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CyberWise - CyberWise

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CyberWise provides tools for parents, educators, and kids to help them understand and use new media tools safely at home and in the classroom. The site provides an extensive collection...more
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CyberWise provides tools for parents, educators, and kids to help them understand and use new media tools safely at home and in the classroom. The site provides an extensive collection of videos and resources that explain current media tools and ways to use them. Guides include Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, Prezi, Glogster, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, and many others. Enter any tool name into the search box to see if there is a guide. Find information about media literacy, digital citizenship, cyberbullying, sexting, and more. The CyberCivics blog has the latest issues, trends, and tools to keep you an informed digital citizen. Sign up for the free newsletter and subscribe to the blog to stay current with information included on the site. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (89), internet safety (112), media literacy (109), tutorials (53)

In the Classroom

Share videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector with students to discuss media tools and how they are using them, or show before assigning projects using current media tools. Challenge students to create an online "scrapbook" on cyber safety using Smilebox, reviewed here, or ask them to create a simple infographic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Share videos with parents to help them understand current media tools and how to use them.


Great tool- always need all we can find to help teach this with students. Charlotte, AL, Grades: 0 - 12

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Memonic - Nektoon AG

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Looking to take bits of notes from a variety of web pages? Use Memonic to take notes or clip any web content. Easily take it with you wherever you go ...more
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Looking to take bits of notes from a variety of web pages? Use Memonic to take notes or clip any web content. Easily take it with you wherever you go and share it with others (or the entire world.) Using Memonic allows much more efficient printing. The free plan allows up to 100 notes and 3 groups.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): bookmarks (44), curation (34), note taking (36)

In the Classroom

Use this site to collect your thoughts and information for class projects, research, and idea/data gathering. Create a group for others to share information with for a subject area, class, or a common interest. Use with classes to allow students to comment to any page you assign for discussion. Students can find pages of interest about a specific content topic and comment their likes and dislikes. Look at various political, environmental, or ethical viewpoints by adding URL's for both sides of the argument and allow time for commenting and voicing of opinion. Learning support teachers may want to create notes together with students, annotating assigned text to show understanding and learn target vocabulary.

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DIY Podcast - NASA

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Create a podcast using audio and videos clips featuring NASA scientists! Follow the steps to create the podcast, including writing a production script, downloading clips, recording...more
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Create a podcast using audio and videos clips featuring NASA scientists! Follow the steps to create the podcast, including writing a production script, downloading clips, recording your narrations, and editing. Use a digital recorder, camcorder, or your computer to record the audio. Download a brochure or bookmark to remember the links for creating the DIY Podcast. Click on the links along the right side of the page for great resources such as the DIY Podcast Blog for some great ideas. Several examples along the side include creating a fitness podcast, lab safety, Newton's Laws, Rocket Science, and Solar Arrays.

tag(s): podcasts (104), scientists (62), space (215)

In the Classroom

Provide example topics to your class once they have tried this site, and let them go! Podcasts can be used in any subject area. In math, have students "teach" the class a new skill via podcast. Rather than a traditional book report, have students create a podcast highlighting the main character, plot, conflict, or storyline or a book. In current events, have cooperative learning groups create a podcast debating a current area of dispute. You could record your assignments or directions; you can record story time or a reading excerpt for younger ones to listen to at a computer center AND from home! Have better readers record selected passages for your non-readers (perhaps older buddies). Launch a service project for your fifth or sixth graders to record stories for the kindergarten to use in their reading and listening center. Have your Shakespeare students record a soliloquy! Write and record a poem for Father's or Mother's Day (or other special events) and send the URL as a gift to that special person. Create great podcasts that can be shared on your wiki site, or blog!

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Business Insider Chart of the Day - Business Insider

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Find a new chart each day, based on real world events in different formats. Some days include more than one graph! The newer charts are shown first. Older charts are ...more
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Find a new chart each day, based on real world events in different formats. Some days include more than one graph! The newer charts are shown first. Older charts are available on the site by following the "older" link. Topics vary from world news to sports to economics and more. There is a great variety of topics and chart types. When you click on the chart, a new page opens containing the chart and a description with difficult vocabulary underlined. Click on a word to learn the definition. You can also sign up to receive the daily chart by email.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): charts and graphs (170), cultures (165), data (150), financial literacy (90), infographics (56), sociology (23), sports (81)

In the Classroom

Share a daily chart on your interactive whiteboard or projector and have students recreate the chart into a different format (bar chart to pie chart or line graph). Have students use a tool such as Hohli reviewed here. Ask students to analyze information included on the daily chart as a math journal entry. Create a class chart comparing student information to the daily chart provided. Use the daily chart as a class warm-up - discuss trends, information provided, information not included that might be useful, etc. Social Studies teachers may want to use the charts as a tie-in to current events. Reading teachers charged with teaching about charts as part of informational texts will find a treasure trove of examples here, especially as prep for BIG reading tests.

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Vi Hart's Math Videos - Vi Hart

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Vi Hart's math videos have become very popular. They have even been featured on various cable shows. She also includes her Twitter information, so you can follow her. In the ...more
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Vi Hart's math videos have become very popular. They have even been featured on various cable shows. She also includes her Twitter information, so you can follow her. In the link, "Math Doodling," are several videos on doodling in the math classroom sure to entertain Math teachers and students alike. Titles include Stop-Motion Silly Band Fight, Sick Number Games, Snakes + Graphs, Stars, Binary Trees, and others. Be sure to also check out the link to Mathematical Food which contains demonstrations of slicing apples into Platonic Solids, slicing a cubic apple to find a regular hexagon, and how to arrange candy corn into Sierpinski's Triangle. Another wonderful resource is the link on balloons. Directions for making tetrahedrons, icosahedrons, and other shapes are all included. If you like Vi Harts Vimeo site, check out her blog here.

tag(s): geometric shapes (135), humor (16)

In the Classroom

This site is perfect for a Math fun day! Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector or set them up as stations on laptops. After catching students doodling during Math class, show one of the doodling videos to show students how their doodles can really be productive! Your visual learners will love it. Have fun with balloons creating shapes demonstrated on the balloon page. Challenge students to create the shapes after being shown a picture -- but before seeing directions. Use some of the topics when researching ideas for Math Fairs or Math Nights at school. Provide this link for student to explore outside of the classroom. Even girls may find they like math presented in such humorous ways.

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Understanding Taxes - Student - IRS

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The IRS designed this site for students to build an understanding about the U.S. tax system, why people have to pay taxes, where the tax money goes, and more. It ...more
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The IRS designed this site for students to build an understanding about the U.S. tax system, why people have to pay taxes, where the tax money goes, and more. It includes virtual tours, tutorials, simulations, and activities. There is a companion site for Teachers here.

tag(s): financial literacy (90), money (113)

In the Classroom

Use the lesson plans at the Teachers site to teach the financial literary concepts. Then use a projector or your interactive whiteboard to show students how to navigate the student site. Allow students to explore the online activities on their own at a center, in the computer lab, or at home by putting the URL on your website. After completing the worksheets provided with the lessons, have students create their own worksheets for other classmates to complete. Challenge students to create their own financial literacy newsletter using Revue, reviewed here, for students in their school including money-saving suggestions, job ideas for students, and tips for creating a budget. Have students create posters sharing their newsletter using a site such as Padlet, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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CurriConnects Book List - Math in Use - TeachersFirst

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Use this CurriConnects list to find books related to math in everyday use. CurriConnects thematic book lists include ISBN numbers for ordering or searching, interest grade levels, ESL...more
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Use this CurriConnects list to find books related to math in everyday use. CurriConnects thematic book lists include ISBN numbers for ordering or searching, interest grade levels, ESL levels and Lexiles''''''® to match with student independent reading levels to challenge, not frustrate. Don't miss other CurriConnects themes being added regularly.

tag(s): book lists (165), reading lists (77)

In the Classroom

Build student literacy skills, reinforce what students are learning about math, and help students build the important reading strategy of connecting what they read to prior (classroom!) knowledge. Share this link on your class web page or wiki so students can select independent reading books to accompany your unit on everyday math. Don't forget to share the list with the school and local libraries so they can bring in some of the books on interlibrary loan. CurriConnects are a great help for teachers who have lost school library/media specialists due to budget cuts.

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Groundhog Day: (Punxsutawney) Phil Your Day With Fun - Education World

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This site features five "ready to go" lesson plans related to Groundhog's Day, nearly all include standards, objectives, and even technology options! Lessons designed for grades K-5...more
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This site features five "ready to go" lesson plans related to Groundhog's Day, nearly all include standards, objectives, and even technology options! Lessons designed for grades K-5 include "Where Is Punxsutawney Phil? - A Groundhog Day Tag Game" and "A Shadow of Yourself." Grades K-8 will find the lessons "Find the Hidden Hibernators" and "Graphing Groundhog Predictions." And finally designed for grades 3-12 is "Marmots (Groundhogs) of the World."
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): animals (295), charts and graphs (170), holidays (184), light (53)

In the Classroom

These FREE lesson plans are ready to go for you on Groundhog's Day. Connect your students with current events, science, research skill, math, and more using these fabulous lessons.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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GeoGebra - GeoGebra

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This site offers tutorials, videos, publications, and more for users of GeoGebra (free downloadable software reviewed here). Links on the site include...more
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This site offers tutorials, videos, publications, and more for users of GeoGebra (free downloadable software reviewed here). Links on the site include math modules with ready-to-use problems categorized by subject - Measurement, Algebra 1 & 2, and Calculus. Holiday and fun activities are also included. Be sure to check out the TeacherTube and YouTube videos with many explanations and tutorials of GeoGebra lessons and activities. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): angles (51), geometric shapes (135), holidays (184), measurement (123)

In the Classroom

Use this site as a resource when first beginning to use GeoGebra (free) software. Share tutorial videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector with students as they learn the software. Have students create and design their own projects to share with the classroom. Use information on this site to embed and share projects on your classroom website or wiki.


Wonderful free site for geometric constructions, similar functionality to Geometer's Sketchpad. James, GA, Grades: 10 - 12

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Geometry: The Supplement - Dan Meyer

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This site contains 38 weeks of Geometry lessons provided in several formats to be easily used with interactive whiteboards. Dan Meyer is well known for his mathematics teaching methods...more
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This site contains 38 weeks of Geometry lessons provided in several formats to be easily used with interactive whiteboards. Dan Meyer is well known for his mathematics teaching methods and much of the material is hands-on, problem-based activities appropriate for any classroom. Lessons are in slide format and can be downloaded in Keynote (Mac) or PowerPoint (Windows). In addition, each week's lessons can be downloaded as a PDF. Each lesson contains slide notes for the teacher and weekly handouts are available for use. Textbook assignments reference Discovering Geometry; however, these materials can be used with any textbook or materials. Each week's lessons are also tagged making it easy to find other similar content within the site.

tag(s): angles (51), functions (51), geometric shapes (135), patterns (62), problem solving (225), test prep (69), tutorials (53)

In the Classroom

Use the lessons provided on your interactive whiteboard or projector either on their own or as a supplement to current classroom materials. This could also be used as enrichment/advancement for gifted students or supplemental practice for struggling math students. Consider providing this link on your class website.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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WISC-Online - Wisconsin Technical College System

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Looking for review materials for a variety of classes? Use for a wide range of curriculum topics. (A "learning object" is any kind of interactive activity, animation, video, ...more
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Looking for review materials for a variety of classes? Use for a wide range of curriculum topics. (A "learning object" is any kind of interactive activity, animation, video, audio file, etc, that can be used for learning.) This site is great for introductory, reinforcement, or review materials. Find most of the relevant topics by using the search bar. Choose from many subjects such as biology, biochemistry, chemistry, math, sociology, world languages, and written communication, among others. Gifted students or those who learn well independently can study Chinese and other topics not easily available in their school using WISC-Onkine.

tag(s): animals (295), business (52), cells (83), chinese (44), grammar (134), grammar review (31), life cycles (21), microscopes (10), plants (147), psychology (65), sentences (21), sociology (23), speech (68)

In the Classroom

Find a variety of topics for each subject area. For example, use WISC-Online in biology topics: How to use a Microscope, Life Cycles of Animals and Plants, and Cell Division. Choose from many others. Use as an introduction to a new unit. Additionally, these topics can be used for reinforcement or as a review. Under the Written Communication subject you will find 50 activities from parts of speech, commonly confused words, to how to summarize, brainstorm, and many others. Share direct URLs to specific review activities to help students who need extra practice or as links on a class web page or wiki for all students to access outside of class. Encourage students to comment on your wiki about the activities they found most helpful in explaining tough concepts (use the discussion tab).

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EasyDefine - Prabbav Jain

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Create definition lists easily and completely. Simply enter the terms, and click "generate" to create a list of words with definitions. View synonyms, download as a document, or email...more
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Create definition lists easily and completely. Simply enter the terms, and click "generate" to create a list of words with definitions. View synonyms, download as a document, or email your list to others. Be aware: there are no filters on this definition site, so ANY word (appropriate or not) can easily be searched by students. Use under teacher supervision with students likely to enter inappropriate terms for immature reactions.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): dictionaries (48), synonyms (15), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (93), word study (60)

In the Classroom

You must know where you are saving downloads on your computer to save the list as a document. Pay attention and name files with meaningful file names, such as "chapter17vocab." Enter your list with one term per line or separated by commas, etc. Click on advanced options to add other options to the search: number or alphabetize the definition results, maximum definitions, and hiding parts of speech.

Create definitions easily for word lists in any subject area. Have students enter a series of similar words to see variations in connotations. For example, enter various words that mean "fat" and discover the variability in positive and negative connotations. Follow up with a ranking or sorting activity with the same words on interactive whiteboard to build word choice options. Have students generate individualized reading vocabulary lists for content are reading chapters or literature. Click on the synonyms tab to find related words. Save as a document for easy sharing in groups. Advise students to collect definitions and compare to those they write in their own words. As with any other reference, students should be cautioned to be sure these are accurate definitions needed for the context in which they are studying the words.

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iRubric - Reazon Systems, Inc.

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Create your own rubric for multimedia and other projects or search the gallery from many that already exist for all grade levels. (Also use the gallery to get great ...more
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Create your own rubric for multimedia and other projects or search the gallery from many that already exist for all grade levels. (Also use the gallery to get great project ideas!) Search the type of rubric or project to find a related rubric. Use the buttons at the bottom to preview, edit (customize and save your own version from existing ones), or copy. Share by URL or embed code in a wiki, blog, or site. Keep bookmarked rubrics in your account on the site. Create free personal or group accounts (for educators). Create classes, join educator groups, and more.

tag(s): assessment (152), rubrics (36)

In the Classroom

To save rubrics and modify existing ones, educators must create an account. Find great project ideas, rubric examples and criteria. Build on the expertise of others to create excellent rubrics. Consider creating categories and using the advice of students to help identify criteria that is important to the project. You might even want to create differentiated rubrics to match multiple intelligences, learning styles, or varied ability levels. With such easy adaptations, you can start alter different versions very easily.

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Math Worksheets to Go - Math Worksheets to Go

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This site offers printable worksheets for practice in Arithmetic, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Each topic includes several sub-topics such as factoring, simplifying...more
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This site offers printable worksheets for practice in Arithmetic, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Each topic includes several sub-topics such as factoring, simplifying equations, sum and product of roots, and more. Each worksheet offers an example problem, practice problems, and mixed-practice homework problems. Answer keys are also included. In addition to the worksheets, links are provided to web resources for each concept that include additional information and interactive images.

tag(s): angles (51), equations (118), factors (29), operations (72), worksheets (69)

In the Classroom

Share examples of worksheets with students then challenge them to create their own worksheets for other students to solve. Provide a link to the site through your classroom website or blog for parents who would like additional practice resources. Take advantage of the links to additional images and interactive resources as a supplement to class activities. Use worksheets to supplement practice for struggling learners.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Algebra: The Supplement - Dan Meyer

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This site offers a full year's worth of Algebra 1 lessons including slides for the interactive whiteboard. Slides are offered in Keynote (for Mac) and Powerpoint. Slides also include...more
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This site offers a full year's worth of Algebra 1 lessons including slides for the interactive whiteboard. Slides are offered in Keynote (for Mac) and Powerpoint. Slides also include teacher notes and answers to questions. The lessons are also offered in PDF form. Each week can be downloaded separately and includes handouts. Tags are included with each week's activities to make it easier to find other lessons with similar topics.

tag(s): charts and graphs (170), equations (118), exponents (35), factoring (25), problem solving (225), tutorials (53)

In the Classroom

Use the lessons on this site as a resource to current classroom topics. Dan Meyer is well-known for his math teaching methods and many lessons include hands-on, problem-solving activities which can be incorporated into any curriculum.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Pi Day - 314 Solutions, Inc

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This website aims to be the online hub for everything related to Pi, and to promote fun with math! Although a portion of the site contains links to shopping for ...more
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This website aims to be the online hub for everything related to Pi, and to promote fun with math! Although a portion of the site contains links to shopping for Pi-related items, there are many valuable resources within the site to use in the classroom. Beginners can learn about Pi through the short explanation at the Learn About Pi link. Under the Celebrate Pi tab, be sure to look at Ways to Celebrate Pi Day for ten classroom ideas - suggestions include eating pie, contests for memorizing the most digits, Pi research ideas, and more.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): flips (6), pi (29), puzzles (143), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Allow students to explore the site on their own, with a group, or in your blended class have them explore at home. Use some of the ideas on the site when celebrating Pi Day in your classroom. Share the site with students as a resource for Pi research projects.

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More - Agnes Azzolino

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This site offers several different resources and materials for learning Algebra and Pre-Calculus. There is an Arithmetic, Algebra, and Pre-Calculus dictionary which contains in-depth...more
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This site offers several different resources and materials for learning Algebra and Pre-Calculus. There is an Arithmetic, Algebra, and Pre-Calculus dictionary which contains in-depth explanation for terms found in these courses. Most explanations include images and written definitions of concepts. The link to lessons contains many Geometry and Algebra lessons including warm-ups, vocabulary, and assignments. The link to "Good Stuff" includes interactives, graph paper, and masters of activities. The site is a little difficult to navigate, especially within the lessons section; however, the material is useful and would complement any resources already being used in the classroom and are worth exploring.

tag(s): charts and graphs (170), dictionaries (48), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Check out this site for games, activities, and lessons that can reinforce lessons already being taught. Share the dictionary portion of the site with students to use as a resource. Share a link to the site on your classroom website or blog for students and parents to access at home.

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Free Puzzles - Jimmie Dean

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This site offers many puzzles and math logic activities in an easy to use format. Puzzles are sorted by difficulty level and topic such as logic, geometry, or math. New ...more
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This site offers many puzzles and math logic activities in an easy to use format. Puzzles are sorted by difficulty level and topic such as logic, geometry, or math. New puzzles are indicated on the home page and is updated often. There is also a quiz of the day and that solution can be accessed without registration. Puzzles can be accessed without registering to the site; however, to receive solutions, you must register then solutions will be sent via email. You may want to consider setting up a separate email account (gmail) specifically for the site so that each student doesn't have to register individually.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): logic (161), puzzles (143)

In the Classroom

Consider setting up a class email account so that students can use the site then have solutions emailed. If you plan to have students register individually, read tips for safely managing email registrations here. Use the problems for a problem of the week or day. Have students write problem-solving methods used in their math journals and share with other students.

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Alabama Learning Exchange Lesson Plans - Alabama Learning Exchange

K to 12
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This site offers a searchable database of lesson plans in all subjects and grade levels. Searches can be performed by subject area, grade level, and/or keywords. A short summary of...more
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This site offers a searchable database of lesson plans in all subjects and grade levels. Searches can be performed by subject area, grade level, and/or keywords. A short summary of each lesson is offered with the search results, lessons contain an overview, content standards (state and national), learning objectives, materials needed, procedures, and assessments. Remediation and Extension activities are also included. Some lessons also include variations added by site users.

tag(s): resources (87)

In the Classroom

This site is a great resource when looking for lessons by subject. Try including a grade level above and below your current level to find additional activities that can be modified to meet your needs. Save this site in your personal favorites to visit throughout the year!
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Your Weight on Other Worlds - Ron Hipschman

3 to 12
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Did you ever wonder what you weigh on other planets? This site offers the opportunity to compare the effect of gravity across our universe in a personal way. Simply input ...more
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Did you ever wonder what you weigh on other planets? This site offers the opportunity to compare the effect of gravity across our universe in a personal way. Simply input your weight to find out what you would weigh on other planets, moons, and even stars. Be sure to check out the explanations and information provided below the weight calculations. Information is provided on mass, weight, gravity, and distance, and the formula for calculating the weights are provided.

tag(s): density (18), gravity (42), mass (20), planets (111)

In the Classroom

Younger students will enjoy inputting their weight to find the differences on other planets. Challenge older students to do the calculations before inputting weights on the site. Create a graph outlining the change in weight based on distance from the sun.

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