Going Deep with Award Winning Books:
Close reading and text-dependent questions

Additional Resources
This twelve minute YouTube video shows a fourth grade teacher working on a close reading of informational text. The objective shown is to synthesize information from passages about three different inventors of toys to determine the qualities or character traits common to all three.
A seven minute video from Expeditionary Learning shows a fifth grade class in Buffalo, NY working primarily with making the connection between important details and the main idea. Using a newspaper article that relates to what they are studying in social studies, the teacher is clear about his purpose for the lesson and his process for conducting close readings.
Additional videos from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project on a variety of topics related to the Common Core State Standards.
Close reading exemplars from achievethecore.org.
Suggestions from other teachers on Pinterest
A Strategy Guide for Close Reading of Literary Text for several grade levels from readwritethink.
An excellent primer for scaffolding students and using complex texts by National Board Certified Teacher Beth Burke
Guide to creating text-dependent questions from achievethecore.org (Read a full review of Achieve the Core here).
Close Reading In Action • For Younger Elementary • For Middle & Upper Elementary • Resources