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Wolfram Demonstrations Project - Wolfram Mathematica

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Discover a huge collection of interactive illustrations to help explain complex concepts in science, technology, art, math, and a range of other topics. Use these activities to create...more
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Discover a huge collection of interactive illustrations to help explain complex concepts in science, technology, art, math, and a range of other topics. Use these activities to create interactive visualizations. There are thousands of Mathematica Demonstrations. A demonstration is a Mathematica notebook that takes advantage of Mathematica's manipulate command. Use the manipulate command to create sliders or buttons or check boxes to change the values of parameters in the displays in the demonstration. The result is you control the animation. View demonstrations on topics ranging from odd and even numbers to odd and even functions, fractions to fractals, and from linear functions to linear algebra and linear programming. In addition to mathematical topics, there are demonstrations illustrating the time in different cities around the world, global demographic information, the solar system, and art and music concepts. You need to download the Wolfram CDF player to use and interact with the demonstrations.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): addition (129), animals (295), architecture (74), computers (109), division (98), fractions (159), geometric shapes (135), gravity (42), logic (161), maps (215), money (114), multiples (15), multiplication (122), plants (147), psychology (65), statistics (120), subtraction (110), weather (160)

In the Classroom

Explain how to use the Demonstrations on your interactive whiteboard (or projector). Allow students to explore on their own classroom computers. (Remember to download the CDF player onto each computer or request it in advance from your tech department.) Challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted for reproduction). Use avatars to explain activities performed using a Demonstration. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here. The beauty of the demonstrations is that it allows students to manipulate and "play" to view the impact of changes made, allowing many opportunities for classroom discussion. Ask students to predict the impact of changes using the manipulate command; then discuss the actual impact as it occurs.

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Symbolab - Michal Avny

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Don't miss this unique search engine for math and science. Search for equations, formulas, and expressions using mathematical symbols and scientific notations or search using text....more
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Don't miss this unique search engine for math and science. Search for equations, formulas, and expressions using mathematical symbols and scientific notations or search using text. Choose from options before beginning a search such as basic, operators, physics, trigonometry, and others. Results provided are the most relevant results that are theoretically similar instead of visually similar. Take a tour of the site with the video provided at the home page to better understand its capabilities. Download the extension for Chrome or Firefox using links provided. Be sure to check out the Formatting Tips link for tips and suggestions on using Symbolab.

tag(s): calculators (35), equations (118), scientific method (48), symbols (15)

In the Classroom

Use as a search engine for mathematics students. Sort results to find explanations of how to solve an equation, what an equation is used for, as well as videos and examples of an equation in use. IN chemistry class, search for examples of chemical equations and places where they are used.

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Mathematics Vision Project - Utah State Office of Education

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The Mathematics Visions Project contains lessons and activities integrated into Common Core Standards for use with secondary students. Two versions are available: Secondary One and...more
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The Mathematics Visions Project contains lessons and activities integrated into Common Core Standards for use with secondary students. Two versions are available: Secondary One and Secondary One Honors. Both include an edition for students and teachers. It is highly recommended that you read the introduction to the materials to understand the concept behind the lessons before beginning use. Each module is in PDF format for easy printing. It is not necessary to print the entire module. Choose a lesson and just print those pages. Following each lesson is a homework assignment. The Ready, Set, Go! homework assignments correlate to the daily classroom experience and are organized into three parts: Ready to prepare to learn new material, Set for practicing developing skills (the new mathematical skills become more "set" or fluent), Go! to help students remember the skills and procedures learned previously. Follow links provided for additional support with concepts in the homework material. Assessments for each module provide feedback through multiple choice, constructed response, and short answer questions.

tag(s): equations (118), inequalities (25), sequences (12), sequencing (17)

In the Classroom

Use activities, lessons, and homework available here to supplement current classroom materials. Share the short parent section with parents to explain the philosophy behind activities. Use these lessons to help integrate Common Core Standards into your classroom.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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My PBLWorks - Buck Institute for Education

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Find many ready to go, subject specific, Common Core aligned projects free for your use. Developed by the Buck Institute for Education, who are THE experts for project based learning,...more
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Find many ready to go, subject specific, Common Core aligned projects free for your use. Developed by the Buck Institute for Education, who are THE experts for project based learning, the PBLU projects are designed to save you time in the project based learning process. However, each project is flexible enough to customize it to your needs. Sign up for their newsletter to stay updated about new project development. You can even suggest a project for them to create through the Community Wish List.

tag(s): problem solving (228), Project Based Learning (23), Research (84), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

There are a variety of projects presented at different grade levels. Don't hesitate to look at one that seems beyond or below your grade level. They are easily adaptable. For instance, the one by Biz World created for third through fifth grade students to experience entrepreneurship can easily be adapted to a product that high school students might be interested in such as earrings, designing a class ring, or a video explaining how to conquer levels in a video game.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Wili the Wizard Math Dictionary - Center on Disability Studies

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The Math Dictionary is a glossary of important terms that elementary and middle school students need to know for success in their mathematics and science classes. The dictionary includes...more
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The Math Dictionary is a glossary of important terms that elementary and middle school students need to know for success in their mathematics and science classes. The dictionary includes diagrams when appropriate. Click on any letter to see a list of terms. Choose the term to find the definition. Read the short definition along with the Hawaiian translation. Some items include examples or diagrams along with links to further information.

tag(s): dictionaries (48), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site for use when looking up math terms. Have some fun with the Hawaiian translations provided. Give students the Hawaiian word and see if they can find the word and definition it goes with! Share this site through your classroom newsletter, website, or blog for students to use at home. Challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted to be reproduced). The avatars can be used to explain a term defined on the site. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here. Post these avatars on your classroom website to have your own talking math dictionary!

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Mathematics Assessment Project - Shell Center for Mathematical Education

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The Mathematics Assessment Project aims to bring life to the Common Core Standards by offering assessments for use in middle school and high school classrooms. Assessments are both...more
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The Mathematics Assessment Project aims to bring life to the Common Core Standards by offering assessments for use in middle school and high school classrooms. Assessments are both summative tests or tasks and classroom performance based. Classroom research and feedback led to the development of all tasks. Choose from complete lessons including Common Core standards goals, print-outs as needed, and directions. Also included are tasks separated by middle school or high school level and high school tests for college readiness. There is an excellent professional development portion on the site for incorporating activity based learning in classrooms along with videos, session guides, and handouts. Download modules as needed for offline use. Find a step by step overview of how to use the site at the instructions tab at the top of each page.

tag(s): angles (51), area (52), assessment (143), charts and graphs (170), decimals (85), equations (118), estimation (33), measurement (123), negative numbers (12), percent (59), pythagorean theorem (18)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a resource for classroom activities and assessments relating to Common Core standards. Share this site with others in your department as a resource for developing and implementing activity based lessons. View videos as part of your (and your department's) professional development sessions. This is an excellent site for any Math department head or curriculum leader to use when leading fellow teachers.
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Math 10 - Yordan Petrov Petrov(Dancho)

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Math10 contains math resources for primary and secondary math students and teachers. Choose from categories such as Problem Solver, Adding and Subtracting Up to 100, Math Tests, Math...more
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Math10 contains math resources for primary and secondary math students and teachers. Choose from categories such as Problem Solver, Adding and Subtracting Up to 100, Math Tests, Math History, and more. The topics of math problems vary from primary grade topics up through post-secondary. Search the topics on the left toolbar. The Math History portion is an in-depth look at math throughout the ages including classical Greek geometry through the origins of calculus. Games are divided into categories beginning with addition games through coordinates and equations. Be sure to check out the problem of the week for a new activity weekly.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): division (98), equations (118), exponents (35), fractions (159), logic (161), mixed numbers (8), multiplication (122), operations (72), polynomials (20), probability (98), problem solving (228), pythagorean theorem (18), sequences (12), square roots (15)

In the Classroom

Share portions of the site as needed on your interactive whiteboard. Use the Problem Solver applications to demonstrate and share any problems you want to work out as a class. Have students use the Problem Solver and then write a journal entry describing the steps used in solving the problem. Assign different portions of the Math History section of the site to students to use when learning math history or as a backdrop to put concepts into context. Share this site on your website or blog as a resource for students to use at home. Use discussion topics from the site's forum in your classroom. An example would be to discuss the topic if math is the most boring or difficult subject and why.

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K-12 Mathematics Vocabulary - Granite Schools, Salt Lake City Utah

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Check out these materials and resources for teaching math vocabulary aligned to Common Core Standards and compiled by a Utah school district. Categories include vocabulary cards, presentation...more
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Check out these materials and resources for teaching math vocabulary aligned to Common Core Standards and compiled by a Utah school district. Categories include vocabulary cards, presentation materials, templates, and activities and lessons. Print vocabulary cards for each grade level up to 7th grade and also a word list for secondary students. Lists are in PDF format and include a short explanation and words in alphabetical order, ready to use on a word wall or as flash cards. Don't miss the Presentation Materials section with many professional development ideas.

tag(s): professional development (373), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Presentation materials on this site would be excellent to use when sharing ideas for teaching vocabulary skills with fellow teachers. Bookmark and share this site as a resource for math vocabulary teaching materials for use on word walls, flashcards, lessons, and more. Print out key vocabulary words for your students to learn. Or simply put the URL for a specific list or section on your website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Find videos recorded by professional educators. These are not just the humdrum lecture type videos you might expect. These are dynamic speakers, energized by their desire to share what...more
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Find videos recorded by professional educators. These are not just the humdrum lecture type videos you might expect. These are dynamic speakers, energized by their desire to share what they've learned and know. The videos are even more appealing because of the professional animators who worked in the background (with the educators) to get the message across to the audience. You can search these videos by "Lessons" (under "Discover") and from there by subject, "Collections," is organized by theme, or by "Exploration." Every video has a "Think" section with multiple choice and open ended questions. If you get a multiple choice answer wrong you will receive a video hint to help you get it correct. Every video has a Dig Deeper section with additional resources for exploring the topic. You can take one of these videos, a video from YouTube, or any other video with a URL and "flip" them to make them your own. You can change the title, put in instructions, discard or keep the questions, create your own questions. In other words, you can make the video your own, to suit your needs. Once you save the video it will have a unique URL so you can track the progress and participation of anyone using it. Don't miss such clever offerings as David Hunter's video about the importance of geography concepts in deciding "How do you decide where to go in a zombie apocalypse?" Ted-Ed is only part of the TED offerings. View the full TED site reviewed here. Be sure to look at the Discover and Create tabs on the top menu.

tag(s): blended learning (36), business (52), design (78), literature (220), psychology (65), religions (90), Teacher Utilities (183), video (264)

In the Classroom

Choose a video or create your own videos for students to use for review. After students view a video that has the questions, show one that doesn't, and have students generate questions for it. Assign videos for students to view at home or in the computer lab. Use them as a springboard for engaging writing prompts or to spark a discussion connected with a unit of study. Challenge students to do a compare/contrast activity using an online Venn Diagram tool, reviewed here. Most of the videos are less than twenty minutes, which makes it realistic to use them in a one-period class lesson or if you are implementing blended learning or flipped learning in your classroom or school (leaving class time for asking questions and clarifying).

Show a video or two with your class and discuss the set up of the lesson. Discuss the difference between basic comprehension questions and open-ended questions. Show your students an inspirational video or two from TED reviewed here. As a class, pick out eight or ten of the TED videos and allow students to sign up to work on one of the videos. Have cooperative learning groups develop a TED Ed video lesson. You will need to proofread all work using a word processor, before allowing students to upload their questions on TED Ed.

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Illustrative Mathematics - Institute for Mathematics and Education

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Find lessons and activities aligned to Common Core math standards for every grade level on the Illustrative Mathematics site. Choose from K-8 or high school standards to begin your...more
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Find lessons and activities aligned to Common Core math standards for every grade level on the Illustrative Mathematics site. Choose from K-8 or high school standards to begin your search. Choose a topic such as geometry or measurement and data to expand the list of activities. Choose from the appropriate grade level to find the task. Each task has a direct link to view the task along with a link to download in PDF format. The site is a little difficult to follow, so allow some exploration time to find all that there is to offer. Site registration isn't required; however, it is available to rate and comment on lessons and upload your own activities.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): assessment (143), base ten (5), equations (118), fractions (159), operations (72), probability (98), problem solving (228), ratios (46), statistics (120)

In the Classroom

Share this site with other teachers as you begin implementation of Common Core lessons and activities. Bookmark the site for use when planning new units. Explore this site for new teaching ideas. Share with new teachers as a resource for lesson planning.

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Let's Play Math! -

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Let's Play Math! is a blog by a homeschooling mom that shares resources, ideas, and an excitement for teaching mathematics to all students. Find popular posts on the right-hand toolbar...more
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Let's Play Math! is a blog by a homeschooling mom that shares resources, ideas, and an excitement for teaching mathematics to all students. Find popular posts on the right-hand toolbar or browse by topic tag. Topics with the most entries are highlighted and in a larger font making them easier to find. Search within the blog using the search box included. You may also want to check out the link to the Best of the Blog. This includes some of the author's favorite posts sorted by subject and includes favorite games, puzzles, activities, and more. Although this blog was designed by a homeschooling parent, the information is useful in any math classroom setting.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): mental math (19), preK (269), puzzles (144)

In the Classroom

Bookmark this blog to use as a resource for classroom lessons and activities. Subscribe to the blog or "like" the Facebook page to be notified when new posts appear. Share this link on your class website for students and parents to use at home.

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Promethean Planet - Promethean, Inc

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Looking for resources to use on your interactive whiteboard? If so, this site is a tremendous resource for all whiteboard users, not just those with a Promethean Board. View, search,...more
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Looking for resources to use on your interactive whiteboard? If so, this site is a tremendous resource for all whiteboard users, not just those with a Promethean Board. View, search, and download from over 60,000 resources in all subject areas and grade levels. Use the Resources tab to search by state standard, content, grade level, or resource type. Register on the site to enable download ability as well as many other features such as saving favorites, reviewing resources, asking questions on the technical forum, following specific users, and uploading your own resources. Each resource includes a short description, grade level recommendation, file format, and size. Another great feature is the slide show included with each download for previewing different pages used on each chart.

tag(s): iwb (31), numbers (119), preK (269), resources (83)

In the Classroom

Before you try any of these activities, think about how you can make the lesson more student-centered. Find ideas in TeachersFirst's Hands off, Vanna! Giving Students Control of Interactive Whiteboard Learning . Browse the site for interactive whiteboard resources to download for classroom use. Bookmark and save favorites for later use. Download any resource, then tweak it to your individual needs. Have questions about creating Promethean Flipcharts? Post your question on the technical board to receive helpful replies. If you have a SmartBoard, be sure to check out the SmartBoard lessons and resources page located here. You will need to download the ActivInspire software (free).


This is the go-to site for Promethean flipchart downloads. Most files were created by teachers. The only downside is that the files are hit-or-miss. There are many gems, but you might have to browse some not-so-great files to find them. Tim, , Grades: 0 - 6

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Mathematical Quotations Server - Mark Woodard, Furman University

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Find endless mathematical quotations. Search the site by keyword, browse by first letter of the authors' last names, or follow a link to receive a random quote. Download the entire...more
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Find endless mathematical quotations. Search the site by keyword, browse by first letter of the authors' last names, or follow a link to receive a random quote. Download the entire collection (83 pages) using the link on the home page.

tag(s): probability (98), quotations (18), statistics (120)

In the Classroom

Use this site to find a quote of the week for your math classroom. Ask students to respond with their own thoughts. Begin each new unit with an appropriate quotation to spark classroom discussion and determine prior knowledge. Hang the quote on your wall throughout the unit. Use the list as examples of mathematical quotes and challenge students to create their own quote. Then ask them to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted to be reproduced) using a tool such as Blabberize, reviewed here. The avatars can be say the quotation.

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MathFlix - Loyola University Chicago School of Education

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MathFlix is a resource of over 1000 videos sorted by topic. The site also includes over 400 downloadable worksheets that reinforce concepts and provide additional practice. The videos...more
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MathFlix is a resource of over 1000 videos sorted by topic. The site also includes over 400 downloadable worksheets that reinforce concepts and provide additional practice. The videos themselves are hosted at many different locations on the web, but this index makes it easy to find them by math topic. Enter the site by choosing either the "I am a teacher" or "I am a student" icon. The teacher link lists topics by standards and content within each standard. Choose from Number & Operations, Algebra, Technology, and more. Each of these links leads to further subcategories listing video titles to view. The student link leads to clickable images or words, including topic and subcategory. Choose one of these links to go directly to the list of videos available for that topic. Be sure not to miss the links at the bottom of the page. They aren't quite as obvious as information for the videos; however, they include additional information relating to Common Core, assessment, and curriculum support.

tag(s): area (52), charts and graphs (170), decimals (85), estimation (33), fractions (159), inequalities (25), logic (161), money (114), numbers (119), patterns (62), percent (59), perimeter (20), polls and surveys (49), probability (98), problem solving (228), statistics (120), symmetry (27), variables (14), whole numbers (9)

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site as a resource for math videos to use on your interactive whiteboard or on classroom computers. Watch videos together to introduce or review classroom concepts. Or "flip" your classroom by sharing the videos or independent viewing before you discuss the topic in class. Share a link to videos on your classroom website or blog for students to use as a review resource at home. Share this entire site on your class website, wiki, or blog for alternative presentations of topics that are difficult. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create videos of their own on math concepts. Share the videos on a site such as TeacherTube.

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Numberphile - Brady Haran

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Are you interested in numbers? This site has a variety of videos about math theories that are at the forefront of research. Easy, understandable language presents each topic, and this...more
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Are you interested in numbers? This site has a variety of videos about math theories that are at the forefront of research. Easy, understandable language presents each topic, and this is an entertaining way for anyone to learn fascinating facts about numbers. The Numberphile covers a very broad scope of topics such as Why do people hate mathematics, AMAZING Dice Rolls, and Sounds of PI. Videos vary in length, although most remain well under 15 minutes. Even those who believe they are not good at math will like learning interesting facts about numbers. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable; be sure to look at alternatives for sharing the conversation starters and other videos on classroom computers. Use the search bar to find specific topics faster

tag(s): calculators (35), negative numbers (12), number lines (33), numbers (119), pi (29), prime numbers (26), video (264)

In the Classroom

Share these videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector as wonderful math journal and discussion starters. Choose a video about an interesting number fact that can be used to hook students into a particular lesson or unit. Use the videos to show the fascinating side of mathematics. For example, 666 and its peculiarity in mathematics would be interesting to students. Make a math enrichment center for your gifted students or "hook" math-haters (or girls) by letting them select and critique their own video choice from this site. Embed a video on your class wiki and have students use the discussion tab to comment on what they like about it or were surprised to learn. Use in your blended classroom by flipping and having students view the videos at home to discuss the next day in class. (This is a great option if YouTube is blocked in your school.) Be sure to provide this link on your class website for students (and their families) to access at home. Modify learning by having students make their own advertising videos about their favorite or "lucky" number using a tool such as MoocNote, reviewed here, where students can embed questions, comments, and polls into videos. Then share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here.

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Discover Design: A Student Design Experience - Chicago Architecture Foundation

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Learn about architectural design and construction of buildings and more and about design in general. This site also gives teens a forum to post design ideas and receive feedback from...more
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Learn about architectural design and construction of buildings and more and about design in general. This site also gives teens a forum to post design ideas and receive feedback from others their age as well as teachers and design professionals. Discover Design also promotes challenges every year for student teams to create an innovative remake of something (community market, lunchroom, food stand, library and community center, etc.) for their community. Another design challenge is a CIRT Nation Design and Construction Competition. Examples of past challenges are designing Water Resource Management and Preservation, a National Pavilion, and a Gastronomic Center (a space for cultural exchange through styles of cookery). Check registration deadlines as one is usually in the spring and another at the end of the year. View the contest requirements and rules in great detail with forms on the site. Use this site for lessons and information without an account, but to use the forum tool you need to create an account.

tag(s): architecture (74), engineering (127), makerspace (40), measurement (123), modeling (8)

In the Classroom

Teach students about applied science and math through the use of design. Students will see real life applications, get energized about a possible career, and go beyond repetitious facts or abstract theories. Use this site to spark ideas for your students. Use one of the smaller past challenges for your class. Have students compete to create a new student locker or lunch tray. Have them do research and design prototypes. Have students display their work locally for the school and community. Judge work by the public or by classmates on a rubric. Even if you are not part of the larger Maker's Faire movement, your students can be involved in hands-on design and innovation.

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STEM Curriculum - Dayton Regional - Dayton Regional STEM Center

K to 12
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The Dayton Regional STEM Center offers lessons, units, and curriculum materials in STEM subjects for grades K-12. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math resources are abundant at...more
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The Dayton Regional STEM Center offers lessons, units, and curriculum materials in STEM subjects for grades K-12. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math resources are abundant at this center for hands-on STEM! Primarily it is a curriculum resource for teaching. Click on each search topic (by grade level, subject, or industry) and find a list of topics from which to choose. There are captivating hook videos about power and propulsion, sensors, manufacturing, humans and medicine, and air vehicles. Lesson ideas are complete and well thought out. Some have downloadable activities, some are video clips, some are tangible hands on activities, but all are thought provoking. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

tag(s): aircraft (16), atmosphere (22), aviation (40), data (151), energy (131), engineering (127), equations (118), functions (51), geometric shapes (135), magnetism (37), measurement (123), number sense (70), oil (22), operations (72), ratios (46), robotics (23), scientific method (48), solar energy (34), space (216), statistics (120), STEM (288), teaching strategies (49), water (101)

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a resource for STEM lessons in your classroom. Use this site as a starting point for individual or group projects or differentiating lessons in your classroom. Search this site for some new ideas to implement in your classroom. Share the Student tab on your class website for students to explore several "kid friendly" topic such as Fish-y Gardening, Pirate Race, Slime Time, Engineer Girl, Build a Bot, and more. Students who complete one of the "kid friendly" projects at home could transform classroom techology use and develop a multimedia presentation using a tool like slides, reviewed here, or to share with the class. For tools and ideas about creating multimedia presentations see one of many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here. Some tool suggestions are (click on the tool name to access the review): Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, Animatron, Sway, and Microsoft PowerPoint Online.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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I Speak Math - Julie Reulbach

5 to 10
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I Speak Math is an idea-filled and informative blog from a math teacher currently at a project-based private school in North Carolina. Posts are updated often and include pictures of...more
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I Speak Math is an idea-filled and informative blog from a math teacher currently at a project-based private school in North Carolina. Posts are updated often and include pictures of classroom projects along with links to resources used. Examples include a kinesthetic box and whisk-ers plot activity, foldables for functions and graphing, and reflections upon students grading their own tests. Explore the site further by viewing top posts through the link on the side bar. Search the site using the search box on the top of the page. Most posts include several tags. Click on a tag to find other posts with the same topic or click on popular tags located in the tag cloud on the side bar.

tag(s): charts and graphs (170), data (151)

In the Classroom

Use this site as a resource for finding varied math activities for your class. Search the site for math stations to find tips for running math stations in your classroom.

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Mr. Honner - Math Appreciation - Patrick Honner

8 to 12
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Mr. Honner's blog is an entertaining and informative blog related to all things math (particularly high school math). Categories of the blog include Art, Challenge, Geometry, Photography,...more
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Mr. Honner's blog is an entertaining and informative blog related to all things math (particularly high school math). Categories of the blog include Art, Challenge, Geometry, Photography, and Resources. A quick look under each of the topics finds many interesting posts along with pictures of classroom activities and reflections on the learning. Top Posts are listed on the side column for a quick look at what others have found interesting including a mobius battle, math haiku, and a custom pi necklace. Be sure to subscribe to the blog by using the RSS feed link near the top of the page. To find what you're looking for faster, use the search bar.

tag(s): blogs (65), logic (161), photography (121), pi (29), social networking (61)

In the Classroom

Use this blog as a resource for finding new classroom activities such as the custom pi necklace mathematical Valentine. (Use the search bar near the top of the page to find these items if not found on the home page.) Have students complete activities found on the site then extend their knowledge by challenging them to create an online graphic to share using Kleli, reviewed here. Share the site with your art teacher for collaborations in art and math classes.

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The Number Warrior - Jason Dyer

6 to 12
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This blog, created by Jason Dyer, is all about teaching mathematics. There is discussions of interesting aspects of math, lessons, video clips, puzzles, and other activities. The site...more
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This blog, created by Jason Dyer, is all about teaching mathematics. There is discussions of interesting aspects of math, lessons, video clips, puzzles, and other activities. The site includes a search bar to use when looking for specific topics such as fractions or algebra. Be sure to check out the links to puzzles to find many different logic puzzles for classroom use. Subscribe to the blog using your RSS feed such as Google Reader to keep track of ongoing posts. Don't miss the links on the site to the Annotated Blogroll to find other math blogs of interest.

tag(s): logic (161), puzzles (144)

In the Classroom

Share puzzles from the sites for students to complete weekly or as homework. Then challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted to be reproduced). The avatars can be used to explain steps and logic used to complete puzzles. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here.

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