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Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical - The New York Times
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
View this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector and listen together to the different spacings of finishes by event. Challenge students to create timelines of finishes for other Olympic events (with music, photos, videos, and more) using Timeline JS, reviewed here.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics - Organizing Committee of the XXII Olympic Winter Games
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site to use as a resource during the Olympic games to find information on scheduled events and venues. Share the Paralympics portion of the site as part of your unit on disabilities. Have students create timelines of the Olympic Games (with music, photos, videos, and more) using Timeline JS, reviewed here. Have students use facts from this site to make Bingo cards, or board games for small groups to enjoy. Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson on values on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Ask your students to visit the site and create a multimedia presentation about teamwork. Have students make a mash-up using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge Tools reviewed here. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about any of the Olympic athletes past or present.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Paris 2024 Olympics - NBC
3 to 12In the Classroom
This is a great site to use for research about the 2024 Olympics. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have individual students view different video clips and then share additional information on your class Olympic Padlet. Create columns in Padlet, reviewed here to add updates by sport or country, then have students share articles and information with their peers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Physical Education Update - Physical Education Update.com
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): fitness (39)
In the Classroom
Find new activities and challenges to make your class different every time. Find practical advice on the best training activities. Offer as a resource for families and students to add movement into their healthy lifestyle. Have your classes watch the games shared (on your interactive whiteboard or projector). Challenge students to create their own variations of the games shown or new games entirely. Add an early morning exercise period for all students to burn off energy and be ready for their day. Use this site to compliment your unit on healthy lifestyles. After school programs can try new ideas to make this time exciting and fun.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Skype as a Learning Call - Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
2 to 12In the Classroom
Print or save this PDF to use as a resource with any Skype call. Use ideas from this site for assigning student jobs during Skyping. Use the student handouts as a resource for students to complete for post-assessment. Share this site with your Skype partner before your session so that you know each other's goals and objectives for the session.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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How Do You Play - howdoyouplay.net
K to 12tag(s): back to school (55), firstday (22), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Use this site to find games and activities for classroom centers or review activities. Icebreaker activities include options for the first week of school community building. Bookmark this tool for the first week of school or anytime that you want to experience some "team-building" in your class. This is a great site to use if you have weekly classroom meetings to build relationships among students. Share this site with students and have them create their own games based on research projects or as review for major tests. Challenge students to describe their "creations" using the models shown on this site. Share this site with parent helpers to find ideas for classroom parties.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Student CPR - ProTrainings, LLC
6 to 12tag(s): body systems (41), heart (27)
In the Classroom
This site does have a Twitter feed and blog with public interaction, so you may want to use the site with the entire class or discuss consequences of inappropriate behavior. At the time of this review there were no inappropriate comments, but it is always best to preview. Use this site as part of the Health or Physical Education curriculum in your school. Provide awareness to students as knowledge is power in knowing when and how to act when situations arise in real life. During the study of human body systems, have students research about CPR via this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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My PBLWorks - Buck Institute for Education
3 to 12tag(s): problem solving (228), Project Based Learning (23), Research (84), STEM (288)
In the Classroom
There are a variety of projects presented at different grade levels. Don't hesitate to look at one that seems beyond or below your grade level. They are easily adaptable. For instance, the one by Biz World created for third through fifth grade students to experience entrepreneurship can easily be adapted to a product that high school students might be interested in such as earrings, designing a class ring, or a video explaining how to conquer levels in a video game.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Promethean Planet - Promethean, Inc
K to 12In the Classroom
Before you try any of these activities, think about how you can make the lesson more student-centered. Find ideas in TeachersFirst's Hands off, Vanna! Giving Students Control of Interactive Whiteboard Learning . Browse the site for interactive whiteboard resources to download for classroom use. Bookmark and save favorites for later use. Download any resource, then tweak it to your individual needs. Have questions about creating Promethean Flipcharts? Post your question on the technical board to receive helpful replies. If you have a SmartBoard, be sure to check out the SmartBoard lessons and resources page located here. You will need to download the ActivInspire software (free).Comments
This is the go-to site for Promethean flipchart downloads. Most files were created by teachers. The only downside is that the files are hit-or-miss. There are many gems, but you might have to browse some not-so-great files to find them.Tim, , Grades: 0 - 6
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Negro Leagues Baseball Museum - Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, Kansas State University
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): baseball (32), black history (130), civil rights (201), racism (79), sports (81)
In the Classroom
This is a great resource for "hooking" students interested in sports into the study of the Civil Rights Movement, understanding racism and bias, or modern US History. Consider including the resources here in your recognition of Black History Month as well. Share the introductory video on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Ask cooperative learning groups to explore a specific part of this site and create a paper poster or modify student learning by challenging them to use a tool such as Web Poster Wizard, reviewed here, or enhance learning using PicLits, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Get Your Walk Score - Front Seat
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): fitness (39), map skills (59), maps (215)
In the Classroom
Use this site as part of a school-wide physical fitness program to determine places that students can walk to instead of driving. Have students use their home address to determine walkability and locate destinations nearby. Physical Education teachers may want to use this site to demonstrate easy ways students can improve fitness by walking to nearby locations. Compare different communities around the country for walkability. Have student groups research to discover the fitness level of these communities and/or the importance of environmental concerns to the citizens there. For a big challenge, have student create an infographic that shows the relationship between walkability and health or pollution data. Or have them design a "dream" walkable neighborhood to practice map skills. Share this link on your website for families to view together.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Raising Fit Kids - WebMD
K to 12A free registration gives the member free tools like a Food and Fitness Planner, Vaccine Tracker, Symptom Checker, and many more. The registration information required is minimal and is legally appropriate for the age level.
tag(s): cooking (32), fitness (39), heart (27), myplate (18), obesity (8)
In the Classroom
Check school policy on setting up student accounts or work together with parents on this. Read the the articles together. Have students track and monitor their Food and Fitness over that time with the . planner provided. Tracking their own progress will be educational and fun! Keep a class "Workout Wiki" that can serve as a meeting place and neutral location to store exercise goals and nutritional changes. Maybe even include a recipe area for fit foods.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Lose It! - FitNow, Inc.
5 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): calories (6), DAT device agnostic tool (146), fitness (39), nutrition (137), obesity (8), social networking (61)
In the Classroom
Try using "Lose It!" in health classes as early as fifth grade to help students become aware of how they spend their calories in a day and just how much they are consuming. Sometimes just this awareness is enough to help some kids stay healthier. Have students do a baseline record what they eat and do with no set rules for three days to a week. Have students analyze with their free weekly reports: what they consumed, how much, and what vitamins and other nutrients that they may need to increase. If students are comfortable sharing information with each other, have them compare reports to get a better and more realistic view of their intake. Have students create a plan to make small changes to diet and activity for a week at a time and then have them check their reports again. This could be a year long, month long, or two week long process. Depending on the incidence of childhood obesity or malnutrition in your area, you can adjust this to fit your needs. If you are concerned about student privacy, create an account for a fictitious person that the entire class can use to analyze hypothetical food intake and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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PBS Learning Media - Physical Education - PBS
K to 12tag(s): alphabet (53), careers (141), dance (31), data (151), decimals (85), diseases (67), fitness (39), human body (93), mark twain (8), multimedia (49), music theory (45), percent (59), probability (98), problem solving (228), psychology (65)
In the Classroom
Find more details and teacher information under "Customization for States and District" to align the offerings here with your state's standards. Check this site for an introduction to a curriculum topic or unit or when looking for support activities to reinforce concepts. Use this site as the starting point for individual or group projects. Share the interactives as a learning center or on your interactive whiteboard or projector. This is one that you want to save in your favorites.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Curriki - EnterpriseDB Postgre SQL company
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): graphic organizers (48), literacy (121), OER (43), operations (72), resources (83), rubrics (36), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Curriki has several ways to benefit teachers and students. Use Curriki as a resource listed on your website to have extra opportunities for additional practice or enrichment for parents and students. If you have a blended classroom, Curriki is the perfect tool to use for your students to access assignments. Use as a way to organize your digital resources. The lesson plan and Webquest templates are user friendly and promote best practices. While growing in your professional development by connecting with teachers worldwide, let your class learn with other classes worldwide. Curriki encourages you to think critically about your own lessons, and also the lessons suggested.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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DOGOnews - Meera Dolasia
2 to 12tag(s): journalism (73), news (228), reading comprehension (149), sports (81)
In the Classroom
Non-fiction reading and background knowledge have found a new emphasis with The Common Core State Standards. It is more important now than ever to help connect students with quality, non-fiction reading and viewing material. Find great news resources and videos of the week to create assignments for your class at DOGOnews. You may want to create a class page and load several news articles. Have students choose from the articles, and email it to themselves. Have students print out the article and complete a "close reading" of the article by annotating it. Then have students who chose the same article get together in groups to discuss their reactions about the article, create a summary together, and create four or five open-ended questions about the article. Lastly, create groups of four, with each student having a different article, and have them present their article to the others in the group and ask them their open-ended questions to trigger a discussion. Create a class magazine from the articles. Or better yet, have students create a multimedia presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint Online, reviewed here. This site allows you to narrate a picture. Challenge students to find a photo (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate the photo as if it is a news report. Strengthen reading comprehension by having an 'article du jour' on your interactive whiteboard or projector as students arrive. Link this site on your homepage.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MyPlate - USDA.gov
1 to 12In the Classroom
Dietary guidelines can be a help to all teachers, faculty, and staff. Challenge students to track their food and physical activity. Plan meals to bring you perfect health. Plan a nutrition day in which every student shares some aspect of this site in a presentation with other classes and parents. Have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here. Evaluate the cafeteria lunches to bring even more fun into your recipe! Add an international portion with your students' multicultural recipes to add to make your own cookbook, or website. Be sure to add this link to your own site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Fuel Up - National Dairy Council, National Football League
2 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), fitness (39), nutrition (137)
In the Classroom
Participate in the healthy eating challenge by creating your own class video entry for the Cooking Show Challenge! Use Adobe Express Video Maker, reviewed here. Share the videos using a tool such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Help your class members to apply to be student ambassadors. Help your students to sign up and start graphing their physical activity and nutritional changes, receive badges and prizes, see how their classmates are doing and encourage them by giving rewards, and finally, by viewing what other classes are doing. Share the information on this site with parents so they can support the lifestyle changes encouraged here at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CurriConnects Book List - Medicine and Health - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): book lists (166), medicine (56), reading lists (77)
In the Classroom
Build student literacy skills, reinforce what students are learning about health, and help students build the important reading strategy of connecting what they read to prior (classroom!) knowledge. Share this link on your class web page or wiki so students can select independent reading books to accompany your unit on health. Don't forget to share the list with the school and local libraries so they can bring in some of the books on interlibrary loan. CurriConnects are a great help for teachers who have lost school library/media specialists due to budget cuts.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Vancouver 2010: With Glowing Hearts - The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic
K to 12In the Classroom
Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Introduce the mascots to your students and discuss their relevance. Have students research various athletes or sports and create a multimedia presentation. Use the Olympics as the theme for your study of world geography. Have students create online posters on paper or do it together as a class using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard (reviewed here) or PicLits (reviewed here). Have cooperative learning groups create online books using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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