasive writing (58), poetry (192), process writing (37)
In the Classroom
Share a link to Writing Forward on your class website for students to use as a writing resource and for personal and professional use. Use any blog post as a schema activator to introduce a grammar or writing lesson. For example, one post is titled "Homophones: Its and It's." Share a link to the post using Fiskkit, reviewed here. Ask students to add comments and highlight important information from the post directly into Fiskkit. Use students' comments to begin your lesson on homophones. As students understand the different uses for its and it's, ask them to create media that demonstrates the differences using a design tool like Canva for Education, reviewed here. Offer students options for creating flyers, timelines, infographics, and more that take advantage of Canva's many features.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Quillbot English, Writing, and Research Courses - Quillbot
6 to 12tag(s): citations (32), expository writing (31), grammar (137), OER (43), persuasive writing (58), punctuation (24), reading comprehension (149), Research (84), tutorials (53), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Bookmark Quillbot as a supplement to your current curricular materials and a resource for students to use for practice and remediation in writing skills. The courses also provide practice and instruction for use with English Language Learners. Share with college-bound students to use in preparation for college-level courses. Include a link to Quillbot's resources on your class webpage for easy access anytime. Consider curating resources for students using Wakelet, reviewed here, for sharing a collection that includes commonly-used lessons. Find and assign individual topics to students or classes to address specific areas that need additional instruction. For example, when students struggle with the proper use of commas, give and discuss any of the activities found on Quillbot that provide instruction and practice. As students make revisions, ask them to share before and after changes in the product of their writing. For example, when working with Google Docs, ask students to submit an original draft and the finished product and reflect upon the changes and revisions made. Offer students the option to include an audio recording of their reflections using Audio Pal, reviewed here, and share the link to the recording in the final Google Document.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Educational Podcasts for Students - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): podcasts (103)
In the Classroom
Share these podcasts with your students to use when learning related material. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find podcasts to incorporate into your lessons.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Guide to Writing - Quillbot
K to 12tag(s): citations (32), parts of speech (38), plagiarism (33), punctuation (24), Research (84), sentences (21), spelling (98)
In the Classroom
Although this is a complete course, it isn't necessary to follow the order shared on the site. Instead, pick and choose individual modules or topics to use as desired. For example, if your class needs a short reteaching activity using parenthesis, choose that lesson for students to view and complete the practice activity. This site is also an excellent resource to share with students on your website or include with your other shared sites for students to use in school or at home. Use a curation tool such as Netboard, reviewed here, to gather and share web resources for students to find easily. Use the lessons as a model, and ask students to create writing lessons of their own to address common writing errors found in your classroom. For example, ask students to create explainer videos using Clipchamp, reviewed here, to share tips and ideas for using commas correctly or citing sources in research papers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Slidesgo - Freepik
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): artificial intelligence (169), flash cards (43), presentations (23), slides (43)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many slide templates shared on this site to spice up your slide presentations and to share with students to use for their creations. Include a link to Slidesgo on classroom computers and your class webpage for easy access to all users. Keep in mind the limit of ten monthly downloads; consider creating an account for each class if necessary. Use the provided templates to create certificates throughout the school year to award student accomplishments or use the flashcard templates to introduce and practice vocabulary terms. Include student presentations as part of portfolios created in Seesaw, reviewed here, to share with parents during parent/teacher conferences.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Stickies.io - Carbon Five
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), iwb (31), organizational skills (88), Teacher Utilities (183), Whiteboard (10)
In the Classroom
Save Stickies with your other bookmarks as a handy tool for student collaboration and organizing information throughout the year. For example, engage students in book discussions by creating a Stickies board and asking students to add stickies with details about characters, plot, and setting. Follow up by asking students to color code and organize labels based on the information. In this instance, character information might be yellow, plot blue, etc. Stickies is also an excellent tool to include with social-emotional learning activities. For example, encourage students to share sentences that begin with the "I like," "I wish," and "We will" formats as a tool for goal-setting.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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SwifDoo PDF - SwifDoo Software
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), editing (93), Microsoft (79)
In the Classroom
Download and use SwifDoo PDF for many of your classroom needs. Edit documents to differentiate instruction based on student interests and abilities. If your original document isn't in PDF format, use a conversion tool such as CleverPDF, reviewed here, to convert your file to PDF and begin using SwifDoo. Use the annotation feature as a collaborative tool for you and your students. For example, add feedback to a student document as an annotation and allow them to respond on the same document. Share the same feature with students working on collaborative projects as a tool for sharing ideas within a single document. Add a password to sensitive documents shared with parents, such as behavior reports or feedback on academic progress. Use the Merge tool to combine multiple files to create remote learning packets, share missed classroom assignments, or create a class handbook with pertinent information.Edge Features:
Premium version (not free) includes additional features or storage
Multiple users can collaborate on the same project
Requires download/installation of software
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Emoji Bullet List - Matthew Palmer
K to 12tag(s): images (260), presentations (23)
In the Classroom
The Emoji Bullet List doesn't recognize emojis for all words; however, it is helpful for many purposes to visually improve the looks of lists used in documents, slides, and social media. For example, use emoji bullets to bring attention to school supply lists, upcoming important dates, or exciting events. Share Emoji Bullet List with students when creating websites using Carrd, reviewed here, or as part of videos using Adobe Creative Express Video Maker, reviewed here, or presentations created in Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Image Candy - Image Candy
K to 12In the Classroom
Access to an easy-to-use image editor is vital for many classroom needs, be sure to bookmark and save this site on your computer for many uses and on student computers for school projects. Use the tools in many different ways. For example, use the simple meme generator with a historical figure to introduce a new social studies unit with humor. Use the background remover with pictures taken of students, then ask them to place themselves in a new place using Google Slides, reviewed here such as in a location discussed in a recent novel study. Edit images to include on your classroom website to add text, remove unwanted items, or create animated gifs from classroom videos to share with parents on your site or social media.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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