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Free Templates -

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Choose from over 100,000 ready-made templates for use with many different programs, including Word, Google Docs, Adobe, WordPress, and more at Free Templates. Register using your email...more
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Choose from over 100,000 ready-made templates for use with many different programs, including Word, Google Docs, Adobe, WordPress, and more at Free Templates. Register using your email to begin viewing and downloading templates to personalize. Select options by file format or type of publication desired. Use the keyword search to find specific content; for example, use Education & Free to find a variety of templates (over 1,000) for use in educational settings, including flyers, brochures, and posters. Select the file to download, then choose the free option. This option requires that users give credit to the source of the template and provides wording to copy and paste onto digital sites or print copies.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): graphic design (49), graphic organizers (48), posters (43)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a time-saving option for a variety of classroom uses. Share with students to use when creating class projects. For example, choose a brochure for students to use to create and share book reviews, state research projects, or to document a science experiment. Include completed templates on larger presentations using Sway, reviewed here. In addition to presentations created using these templates, be sure to include videos, images, and more within students' Sway presentations.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Open Up Resources - Open Up Resources

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Access high-quality math and language arts resources on Open Up Resources. Register on the site to view and gain access to course materials. Select the grade level and choose the ...more
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Access high-quality math and language arts resources on Open Up Resources. Register on the site to view and gain access to course materials. Select the grade level and choose the teacher, parent, or student materials. The math curriculum supports grades 6-8 and high school content; English language arts (ELA) is available in grades K-8. Content is divided into units and lessons and includes all materials except assessments. Provide additional information related to your school affiliation to gain access to available assessments. Other options include downloading resources as a print file or import into a Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook.

tag(s): data (151), decimals (85), differentiation (83), exponents (35), factoring (25), fractions (160), guided reading (33), measurement (123), OER (43), remote learning (54), transformations (12), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Include this site to supplement your current ELA and math curriculum. Use the resources to differentiate instruction for gifted students in lower grades or as remediation for struggling students in older grades. Be sure to take advantage of the family materials providing explanations of math content and strategies for problem-solving. Use the student materials for differentiating instruction, as homework, or in remote learning situations. Have students share their math explanations, reading strategies and more with video explanations using a tool like Gravity, reviewed here. Gravity provides a tool for video responses to a question along with comments from peers. Extend learning by asking students to create and share their own math problems, along with suggestions for learning. Use a tool like Sway, reviewed here. Sway is a presentation tool that offers multimedia options, including text, video, and images.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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International Storytelling Center - The International Storytelling Center

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Discover the power of storytelling through the work of the International Storytelling Center. The center's work includes three main categories: performance, preservation, and practice....more
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Discover the power of storytelling through the work of the International Storytelling Center. The center's work includes three main categories: performance, preservation, and practice. Although many events are part of paid admission to the Storytelling Festival, the site contains many free resources. Start with the "Storytellers" link to learn about featured storytellers that include links to their websites. Select the area entitled "Initiatives" to find Freedom Stories and the Learning Library. Freedom Stories is an ongoing series that features performances and discussions focused on the topic of the Black Heritage of Appalachia. The Learning Library is an area for educators that includes lessons, storytelling toolkits, stories in action, and other classroom resources. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

tag(s): authors (106), digital storytelling (153), stories and storytelling (58)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of this site's many storytelling resources to teach and share the art of storytelling with your students. Watch videos together and discuss how storytellers use different techniques to engage an audience. Use EdPuzzle, reviewed here, to create interactive video lessons by adding questions and notes to featured videos to guide students as they watch storytellers in action. As you encourage students to learn about storytelling, use activities found at ReadWriteThink, reviewed here, to help students plan and create stories. For example, use this lesson to create book trailers instead of book reports to guide students through a digital storytelling activity. As students gain confidence in storytelling, ask them to create a podcast series featuring their work. Buzzsprout, reviewed here, is a simple to use podcasting tool that offers up to two hours of free uploads per month.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Black Illustrations - John D. Saunders

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This collection, created by a black web designer, includes over forty images of people of color for use with any digital project. They include a diverse selection of skin colors, ...more
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This collection, created by a black web designer, includes over forty images of people of color for use with any digital project. They include a diverse selection of skin colors, body types, and hairstyles to represent a broad spectrum of black images. In addition to individual images, this pack includes pre-made office and medical scenes. The downloaded contents consist of images in a variety of formats, including PNG, JPG, and others.

tag(s): clip art (11), images (260), racism (79)

In the Classroom

Use images from this collection with any digital projects, and be sure to share with students to use with their digital work. These images are perfect to use with any projects that involve discussions and presentations on racism. Use images in a variety of ways such as to include in explainer videos created with Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here, in digital books made with Book Creator, reviewed here, and in multimedia presentations made with Sway, reviewed here.

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Bruce Cameron Novel Study Guide - Macmillan

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Bruce Cameron is the author of the popular book series, A Dog's Purpose. This printable document contains a reading guide that incorporates the series's novels into an integrated lesson...more
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Bruce Cameron is the author of the popular book series, A Dog's Purpose. This printable document contains a reading guide that incorporates the series's novels into an integrated lesson plan. The materials incorporate the three books to use as teaching opportunities for lessons in compare and contrast and to teach about following a plotline throughout a book series. Content includes chapter-by-chapter vocabulary, chapter summaries and questions, and extended learning questions.

tag(s): guided reading (33), reading strategies (96)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of this free reading guide to use as a book study in your classroom. Engage students using Baamboozle, reviewed here, to introduce and assess student understanding of vocabulary words. Baamboozle is an easy to use game creation site designed to be played in teams. Extend learning of point of view concepts by asking students to use Witty Comics, reviewed here, to create comic strips sharing different points of view. As a final project, ask students to choose one of the themes found in the study guide as a project-based learning activity. Provide options for sharing their learning such as creating a podcast using Buzzsprout, reviewed here, create a learning game using Scratch, reviewed here, or use Odyssey, reviewed here, as a map-based storytelling tool.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Safe@School - Lesson Plans and Toolkits - USC Rossier

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USC Rossier's online master's in school counseling program provides this extensive collection of resources for helping you to facilitate discussions about race, racism, and diversity...more
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USC Rossier's online master's in school counseling program provides this extensive collection of resources for helping you to facilitate discussions about race, racism, and diversity with students of all ages. Some of the resources are lesson plans, glossaries, toolkits, and others are activities. You don't have to pursue a master's in counseling to use these resources. Unfortunately, a few of the links are broken. Start with the Anti-Racisim Resource Kit, and go from there down the list.

tag(s): african american (110), hispanic (34), racism (79)

In the Classroom

Use these resources throughout the school year, and especially during difficult conversations, including those about racism, come up in class. Review these resources to prepare yourself for spontaneous discussions about race and differences. You may want to start the school year with a community building activity from this list, from Teampedia, reviewed here. Or skim through the list of resources to find one that will fit your lesson and students.

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Teaching About Race and Racism: Lesson Plans Resources - ShareMyLesson

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Curated by ShareMyLesson, find a substantial collection of PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources to help students critically address the issues of race and racism. Racism...more
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Curated by ShareMyLesson, find a substantial collection of PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources to help students critically address the issues of race and racism. Racism lesson plans are in categories on the left menu titled In This Collection; some examples are Black Lives Matter (which has an anti-racist reading list for children and adults), Professional Development, and General Racism Lesson Plans. The latter includes lessons about talking with children about race, stereotyping, white supremacy, segregation, lynchings, anti-Semitism, and too many more to name here. Other categories include Lesson Plans: Stereotyping, Racial Profiling, and Related Collections. ShareMyLesson has put together such a rich collection that you won't need to look anywhere else.

tag(s): african american (110), black history (130), hispanic (34), jews (32), racism (79), segregation (18)

In the Classroom

Before sharing this site with students, find a lesson to use as an introduction. Then, show the lesson and its resources on your interactive whiteboard or with a projector, explaining to students all the parts of the lesson as you proceed through it. After this first lesson, enhance student learning by allowing them to choose what lesson or resource they would like to investigate next. Ask students to use Padlet, reviewed here, to register their preference for investigation. If more than one student is interested in the same lesson/resource, allow them to work together. Challenge students to share their extended learning with their peers in a multimedia presentation using, reviewed here, or Sway, reviewed here. Both Sway and will allow your students to create multimedia projects. With you could allow students to choose the type of interactive media they want to develop.

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Site123 - Site123

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It's as easy as 123 to create a blog or build your website with Site123. Click the Get Started button and choose the type of website you want. There are ...more
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It's as easy as 123 to create a blog or build your website with Site123. Click the Get Started button and choose the type of website you want. There are 16 categories ranging from blogs to music, business, photography, portfolio, creative arts, and several others. Next, add the name for your blog or website, and last, sign up with your name and email, or your Facebook or Google account. Once this is done you can start designing by choosing from templates, their royalty-free images (or upload your own), add text, videos, and music. Use your dashboard to add pages and edit at any time, even after you've published your page. An added bonus is that you can create multiple websites and/or blogs under one account and one admin username. Be sure to check out the video tutorials for building your website and all the features available to you, such as approving comments, sharing on social media, and more! If your district blocks YouTube the tutorials may not be viewable. You can then look under the settings tab, the FAQs, or write to a support person (available 24/7).
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): blogs (65), communication (129), portfolios (23), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Use this site for students to post or collect material for simple projects such as stories, poems, art projects, science lab write-ups, or the week's problem in math. Collect a master list of URLs to student pages on your classroom website, wiki, or blog for easy access. If students are creating pages, check with your district's policy on publishing student work. Create pages for quick link-sharing or upcoming events such as field trips, class party information, school events, science fairs, etc. Students can create simple pages to share links to include in presentations so classmates can participate on laptops. If you are beginning a major creative project such as a literary magazine or research project, Site123 is a wonderful place for writers to collect questions and ideas to be developed later.

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Copyright & Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens - Copyright &

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Digital Literacy is an important topic to teach to students, and understanding copyright is increasingly essential as all students are now publishers and creators. This site provides...more
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Digital Literacy is an important topic to teach to students, and understanding copyright is increasingly essential as all students are now publishers and creators. This site provides a free curriculum for all grade levels to teach copyright and fair use. Choose from one of the three grade-level bands - elementary, middle school, or high school to access the shared lessons. Each of the grade-level content areas includes lessons, slides, videos, and all materials needed to teach the curriculum fully. In addition to the student lessons, Copyright & Creativity also includes an on-demand teaching unit for professionals that is hosted on Canvas, reviewed here. Videos included with the lessons are hosted on YouTube.

tag(s): copyright (44), digital citizenship (85)

In the Classroom

Utilize the free curriculums offered on this site to teach students (and yourself) about the proper use of copyright. If you are unable to download the videos, this site recommends viewing the videos using View Pure, reviewed here, to remove all of the annoying "extras" included with YouTube videos. As you teach lessons and ask students to brainstorm ideas or compare and contrast information, use a graphic organizer tool such as Popplet, reviewed here, to create and save visual displays of students' ideas that include both text and images. Ask students to include a link to their Popplet organizer on Seesaw, reviewed here, along with original drawings, recordings, or other materials created during your unit. As a final project, extend learning by asking students to create a tutorial about copyright based upon their knowledge. Provide a variety of resources for creating the tutorial as a way to differentiate learning. Examples of some tools to include are Book Creator, reviewed here, or Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here, or create an infographic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Where to? What next? - National Park Service

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Where to? What next? includes a film and accompanying lesson plans dedicated to the life of American poet, Carl Sandburg. The short (9 minutes) film explores Sandburg's childhood and...more
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Where to? What next? includes a film and accompanying lesson plans dedicated to the life of American poet, Carl Sandburg. The short (9 minutes) film explores Sandburg's childhood and how his love for words developed into a love of poetry and stories. The lesson plans include an exploration of essential questions based on family heritage and future aspirations.

tag(s): authors (106), family (51), famous people (19), genealogy (8), poetry (192), racism (79)

In the Classroom

Include this video and these lesson plans with your current poetry unit. Engage students by creating a Padlet, reviewed here, to learn more about Carl Sandburg and other poets. In your Padlet, post links to poems to read and watch as they are read by poets and entertainers. Find some ideas and examples to use at the Archive of Recorded Literature, reviewed here. Encourage students to collaborate as they plan and create their own poetry by using a shared whiteboard tool such as Draw.Chat, reviewed here. Draw.Chat doesn't require registration, invite collaborators by sharing the link. Use the whiteboard to upload images, create graphic organizers, and brainstorm ideas for poems. Share your class's poetry using PodcastGenerator, reviewed here, challenge students to create podcasts with short segments of up to 256 seconds each.

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Milanote -

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Collect, organize, collaborate, and visualize with Milanote's visual boards. Milanote is a digital bulletin board that includes drag and drop features to add notes, images, files, text,...more
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Collect, organize, collaborate, and visualize with Milanote's visual boards. Milanote is a digital bulletin board that includes drag and drop features to add notes, images, files, text, almost anything! Share your boards with others to collaborate in real-time, when finished, share your boards using the link to view online or download as a high-quality PDF. Additional options include a web clipper app to add items directly from your browser, and the Milanote app allows you to save text, images, and links on your phone for use when working on the computer interface. Take advantage of the ready to use templates available to start your visual boards. Education examples include boards for research projects, brainstorming, class notes, and an academic project plan. Free accounts include adding up to 100 items, unlimited boards, and uploading up to 10 files.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): collaboration (91), collages (17), creativity (86), curation (32), DAT device agnostic tool (146), graphic organizers (48), organizational skills (88)

In the Classroom

Use Milanote to organize ideas and resources for upcoming lessons and units. Collaborate with peers using a visual board to organize and brainstorm ideas. Share with students to use when planning collaborative projects, to share resources, or to organize notes. Don't forget to look at all of the templates, not just those found under the education label. Use mood board templates for students to creatively share images and ideas to describe the mood or setting in a novel. Take advantage of the storyboard templates to help students organize an upcoming podcast or video presentation. Use the brainstorming templates as a visual mind map to map out features such as parts of a plant or insect body parts.

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OK2Ask: MIE 2 Day - Fostering Student Success with PowerPoint Online - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Ready to take the

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Ready to take the next step in utilizing the free PowerPoint online to its fullest capability? You and your students can collaborate, analyze, and create using this free web-based tool and build a robust learning environment that fosters student success. Join this session to learn about the powerful digital toolbox in PowerPoint online that helps teachers incorporate blended learning best practices into their classrooms. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Explore features of PowerPoint online that support collaboration and formative assessment; 2. Understand how PowerPoint online can support a blended learning environment; and 3. Plan for the use of PowerPoint online in your classroom for student productivity. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): blended learning (36), collaboration (91), Formative Assessment (72), Microsoft (80), professional development (377), remote learning (54)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: TeachersFirst Exclusives that Spark Curiosity in the Classroom - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Explore four free

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Explore four free TeachersFirst exclusive resources that spark curiosity and support classroom instruction. Let TeachersFirst help you save time and assist you with creating engaging learning experiences for your students. Enhance reading comprehension across content areas with our library of pre-made virtual field trips that immerse students in literature and build context and interest in the characters and their journeys. Support geography and mapping skills in grades 2-6 with the weekly episodic adventures of Geo and Meri. Build cross-cultural understanding and practice digital writing weekly with XW1W. Explore a web-based, interactive infographic of the Battle of Gettysburg designed to raise questions and invite connections for students in grades 5-10. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the importance of context within instruction; 2. Explore four curricular support resources that can be used to spark curiosity and discussion in the classroom; and 3. Plan for the use of a TeachersFirst exclusive, web-based resource in your lessons. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): professional development (377)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: 3 Cool Tools for Digital Reading - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Digital or online

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from August 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Digital or online reading is different from reading print. Digital reading often includes a research component that is not linear, so when reading online, students need to clarify their purpose and then evaluate and synthesize information. Come learn about the processes involved in digital reading and explore three tools that will help you teach critical strategies to your students. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand skills and processes involved in digital reading; 2. Explore tools that help students find, evaluate, and synthesize what they read; and 3. Plan for digital reading instruction in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): digital reading (16), professional development (377)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Wakelet as an Instructional Hub - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Pulling all of your

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Pulling all of your lesson content into one collection that students can navigate independently is a great instructional strategy. When used to implement flipped/blended learning, Wakelet allows students to be more self-reliant and gives the instructor more time to help students who struggle. Wakelet offers flexibility in how you share content with your students encouraging creativity in both the instructional sequence and in the ways students demonstrate learning. Join us to learn how Wakelet can be used to reshape your classroom. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand how Wakelet can be used to deliver differentiated blended learning lessons; 2. Explore Wakelet's built-in tools that support instruction; and 3. Plan to deliver a lesson using Wakelet. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): Accessibility (10), blended learning (36), classroom management (118), curation (32), flipped learning (8), professional development (377), remote learning (54), teaching strategies (49)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Differentiation for Remote Learning - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Creating the learning

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Creating the learning environment for every student is difficult when faced with remote learning. Without differentiated instruction, students may not thrive. Promote engagement by providing students with a choice of materials that allows them to acquire the required skills. Allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in various ways. Learn strategies for remote differentiation when you join this session. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand Tomlinson's model for differentiated instruction; 2. Explore ways to provide multiple options to access content; and 3. Plan a differentiated content strategy for the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): differentiation (83), professional development (377), remote learning (54)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Engage & Inspire with Virtual Field Trips - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Make an ordinary day

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Make an ordinary day extraordinary. Provide important context for your content, ratchet-up engagement, and immerse all students in authentic learning experiences with virtual field trips. Discuss strategies that can deepen learning and focus on targeted instructional goals, whether challenges and observations during or reflections and extensions post-experience. Explore different field trip options and identify destinations that support your educational setting. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1.Understand how to use virtual field trips in the classroom; 2. Explore virtual field trip options; and 3. Plan for the use of virtual field trips in your classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): remote learning (54), virtual field trips (119)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Google MANIA - Accessibility Features for Diverse Learners - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The Google suite has

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The Google suite has tools added for accessibility. Don't limit the use of these tools in your classroom. Let's give all students the chance to show their best work. This session will introduce you to these features and show you how to use them to support all students. Even students who don't have a documented need may find these tools helpful. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn basic accessibility features included in the Google suite; 2. Explore instructional strategies that use the accessibility features; and 3. Plan for the use of Google suite accessibility features in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): Accessibility (10), Google (47), professional development (377), remote learning (54), Special Needs (53)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Google MANIA - Five Strategies for Feedback - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

In this session, you

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from July 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

In this session, you will learn to see feedback as a teaching opportunity that motivates students to make further progress. Students need descriptive feedback to improve their achievement. Using technology tools to deliver information that is both meaningful and actionable can change students' reactions to feedback. With good information on how their performance compares to the goal, students can become partners in a collaborative effort to better align their work with the instructional objective. Join us to learn five strategies that change the feedback loop in your classroom. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Recognize the components of effective feedback; 2. Develop an understanding of the RISE feedback model; and 3. Discover ways to use Google tools to deliver feedback to students. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): Google (47), professional development (377), remote learning (54)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Coronavirus Resource Page for Students - New York Times Learning Network

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This New York Times page features a curation of coronavirus-related articles, picture prompts, and opinion pieces suitable for students. Scroll through to find the latest articles sharing...more
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This New York Times page features a curation of coronavirus-related articles, picture prompts, and opinion pieces suitable for students. Scroll through to find the latest articles sharing updates on coronavirus information from the US and around the world. Use the search feature to look for specific keywords or to sort by the newest or oldest articles.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): diseases (67), journalism (73), news (228), newspapers (92)

In the Classroom

Engage students in learning about the coronavirus by sharing this link with students on your class website. Ask them to browse through information on the site, including opinion pieces as a starting point for writing an opinion piece. Guide students toward learning techniques for presenting a persuasive argument by viewing the site ProCon, reviewed here, to demonstrate methods for sharing both sides of an argument. Take advantage of the many picture prompts shared by the New York Times to encourage student creativity. Use Gravity, reviewed here to promote student voice by sharing a picture prompt from this site and asking students to share their ideas. Be sure to turn on and allow commenting to promote student collaboration and discussion.

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