Food, Glorious Food! Serving Up Common Core Connections

Every day, elementary teachers face the challenge of delivering our local curriculum in meaningful, engaging ways while also teaching to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The content areas can provide rich opportunities to integrate the CCSS English Language Arts standards as we teach science, health, and social studies.
This read-aloud from TeachersFirst provides some resources and suggestions of books and activities on the theme of Foods and Nutrition. With the current focus on childhood obesity, the popularity of school gardens and farm-to-school initiatives, and the campaign to “eat local,” the connection to food-related books is compelling. When teaching science, social studies, or health content, consider pairing fictional books along with informational texts to maximize the potential of every unit of study. This read-aloud is a good starting point. What a perfect way to integrate healthy eating, whether during the holiday season or spring garden planting!
For more information about bringing the Common Core standards into your daily teaching, have a look at this toolkit for planning from an earlier installment at TeachersFirst.
For Lower Elementary Students • For Middle Elementary Students • For Upper Elementary Students
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