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Progressive Phonics - Progressive Phonics Company
K to 4tag(s): alphabet (53), grammar (137), handwriting (15), phonics (51), preK (269), punctuation (24)
In the Classroom
Print books from the site and activity materials to use as a supplement to current classroom instruction and remediation or for use in centers. Print books and send home for practice with phonics and writing skills. Share this site through your classroom website or blog for parents to use as a resource at home. Downloadable pdfs will also display well in iBooks on iPads, perhaps enticing students to try a little harder with phonics.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Cloze Test Creator - l.georges
2 to 12tag(s): quizzes (90), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96)
In the Classroom
Use this site to review parts of speech or sentence functions. Teach ESL/ELL students to succeed in adding troublesome prepositions or articles, especially in their writing, since the missing word is at the top. Use a cloze test to have students review terms and concepts in science, geography, and history. Use this site in world language classes to help understand verb tenses and more!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Patatap - Jono Brandel and Lullatone
K to 12In the Classroom
Patatap is perfect for your interactive whiteboard or projector. Just bring up the on-screen keyboard and play away! Use sounds and animations to refocus student attention or as a short brain break. Allow students to explore and experiment with sounds and animations during indoor recess or free time. Challenge students to create their own short mix of sounds to accompany multimedia projects. Students who find themselves "musically challenged" will find success in creating short mixes using Patatap. This site is prefect to teach sound and rhythm in music class! Use Patatap as a memory game: create any sequence and challenge students to come recreate the same sequence on your interactive whiteboard. Discuss the various background colors and "themes." Do different colors elicit different forms of sound or emotion? Have students write a journal entry about their favorite color scheme and animations. Small groups of students on individual laptops with speakers could create an actual "band" together! Record the band's sounds using an iTouch or even a mobile phone. As a classroom management tool, create certain sound sequences as cues for activities or transitions. Challenge your gifted students to create a system of musical notation for Patatap that includes both the keyboard symbols/letters and a way to indicate the rhythm. Use Patatap during poetry units to help students hear poetic meter, such as iambic pentameter. Use Patatap as an accompaniment/study aid for auditory learners to memorize spelling, states and capitals, and more.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Oh Noah - PBSkidsGO
K to 8tag(s): cinco de mayo (10), multilingual (73), spanish (108)
In the Classroom
Add this site to your ESL/ELL classroom computers. Challenge your English speaking students to learn Spanish. Add this information to a flashcard tool such as FlashCard Maker, reviewed here, and let the Spanish begin. Add as an option to your choice (centers) menus to keep students engaged and learning new content. During a multicultural celebration, keep this bookmarked on computers. Share this link on your class website for students to learn more Spanish vocabulary.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Anki - Flashcard creator - ankisrs.net
2 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), flash cards (43), test prep (69)
In the Classroom
Create flashcards for your classes using Anki -- or have them make their own. Try using them as an introduction to a concept, then again in the practice of the concept, and again as a final review. It is a nice three for one creation deal! This would be great for teaching Latin prefixes and suffixes of words to students. Use this site to learn science terms or for standardized test preparation. Try having students create flashcards and share with each other to quiz themselves within their own groups. Teach students in higher grades how to create flash cards with multiple blanks to challenge their brain to remember more pieces of the puzzle (even counterexamples). Show them how to carefully read through their classroom notes and underline the most important word or words in a sentence. Then have them leave out the most important words for their flashcards. Learning support teachers might want to have small groups create cards together to review together before tests. Have students create flashcard sets to "test" classmates on what they "teach" in oral reports. Since this program is a download, flashcards may be difficult to share - one suggestion is to download the program onto a USB stick to be shared as needed. Students can also create flashcards for classmates to try after watching peer's presentations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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M-Reader - Extensive Reading Foundation
2 to 12tag(s): guided reading (33), reading comprehension (149)
In the Classroom
Demonstrate how the program works using a projector or interactive whiteboard. Students can then read, quiz, and display their results and progress on their own. This program is perfect for differentiating in the classroom where beginning English learners are mainstreamed with English native speaking learners. You can assign the same book to all readers at a certain level, and they will all have a different quiz to take. This assures that you know exactly how each student is doing since they can't share quiz answers with each other. Share M-Reader on your classroom website or in your Google Classroom for parent and student use at home during distant learning or extended absences.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Edulastic - Snapwiz
K to 12tag(s): assessment (143), commoncore (74)
In the Classroom
Create and use short quizzes to track mastery of concepts by all students in your class. Use this site to pretest gifted students. If the gifted students already know the material, allow them to advance to another topic. The quick feedback allows greater opportunity to focus on students who need additional help. Use Edulastic to monitor your teaching of Common Core Standards as well as focusing on student proficiency of content. Since student registration is via email, for young students consider using a "class set" of Gmail subaccounts, explained here; this tells how to configure Gmail subaccounts to use for any online membership service. Using Gmail subaccounts will provide anonymous interaction within your class.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Deck.Toys - Boon Jin Goh
K to 12tag(s): assessment (143), bookmarks (43), classroom management (118), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Use Deck.Toys to create gamified learning activities for all students. Deck.Toys is perfect for creating mini-lessons for students to explore during center time or as a flipped classroom activity. Use to remediate and enrich lessons for struggling learners or as an enrichment activity for gifted learners.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: Engage & Inspire with Virtual Field Trips - TeachersFirst
K to 12Make an ordinary day...more
Make an ordinary day extraordinary. Provide important context for your content, ratchet-up engagement, and immerse all students in authentic learning experiences with virtual field trips. Discuss strategies that can deepen learning and focus on targeted instructional goals, whether challenges and observations during or reflections and extensions post-experience. Explore different field trip options and identify destinations that support your educational setting. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1.Understand how to use virtual field trips in the classroom; 2. Explore virtual field trip options; and 3. Plan for the use of virtual field trips in your classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): remote learning (54), virtual field trips (119)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Super Power Speech - Caroline Bowen
1 to 5This site includes advertising.
tag(s): professional development (373), social skills (22), speech (68), vocabulary development (94)
In the Classroom
Whether you are a speech pathologist, social skills/autistic support teacher, or a classroom teacher, find extra resources here to help children with speech and language needs. Also read the discussions to help build social skills or even to improve literacy. Read through past blog entries. Brush up on the latest to be sure you are current! You may also find some specific ideas to share with these students' parents at conferences so you can work together in supporting their child. Primary grade regular ed teachers will find vocabulary development activities appropriate for any student, not just those who are identified.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Teaching Text Features - Lerner Publishing Group
3 to 8tag(s): charts and graphs (170), commoncore (74), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96)
In the Classroom
When beginning your study on text features, show the charts with an interactive whiteboard or projector. Now go further and use a nonfiction book and find these features. Print the chart and use for student reference. Keep bookmarked on your website, so students can refer back to the chart to aid comprehension. Use this guide when students write their own informational pieces. Keep handy during research projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OCD Education Station - Beyond OCD
K to 12tag(s): professional development (373), psychology (65)
In the Classroom
Share this site as a professional resource with other educators as needed when dealing with individuals with OCD. Share with parents of OCD students as an additional resource for helping their child.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Famous People Lessons - Sean Banville
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): biographies (93), fluency (26), parts of speech (38), reading comprehension (149), spelling (98), summarizing (23), word choice (14)
In the Classroom
This is an excellent site to use as part of a biography unit to match biographies to individual student interests. Allow students to choose a person, then print activities for them to complete. Use this site to practice reading fluency, informational texts, and comprehension with any student, Use this site in your substitute folder. Choose several biographies and print accompanying activities for students to complete. Enhance student learning by having them create an annotated image of a biographical character including text boxes and related links using a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Share with learning support teachers as well as ENL/ELL teachers to use as a high interest activity for older students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Freemake Video Converter - Ellora Assets Corporation
K to 12tag(s): conversions (37), images (260), movies (54), multimedia (51), slides (43), video (264)
In the Classroom
Share with students for use with any multimedia or presentation project. Use this tool to backup videos on your YouTube channel. Bookmark and save this video converter for use as an alternative to Online-Convert, reviewed here. This tool and Online-Convert are both used to download and save videos at home that you wish to show to students, especially if they are blocked at school. If you want to use the video at school, you may need to save the conversion to a USB stick, if a CD drive isn't available.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Skloog - Skloog, LLC
K to 12In the Classroom
This resource is best used as a teacher sharing tool for sharing links, RSS feeds, and other resources for students to use on specific projects or as general course links. Use this site to share with other professionals, team members, or parents. Use the categories to save bookmarks for different units you have in your classroom. Make your Skloog page the homepage for your computer, too.Consider having a category for student use for webquests, tools you want them to use, and creative commons images, music, etc. Also, create a category where students update with suggestions from class members. Use different colored alphabet tiles on a Skloog for younger, non-reader students. For example, give each subject its own distinctive color. They will also recognize logos well before they read!
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A List of X (formerly Twitter) Educators by Subject Area - Alice Keeler
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): social networking (61), twitter (13)
In the Classroom
Explore the site to discover and follow educators who match your interests and needs. Read the Xs X (formerly Xs X (formerly Tweets) about what is happening in other classrooms to gain some fresh, new ideas. Looking for more ways to use X (formerly Twitter) in the classroom? If you are the only person in your building who teaches a particular subject, such as gifted or learning support, this list can help you find like minds to share ideas or to set up collaborations between your students. Read more about X (formerly Twitter) at TeachersFirst's X (formerly Twitter) for Teachers page.Comments
what a great resourceSusan, NY, Grades: 6 - 12
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TV411 - Vocabulary - Education Development Center, Inc.
4 to 12tag(s): antonyms (12), dictionaries (48), prefixes (10), reading comprehension (149), root words (11), spelling (98), suffixes (9), synonyms (15), thesaurus (22), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94), word study (60)
In the Classroom
Any vocabulary development unit needs to include lessons about how dictionaries and thesaurus' work. View videos on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) as part of your dictionary/word-study unit. Use on an as-needed basis to address classroom deficiencies in particular areas. Have students complete the web lessons on their own during computer center time. Create links to particular videos on your class website or blog for students to view at home. Check out the Teachers portion of the site to find activities for specific skills along with ideas for using the videos in the classroom. Challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted to be reproduced). The avatars can be used to provide suggestions on improving vocabulary and writing skills. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here, to added audio and annotate the image.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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100 Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns (With Dialogue) - Michelle Tran
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): multilingual (73), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94)
In the Classroom
Before asking students to use this site independently, share it on your interactive whiteboard to show students how to avoid the advertising and how to select the proper links for playing the audio. Once students are familiar with how to get to the audio, share a link on classroom computers for ESL/ELL students to use when learning English. Ask students to practice using Vocaroo, reviewed here, an online audio recording tool. Use Vocaroo to enhance classroom technology and for students to practice speaking and hearing their work in English. As ESL/ELL students become more comfortable in their new language, ask them to create and share their own list of phrases with other students. Have them annotate an image using Image Annotator, reviewed here with their audio recordings sharing descriptions of people, places, or events. Use Image Annotator for a variety of assignments in any classroom that is integrating technology as an enhancement, modification, or transformation.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Made by Joel - Paper City - Joel Henriques
K to 7This site includes advertising.
tag(s): australia (28), cities (17), communities (33), dinosaurs (42), france (41), preK (269), transportation (31)
In the Classroom
Have students use these printables to create a city to correspond with a book they read or for use as a story starter. Use the designs on the site as inspiration for creating your own printable city for any activity. Use as part of a transportation or community unit to share and discuss different components found. ESL/ELL teachers could explore the rest of the site and find coloring pages and other useful items to reinforce vocabulary.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Web Whiteboard - Henrik Kniberg
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), iwb (31)
In the Classroom
Allow students to create collaborative drawings as responses to literature. They can map out the plot or themes, add labels, create character studies, and more. Share the finished products on an interactive whiteboard, projector, or your class website. Have a group of students create a drawing that another group can use as a writing prompt. Use Web Whiteboard as a brainstorming or sketching space as groups or the class share ideas for a major project or to solve a real world problem. Use this site with students in a computer lab (or on laptops) to create a drawing of the setting in a story as it is read aloud. As a creative assessment idea, have students draw out a simple cartoon with stick figures to explain a more complex process such as how a democracy works. If you are lucky enough to teach in a BYOT setting, use Web Whiteboard to demonstrate and illustrate any concept while students use the chat and drawing tools to interact in real time. If you are studying weather, have students diagram the layers of the atmosphere and what happens during a thunderstorm, for example. Introduce this tool to students who are working on group projects. Alternatively, have students use this to work as partners or as a small team to complete complex math problems or equations. Give students a problem by typing it on their board. Then have them work through it together, noting all of their reasoning and steps of work along the way.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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