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Curation Resources - TeachersFirst

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Discover resources in this collection for your students to use to curate resources. Curation means selecting, collecting, organizing, and presenting content. Curating is especially...more
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Discover resources in this collection for your students to use to curate resources. Curation means selecting, collecting, organizing, and presenting content. Curating is especially helpful when researching a topic but always useful to help students to keep information systematically arranged. We have included resources for all grades.

tag(s): curation (32), organizational skills (88), Research (84)

In the Classroom

Share these resources with your students to use when curating materials for projects and lessons. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find resources to incorporate into your lessons.

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Resources for Student Knowledge Construction - TeachersFirst

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Student knowledge construction is what happens when students go beyond just reproducing what they have learned, but generate their own ideas and demonstrate understanding of what makes...more
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Student knowledge construction is what happens when students go beyond just reproducing what they have learned, but generate their own ideas and demonstrate understanding of what makes the information unique. The skills of knowledge construction range from inferring to analysis to interpretation to synthesis and evaluation. Many of these skills may also be considered "critical thinking." While teaching these skills can be a challenge, finding useful web resources can be simple. Peruse this collection to find resources to use in your lessons for all grade levels to encourage student knowledge construction.

tag(s): critical thinking (122), problem solving (229)

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try to encourage student knowledge construction within your lessons. Each review includes technology integration ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will make your students become student knowledge constructors.

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23 Crafts and Activities for the Fourth of July - We Are Teachers

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Discover many activities to pick and choose from to observe Independence Day with your students. Not only will these crafts and activities allow students to express their creativity,...more
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Discover many activities to pick and choose from to observe Independence Day with your students. Not only will these crafts and activities allow students to express their creativity, but they will also learn a little about diversity, science, math, and reading. Unfortunately, there are too many activities to list here. Still, a few interesting titles are Create Fireworks in a Jar, Conduct a Baking Soda Science Experiment, Create a Soft Circuit, Write a Patriotic Poem (with the letters of your first name), and plenty more!

tag(s): circuits (21), crafts (62), experiments (53), july 4th (12), reading lists (77), remote learning (54)

In the Classroom

Whether teaching in person in a classroom, using flipped learning, or remote learning (distance learning), you are sure to find the perfect Fourth of July activity to engage your students in any subject. If you are teaching in a classroom, you may want to set up stations for students to rotate through and learn from and enjoy several activities. For remote learning, you can use Unhangout, reviewed here, to set up your stations and have students rotate through them virtually.

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OK2Ask: 3 Cool Tools for Images - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

When using projects
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

When using projects for alternative assessment and feedback, you'll find that students can express themselves more creatively when given tools to share what they have learned. Come to this session to learn about three tools students can use to work with images for their projects. We'll discuss digital citizenship expectations and explore tools that allow students to responsibly repurpose digital resources. You might even find a tool that is useful for your own purposes when creating learning objects! As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the tenets of copyright and digital citizenship that apply to remixing and reusing images. 2. Explore three tools and how each can be used to alter and change images; and 3. Plan for the introduction of creative image tools in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): copyright (44), creating media (13), digital citizenship (85), images (260), professional development (376)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Resources related to the Science of Reading - TeachersFirst

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The Science of Reading (or SOR) refers to an evidence-based reading Instructional strategy that addresses various areas of reading including oral language, phonological awareness, phonics,...more
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The Science of Reading (or SOR) refers to an evidence-based reading Instructional strategy that addresses various areas of reading including oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and more. In this collection, you will find helpful information to learn more about The Science of Reading and web resources to help you to teach using SOR in your lessons.

tag(s): fluency (26), phonics (51), reading comprehension (149), science of reading (34), spelling (98), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Help to deepen your students' understanding (and your own) of the Science of Reading. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your reading lessons.


Provided many resources and suggestions to use this to support instruction. Saundra, , Grades: 0 - 5

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Ladder of Reading & Writing - Nancy Young

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Crack the code to understand the components of structured literacy using Ladder of Reading & Writing. The PDF document shares information and an infographic demonstrating the interconnectedness...more
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Crack the code to understand the components of structured literacy using Ladder of Reading & Writing. The PDF document shares information and an infographic demonstrating the interconnectedness of structured literacy's multiple components. Scroll down to the midway point of the page to download a Synopsis and an update for changes; here you will also fine The Ladder of Reading & Writng: Terms defined. Under resources find topics about Dyslexia, ADHD, Giftedness, and others. The author of this site is publishing a book further explaining the Ladder of Reading and Writing, however, this review is only for the free parts of this site.

tag(s): literacy (121), professional development (376), reading strategies (96), science of reading (34), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Use these documents for professional use to help understand the components of literacy. In addition, these items also provide excellent information to use with parents when discussing their student's literacy journey. For example, use the first document with the literacy ladder to provide perspective during parent/teacher conferences on students' progress toward becoming effortless readers. Finally, share with peers during professional development activities to develop an awareness of structured reading components and assess your current teaching strategies. Use a collaborative tool like Notejoy, reviewed here, to share ideas and plan lessons. Consider sharing literacy terms and strategies with parents on an ongoing basis through your school website or classroom newsletter. Include ideas for parents to incorporate at home to support reading skills.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Scarborough's Reading Rope: A Groundbreaking Infographic - International Dyslexia Association

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Understand the complexity and many strands woven into becoming a skilled reader using this infographic created by Dr. Hollis Scarborough. The infographic demonstrates the many components...more
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Understand the complexity and many strands woven into becoming a skilled reader using this infographic created by Dr. Hollis Scarborough. The infographic demonstrates the many components required for reading fluency and comprehension by illustrating strands woven together to become a strong rope. The rope is broken into two pieces - comprehension and word recognition to demonstrate further the skills required to become successful readers.

tag(s): fluency (26), professional development (376), reading comprehension (149), science of reading (34)

In the Classroom

Bookmark this simple yet effective representation of required reading skills to keep as a reference when reflecting upon your reading curriculum and instructional strategies. Use the strands described in the infographic as a starting point for organizing and curating resources. Consider using a curation tool such as Weje, reviewed here, to gather links, articles, and lessons grouped by the different skills illustrated on the Reading Rope. Use the Reading Rope as a starting point for professional development activities as you and your peers discuss strategies and resources for teaching reading skills. Be sure to share this infographic with parents to help them understand the many components of skills required of successful readers.

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OK2Ask: Engage & Inspire: Sandpit Strategies - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Welcome to the Sandpit!
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Welcome to the Sandpit! This is the place where students design and prototype solutions to authentic problems. Using the right challenges, teachers can facilitate strategies that nurture creativity and allow students to reflect on their learning. Join us as we discuss strategies for prototyping and purposeful play as students work through the design process. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the features of a class sandpit space; 2. Explore sandpit activities; and 3. Plan for the use of sandpit practice spaces in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): creativity (86), problem solving (229), professional development (376)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Science of Reading Handbook - Amplify Education, Inc.

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What is the Science of Reading? Learn the fundamentals and history behind reading research and educational application with the three handbooks found on this site. Each user-friendly...more
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What is the Science of Reading? Learn the fundamentals and history behind reading research and educational application with the three handbooks found on this site. Each user-friendly guide provides readers with background knowledge and educational applications using images, graphs, and relatable stories. Handbooks one and two are primers in reading research, while the third handbook focuses on making the shift to teaching in classrooms based upon the science of reading. In addition to the three printable directories, additional resources include links to articles, podcasts, and activities that support understanding how we learn to read.

tag(s): phonics (51), professional development (376), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96), science of reading (34), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94), word study (60)

In the Classroom

Download and save the handbooks shared on this site for professional development and understanding of the science of reading. Share with peers to use PD activities. Consider breaking the guides into smaller portions to begin your in-depth study of this topic and as you reflect upon your current teaching strategies. The third handbook that focuses on classroom instruction is beneficial for use as a reflective and ongoing learning opportunity. Add the questions to ask, found in the third handbook, to a curation tool such as Wakelet, reviewed here, then add teaching resources to your Wakelet collection. For example, one question is, "Are vocabulary words preselected and connected to the topic and text?' " Create a Wakelet collection that includes strategies for teaching how to understand vocabulary words within the context of the passage read. Include online tools such as eMargin, reviewed here. eMargin allows you to add notes, highlight portions of the web page, and more.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Reading Foundational Skills - PBS Learning Media

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Find various resources for emergent readers and teachers provided by PBS Learning Media. Select content by topics that include fluency, phonics and word recognition, phonological awareness,...more
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Find various resources for emergent readers and teachers provided by PBS Learning Media. Select content by topics that include fluency, phonics and word recognition, phonological awareness, and print concepts. Use filters to narrow information by grade, resource type, or relevance, including the newest additions or most popular items. Choose from various resources, including lesson plans, interactives, videos, and much more.

tag(s): literacy (121), parents (57), phonics (51), preK (269), professional development (376), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96), science of reading (34), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Be sure to bookmark and save this site for use when teaching reading skills to students at all grade levels. Although it is beneficial for teachers in elementary grades, the valuable lessons and materials support the teaching of reading skills in all grade levels. Use a bookmarking tool like Symbaloo, reviewed here, to share resources with students to use at computer centers or share at-home activities with parents. Ask students to reflect upon their learning through blog writing using edublogs, reviewed here. For example, have students include a link or image of the first draft of a writing project and the final document and discuss why and how they made changes. For younger students, include a recording of them reading a short passage, then add a later recording that demonstrates growth in reading skills. You might consider using Flock for this, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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The Collection - Virginia State Literacy Association (VSLA)

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This Collection, currently growing, includes a few volumes of curated articles from the Virginia State Literacy Association. The articles are devoted to reading and offer some articles...more
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This Collection, currently growing, includes a few volumes of curated articles from the Virginia State Literacy Association. The articles are devoted to reading and offer some articles related to the Science of Reading approach to literary instruction. Topics include early literacy screening and answers to common questions about the Science of Reading. View and print the volume or articles of your choice, using the icons found on the preview screen.

tag(s): literacy (121), professional development (376), reading strategies (96), science of reading (34), writing (323)

In the Classroom

Include information from this collection of articles as part of your ongoing professional development activities. Include this collection along with your other resources using Wakelet, reviewed here. Create a shared Wakelet to collaborate and share information about the Science of Reading with your peers.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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The Educator's Science of Reading Glossary - Virginia State Literacy Association

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Learn about and understand the fundamentals of the Science of Reading with this printable glossary. Follow the link found in the short article to access the ten-page PDF document that...more
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Learn about and understand the fundamentals of the Science of Reading with this printable glossary. Follow the link found in the short article to access the ten-page PDF document that shares definitions of basic terms referenced in the Science of Reading approach to teaching reading and writing. Additional resources in this document include links to other references and research.

tag(s): fluency (26), phonics (51), preK (269), reading strategies (96), science of reading (34), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this document as a resource for understanding the Science of Reading approach in your classroom. As you learn about the Science of Reading through professional development opportunities, consider using a curation tool such as Padlet, reviewed here, to collaborate and share ideas with peers. Create a column for each term and add resources such as articles, videos, and teaching resources within your Padlet.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Scribe - ScribeHow

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Scribe is a must-have Chrome browser extension for every classroom for creating step-by-step guides for many different uses. After installing the extension and creating an account,...more
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Scribe is a must-have Chrome browser extension for every classroom for creating step-by-step guides for many different uses. After installing the extension and creating an account, activate a Scribe recording to create and share step-by-step tutorials that follow your activity on the computer. Some examples shared include how to strikethrough text in a Google document, how to create a GIF from a YouTube video, and how to merge mail in Gmail. To create a Scribe, click the record button on your browser or Chrome extension and navigate to your starting page. Scribe records each of your actions with a small screenshot and creates a series of steps that guides viewers through the process shared. When finished, click the record button again to stop recording. Your Scribe appears on your account dashboard and offers options to edit the contents. After saving, use the provided link to share with others, embed using the shared code, or download it as a PDF.

tag(s): browser (8), tutorials (52)

In the Classroom

The number of uses in classrooms for Scribe are countless! Use Scribe to create guides for students to log in to software, games, and computer programs. Create step-by-step guides for students on how to add or edit images in tools such as Google Slides, reviewed here or Genially, reviewed here. Ask students to include Scribe within multimedia presentations to demonstrate information such as how to search Google for Creative Commons Images or how to narrow searches to fit into a custom time frame. Create Scribes to share with parents for use at home as a guide for accessing online tools needed for homework or practice. If you have a need for a guide to completing online activities, Scribe is the perfect answer!

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OK2Ask: Digital Storytelling 101 - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Using digital storytelling
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Using digital storytelling in the classroom doesn't have to be complicated! Start your first digital storytelling project in just a few easy steps and learn to use this strategy to support and engage students, enhance your instructional cycle, and showcase your students' knowledge construction skills as they connect to the real world. Learn to use digital storytelling as a formative or summative assessment that includes 21st Century Skill practice. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Develop an understanding of the digital storytelling process; 2. Understand multiple ways digital storytelling can be used in the classroom; and 3. Learn about tools that can be used to implement the digital storytelling cycle. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): digital storytelling (153), professional development (376)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Independent Practice and Assessment Strategies with Digital Worksheets - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Versatile and adaptable
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Versatile and adaptable across grade levels and content areas, appropriately designed and infused digital worksheets can contribute to student learning instead of merely keeping your students busy. This workshop will show you how to take your most powerful worksheets and PDFs and turn them into learning activities. Learn to adapt and personalize digital assignments from your existing print materials and build in scaffolding to accommodate learning differences using the free version of PowerPoint Online. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn the steps of using PowerPoint Online to create digital worksheets; 2. Explore strategies to design digital worksheets that go beyond busywork; and 3. Plan for the use of digital worksheet templates in your classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): Microsoft (80), professional development (376), worksheets (69)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Tech Integration Made Easy with Big Huge Labs - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Provide challenging
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2022. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Provide challenging learning opportunities for your students while promoting innovative classroom instruction by using digital image creation to engage students and deepen their content area knowledge. Students can create posters, trading cards, mosaics, magazine covers, and more that demonstrate their knowledge construction skills. Learn to use Big Huge Labs for classroom projects and personal productivity, and brainstorm with others about ways you and your students can use this tool to demonstrate learning. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn basic use of Big Huge Labs; 2. Explore three different ways to use Big Huge Labs in the classroom; and 3. Plan for the use of Big Huge Labs in your instructional setting. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

tag(s): creating media (13), professional development (376)

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Take a Virtual Field Trip - Google Arts and Culture

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Where do you want to go, and what would you like to learn? The choice is yours at this virtual field trip offering from Google Arts and Culture. Start by ...more
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Where do you want to go, and what would you like to learn? The choice is yours at this virtual field trip offering from Google Arts and Culture. Start by selecting a subject, exploring all tours, or selecting a country to visit. Other options encourage you to search for answers to life's many questions, see iconic sites, or visit nature. Each field trip is easy to follow; scroll through the site for the information and images.

tag(s): adaptations (16), africa (144), amazon (11), animals (295), archeology (28), architecture (74), aviation (40), california (16), central america (20), chemicals (41), climate change (94), colors (64), coral (11), dinosaurs (43), earth (184), earthquakes (45), ecosystems (80), endangered species (27), evolution (89), first ladies (4), flight (34), fossils (41), france (41), insects (68), inventors and inventions (80), italy (20), machines (15), magnetism (38), martin luther king (45), medieval (33), mexico (31), migration (45), molecules (44), moon (72), peru (5), presidents (135), railroads (14), rainforests (18), respiration (10), romans (40), shakespeare (99), south africa (13), van gogh (8), virtual field trips (119), volcanoes (54), women (146), world war 1 (77)

In the Classroom

Be sure to take advantage of the guide included on this site on how to take a virtual field trip. In addition, the guide offers suggestions and lesson plans for making the most of virtual field trips. Use any of the included field trips as an engaging introduction to many different topics. For example, several different field trips take viewers under the oceans and use these excrsions to introduce a unit on ocean animals, climate change, or oceans worldwide. Use Figjam, reviewed here for students to share notes, questions, and information learned throughout the activity. Instead of assigning a typical research project, ask students to create a virtual field trip using Google My Maps, reviewed here. Learn the basics of creating with Google My Maps by viewing the archive of a November 2021 OK2Ask virtual workshop, reviewed here.

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Georgia Virtual Learning Shared Resources - Georgia Virtual Learning

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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose...more
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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose from studies in all core content areas and the fine arts and world languages. An additional option features courses in CTAE/Electives. These offerings include classes in finance, computer science, fitness, and more. After selecting a course to view, use the module to proceed through the contents. Each module includes an introduction featuring essential questions and interactive content and concludes with final assessments and a module test.

tag(s): art history (99), body systems (41), business (52), chinese (45), drawing (61), environment (246), financial literacy (91), french (75), geology (61), japanese (47), latin (22), literature (220), music theory (45), myths and legends (31), narrative (15), novels (34), nutrition (137), oceans (147), OER (43), photography (121), plagiarism (33), poetry (192), psychology (65), robotics (23), romeo & juliet (7), short stories (18), sociology (23), space (217), spanish (108), STEM (289), writers workshop (31)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a supplemental resource for your current lessons, as a resource for students to learn about subjects not covered in their current courses, and to differentiate learning for students. For example, provide remediation to high school students by sharing the 9th or 10th-grade literature and composition courses as a review activity or enhance your British Literature unit by assigning a module that focuses specifically on 17th, 18th, or 19th-century British literature. Consider assigning different activities to groups of students to present to their peers. Ask them to use an infographic creator such as the Canva Infographic Creator, reviewed here, as a tool for sharing important information. As a final learning extension, create a digital class book using Ourboox, reviewed here, to share understanding of the content learned. Include text, images, maps, and more in the student-created books.

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Attribution Builder - Open Washington

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This easy to use tool from Open Washington, reviewed here, automatically generates citations based upon user input. Enter information including author,...more
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This easy to use tool from Open Washington, reviewed here, automatically generates citations based upon user input. Enter information including author, URL, title, and other options such as project name and organization, then select the type of citation desired. It isn't necessary to fill in all the boxes; however, filling in as many areas as possible creates a more robust citation.

tag(s): citations (32), digital citizenship (85), plagiarism (33), Research (84)

In the Classroom

Use this easy tool in any subject area when requiring research or attributing information and sources such as images. Recommend this site to students for use at home to build properly constructed attribution of materials. Include this resource as part of your digital citizenship lessons using the section on licensing as a starting point for teaching students about different forms of Creative Commons and Public Domain found on the Internet. Include this site on your classroom computers for students to use at any time to cite resources. Ask students to include attribution for all images and resources whenever creating multimedia projects such as presentations created with Sway, reviewed here, videos made with Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here, or interactive images created using Genially, reviewed here.

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Rawpixel - Rawpixel Ltd.

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Rawpixel offers a massive selection of free images, PNG elements, fonts, and backgrounds curated by the site's graphic designers. Select the Public Domain link to find collections and...more
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Rawpixel offers a massive selection of free images, PNG elements, fonts, and backgrounds curated by the site's graphic designers. Select the Public Domain link to find collections and resources for use with a Creative Commons license. Rawpixel makes it easy to find items using Topics; select the topic link to search collections by trending, popular, or new images. Use the search bar to find specific topics, photos, or boards. Follow the directions to download pictures after creating your free account. Each download also includes attribution information to have when using. Finally, create boards to save images to a collection for later use.

tag(s): creative commons (28), graphic design (49), images (260)

In the Classroom

Include Rawpixel with your other image resources for your professional use and share with students. Be sure to include discussions of proper attribution of images and Creative Commons Licensing. Consider using a curation tool such as Wakelet, reviewed here, or Padlet, reviewed here, to share image resources with students. Ask students to enhance presentations using images and elements found on Rawpixel. For example, when creating presentations on the American Revolution using Google Slides, reviewed here, or Canva Edu, reviewed here, ask students to find a PNG image of a smartphone, then add chat boxes into the phone to depict a conversation between George Washington and one of his generals. This site contains many useful images and graphic design resources; it is worth saving and using in all classrooms!

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