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Physics Facts - Introduction to Physics - Space, Light, Motion - Kidipede
5 to 10tag(s): earth (184), electricity (62), light (54), mass (20), motion (50), newton (21), simple machines (17), sound (72), space (216), time (91), weather (160)
In the Classroom
Use portions of this site as an anticipatory set in your science class. The information is simple to understand and would be useful for students struggling with a topic. Use the site for research about specific topics. Have teams of students explore each of the "sub-topics" within the main topic. Ask them to record their findings in a digital portfolio of resources using bulb, reviewed here. bulb includes free resources for creating and sharing online portfolios that include images, written work, and video making it perfect to use for sharing student work during parent conferences and when submitting college applications. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create informational videos sharing their research using a tool like Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here. Then share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Why not list this link on your class website, so students can access the page both in and out of the classroom.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Wonder How To - Wonder How To, Inc.
6 to 12Membership is free and has many perks. You are able to comment and/or grade the video clips or even submit your own video. Registration does require some personal information: a username, password, email address, and date of birth. ALL USERS MUST BE OVER 13-years of age! Check with your administrator about allowing the students to register for this site using fictitious names. You may wish to set up a class registration instead of entering true data into the registration site. Another option is to create a free Gmail account to use for memberships. If you plan to have students register individually, you may want to create your own Gmail account with up to 20 subaccounts for each group of students (by code name or number) within your classes. Here is a blog post that tells how to set up Gmail subaccounts to use for any online membership service. Warning: not all videos are suitable for the classroom. Be sure to preview what you wish to share. If you choose to allow your older students to navigate this site on their own (for research or a class project), be sure to set boundaries on which videos to watch, consequences for going elsewhere, and WATCH CAREFULLY! Some videos explain "how to" do things that are unsafe or inappropriate for school-ages audiences. Wonder How To does include unobtrusive advertisements.
This site includes advertising.
tag(s): aircraft (16), business (52), money (114), russian (25), sign language (10)
In the Classroom
Use these fabulous "how to" videos for informative writing projects in speech, science, or even with your gifted students. The site does provide excellent research. You may want to link directly to the specific videos you want students to see in order to avoid other, less-desirable options. Share the "how to" videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector as an anticipatory set for a new lesson. For a final project, have students create and submit their own "how to" video using YouTube or using a tool such as SchoolTube..Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory - US Department of Energy
9 to 12tag(s): ecology (102), energy (131), environment (246)
In the Classroom
Divide the class into groups to read and decide information that should be presented in class. Use the information to make recommendations to their families, school district, or the community for future energy change. Use these discussions to determine how they can best meet energy needs of the future. In government class, ask student groups to prepare a policy statement on energy for a hypothetical political candidate.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Hunkin's Experiments - Tim Hunkin and Shane Frazer
3 to 8tag(s): electricity (62), experiments (53), light (54), sound (72)
In the Classroom
Take a look at this site and determine some experiments that correlate with your curriculum. Then set up a computer learning station based on the topic. Provide a list of experiments for your students to try at the learning center. Most cartoon experiments require very simple supplies (if any). Have students groups create a wiki page explaining why their assigned experiment works and the underlying principles. You will have an instant student-generated "text."Share this link on your class website for some at-home experimentation.
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Building Big - PBS
6 to 12tag(s): bridges (11), engineering (127)
In the Classroom
Use the database of structures to search out local engineering masterpieces, or to get information about important buildings that are associated with historical or geographic areas that the class is studying. For students considering a career in engineering, there is good information about the real lives of professionals in the field. The labs are perfect for an interactive whiteboard, and can illustrate physical properties in a visually powerful way. The short simulations could be used by students individually, or by teams of students investigating the principles of "building big."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Fastball Reaction Time - Exploratorium
4 to 10tag(s): baseball (32)
In the Classroom
Have students work with a partner to explore this web activity. Ask them to record their reaction times using Padlet, reviewed hereto determine if they can see a pattern.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Physics of Baseball and Softball - The Sweet Spot - The University of Sydney
6 to 12tag(s): baseball (32)
In the Classroom
Use this "ready to go" resource to teach your students about the physics behind the "sweet spot."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Exploratorium - Science of Baseball - Exploratorium
4 to 10In the Classroom
Treat your students to this content-rich website using your interactive whiteboard or projection screen. Take your class outside to try their hands at some of the experiments. Or have cooperative learning groups explore different sections of this multi-faceted website. What a fantastic way to excite your students about learning science.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Universal Leonardo - University of the Arts, London
6 to 12tag(s): renaissance (38)
In the Classroom
Because Leonardo's work crosses so many curricular boundaries, teachers from many different disciplines might find this site useful as part of a lesson on a projector or interactive whiteboard, particularly when painting "the big picture" for students (no pun intended!). Art teachers, of course, can access Leonardo's work, but science teachers can use the interactive games to illustrate principles of physics or early understanding of the human body. History or literature teachers might use the site to personify the term "Renaissance Man" for students studying the time period. Whatever your discipline, be sure to make the link available from your teacher web page for curious students to explore outside of class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Ultimate rollercoasters.com - ultimaterollercoaster.com
4 to 12tag(s): motion (50)
In the Classroom
This website could also be used for various research projects (either researching actual roller coasters - their history, structure, speed, etc..), or even researching different time periods and the types of rides that were available during that time. If you study laws of motion, assign students to find "real world" examples of the laws in action using research on this site. Ignore the annoying pop-ups!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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"Science Myths" in K-6 Textbooks and Popular culture - WILLIAM J. BEATY
K to 6tag(s): electricity (62)
In the Classroom
If you teach science (and even if you only TOOK science), you owe it to yourself to read through this site, at least long enough to find the topics that YOU teach and be sure that your materials are accurate. The best way to find information is probably to browse for the topics you teach and use Ctrl-F on your keyboard to FIND key terms in the text. Of course, if you believe the same misconceptions that our texts have told us for years, you won't know what terms to FIND...You might want to make this a professional learning "game" at an inservice day: find a misconception and debunk it for the rest of the elementary science team. You might want to gently point out the problems to your principal or curriculum director.Share this site with very bright students to explore and report back to you. Need a challenge for the gifted? Have the students select a misconception and create a CORRECT illustration of the concept in multimedia form. If you give them a wiki space to use for their presentation, you can even submit the link to Mr. Beaty. Now that's authentic assessment!
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Electric Circuits - British Energy
4 to 8tag(s): circuits (21), electricity (62)
In the Classroom
This website would work well as a learning center, cooperative learning activity, or a whole group activity on an interactive whiteboard. If you don't have time to complete all of the activities, just complete the activities that will be useful for the concepts most challenging in your curriculum. The active engagement will help your sturggling learners. NOte that the vocabulary is British, so a "battery" is a "cell."Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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How Products are Made - Advameg, Incorporated
5 to 12tag(s): inventors and inventions (80)
In the Classroom
When it is 'science report' time, direct your students to this site, loaded with hundreds of possibilities. Better yet, as you teach science principles, first share how something works that uses the same principle (on a projector or whiteboard). Then challenge students to find other REAL applications of the principle and create a class wiki glossary of concepts with example links. Model this the first few times, then assign them to work in groups. Since this site permits reader contributions at the end of entries, you may opt to find a product that needs more research and allow your students to add content information to the site (with your approval, of course). Every science teacher, gifted teacher, or tech ed teacher will want to share this site on your teacher web page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Science Fair Project Resource Guide - The Internet Public Library
4 to 12tag(s): air (102), scientific method (48)
In the Classroom
As you study scientific method, use the science fair examples as exercises for students to identify independent and dependent variables for the various projects. Give students the links to "find" experiments and analyze them with a partner or do this analysis as a class, sharing the project ideas on a projector or interactive whiteboard. The whiteboard tools would allow you to color code and highlight the various steps of scientific method consistently to help learning support students.Include this site on your teacher web page for students and parents to access as a reference. Consider directing students and parents to particular links within this site that apply to the science fair students are participating in.
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Build a Bridge - NOVA Online
4 to 8tag(s): bridges (11), structures (18)
In the Classroom
This web activity would be perfect on an interactive whiteboard. Make this activity a class project. Ask the class to reach consensus on their choices before entering them--and watch them get into some heated arguments! As you continue your study of structures and stresses, ask your students to work with a partner to collect online images of different bridge types into a PowerPoint presentation (with URL citations for the images, of course) explaining the types and their advantages. Then build some!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Bridge Designer - Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
6 to 12In the Classroom
The Bridge Designer would work well as a cooperative learning project for the entire class (via an interactive whiteboard) or a small group project for students to work on in pairs.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Making Science Fun: Screaming Balloon - Steve Spangler
3 to 6tag(s): experiments (53), halloween (32), sound (72)
In the Classroom
Use this activity to teach scientific observation, centripetal force, or sound-- and have the bonus of a great spooky sound if it happens to be October!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Andy's Los Alamos Blog - TeachersFirst
7 to 12tag(s): blogs (65)
In the Classroom
Share this resource with your science students or gifted classes on your teacher web page and encourage them to follow it throughout the summer. Andy promises to keep all of us up to date and, within time constraints, respond to meaningful comments. Have students blog about their lab experiments or experiences outside of school. Use a blogging tool like Telegra.ph, reviewed here. This blog creator requires no registration.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mad Sci Network - Mad Sci Network/Third Sector New England
K to 12tag(s): air (102), experiments (53), scientists (63)
In the Classroom
Navigate the human body and label parts on an interactive whiteboard, or find the appropriate experiments for all your science concepts. By searching the question archives, you can find answers to questions at all levels. Be sure to include this link on your teacher web page year-round to promote curiosity about science. Teachers of gifted will love this one as a treasury of open-ended ideas on science by scientists.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Science Presentations - Jefferson County Schools
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): air (102), animals (295), matter (46), periodic table (46), plants (147), solar system (108), water (101)
In the Classroom
Try these ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard or projector in your classroom. Some may also be well-suited for individual students to run on a single classroom computer for remediation or review. There are games, resources and a lot of information.The site includes a disclaimer asking to be notified if users find any unauthorized, copyrighted material. TeachersFirst recommends that you NOT download copies but instead use them online, just in case.
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