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Girls Who Code - Reshma Saujani

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Girls Who Code is an organization founded to help close the gender gap in technology. They have several programs offering girls the opportunity to explore coding with peers. The Clubs...more
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Girls Who Code is an organization founded to help close the gender gap in technology. They have several programs offering girls the opportunity to explore coding with peers. The Clubs Program is for girls in grades 3-12 and meets two hours each week in local schools and provides opportunities for computer training for beginners through advanced learner. Click Locations from the top menu to see if there is a school near you. The Summer Program offers a 2-week immersion program or a 6 week self-paced program for 9th-12th-grade students in coding and exposure to jobs in the technology field. No location near you? Click Programs from the top menu and slide down to Code At Home. While most of the content on this site is appropriate for middle school girls, please preview before you share.

tag(s): coding (85), communities (33), computers (109), critical thinking (121), logic (161), women (146)

In the Classroom

Share this site with your school's administration or anyone willing to consider leading an after-school computer program for girls and ask them to become a sponsor. Be sure to share information on the Summer Immersion Program with your high school guidance counselor and technology teachers as an excellent opportunity for interested students. If there are no locations near you (and no volunteers to start one) post this to your web page with the directions to Code At Home.

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STEM Careers Coalition - Discovery Education

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The STEM Careers Coalition will help you and your students take a real-life view of STEM concepts in action with the activities on this site detailing careers and projects. Click ...more
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The STEM Careers Coalition will help you and your students take a real-life view of STEM concepts in action with the activities on this site detailing careers and projects. Click the Getting Started tab at the to and slide down to Educators to find Classroom Activities for interactive lessons correlated to math and science standards. Two examples of the activities are: analyzing irrigation systems (after trying to build a mini one of their own), and discussing renewable and non-renewable energy sources and creating a proposal for a power solution for a ranger station in rural Alaska. There are several others of the same quality. All of the activities include materials lists (when needed) and handouts for students. The Career section contains videos (2 to 5 minutes long), career profiles, and student activation PDFs.

tag(s): energy (131), geology (61), recycling (45), STEM (288), water (101)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plans and interactives. This site is excellent for enrichment; consider using the lessons with gifted students for independent learning or as project ideas for math and science fairs. Enhance student learning and classroom technology use by challenging students to make a multimedia presentation demonstrating ideas from this site using Sway, reviewed here. Sway creates unique multimedia projects using text, images, and media. Change the look of your Sway using the Mood and Remix tools to change the color palette, layout, and fonts. Challenge students to find photos or diagrams about what they learned (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate and annotate the photo with essential information. Use a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use it: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here.

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The Educator's Guide to Building & Construction - HomeAdvisor

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HomeAdvisor presents a series of lessons, activities, projects, and videos for grades K-12 introducing young people to the world of construction. Choose a grade level band to begin...more
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HomeAdvisor presents a series of lessons, activities, projects, and videos for grades K-12 introducing young people to the world of construction. Choose a grade level band to begin browsing content. Topics include real-world activities such as viewing and building bird houses, scientific experiments to learn about erosion, and analyzing electric circuits.

tag(s): animal homes (57), animals (295), architecture (74), bridges (11), circuits (21), counting (59), electricity (62), engineering (127), erosion (15), geometric shapes (135), habitats (90), insects (68), makerspace (40), pyramids (17), simple machines (17), solar energy (34), STEM (288), water (101)

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the many free lesson plans and activities to incorporate STEM activities and Maker projects into your classroom. Ask a parent volunteer, local contractor, or naturalist to come in and help with activities. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, have students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Penzu, reviewed here,

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Nanotechnology: Super Small Science - NBC Learn

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Explore the science behind the hidden world of nanotechnology, where you measure objects in the billionths of meters. Six videos offered by NBC Learn in partnership with the National...more
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Explore the science behind the hidden world of nanotechnology, where you measure objects in the billionths of meters. Six videos offered by NBC Learn in partnership with the National Science Foundation discuss Nanotechnology at the Surface, Nanoelectronics, Nanoarchitecture, Nano-Enabled Sensors, and Nanoparticles, plus quantum dots and working in nanoscale. Videos are approximately 5 to 6 minutes in length with a transcript. Although part of a larger site that charges for access, these videos and lessons are all free. This video now resides on NBC Learn's YouTube channel. If your district blocks YouTube, it may not be viewable.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): careers (141), chemicals (41), engineering (127), scientists (63)

In the Classroom

Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson in chemistry or physical science class. Divide students into cooperative learning groups to explore the site. Have each group choose a video to use as a launching pad for further study. Have students create an annotated image, including text boxes and related links using a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use it: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Place the videos on your classroom website or blog for students to explore on their own. Flip your instruction and as an assignment have your students watch the videos before class time to build background knowledge. Review nonfiction reading strategies with students before having students read transcripts. Have students explore STEM careers by researching the jobs of the scientists interviewed.

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Scholarships Demystified - Sean O'Dacre

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Learn the basics about scholarships through this informative infographic and supporting information. Discover facts such as the number of scholarships distributed annually (of course,...more
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Learn the basics about scholarships through this informative infographic and supporting information. Discover facts such as the number of scholarships distributed annually (of course, this changes each year), where the money comes from, and little-known scholarship offerings. Click on the infographic image to open the full version in a new tab for easier viewing

tag(s): college (44), financial aid (12), infographics (56)

In the Classroom

Embed this infographic on your class website as a resource for students and parents as they apply for scholarships and learn about resources available. Share with your school's guidance counselor to share with students.

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When Nature Strikes: Science of Natural Hazards - NBC Learn

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Explore the science behind the world's worst natural disasters. These ten videos are hosted by Dr. Marshall Shepherd of the University of Georgia and The Weather Channel in partnership...more
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Explore the science behind the world's worst natural disasters. These ten videos are hosted by Dr. Marshall Shepherd of the University of Georgia and The Weather Channel in partnership with NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation. Topics include Wildfires, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Space Weather, Landslides, Hurricanes, Flash Floods, and Earthquakes. Videos are approximately 5 to 6 minutes in length and include transcripts. Scientists' interviews explain the stunning scenes of nature's havoc. Although part of a larger site that charges for access, these videos are free.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): earthquakes (45), floods (10), hurricanes (32), natural disasters (17), scientists (63), tornadoes (14), tsunamis (15), volcanoes (54), weather (160)

In the Classroom

Use this site as an anticipatory set or "activator" to introduce a unit or lesson on the weather. Divide students into cooperative learning groups to explore the site. Have each group choose a video to use as a launching pad for further study. Enhance their learning with the challenge to use YiNote, reviewed here, which is a Chrome extension for taking notes online on the video while watching it. Have students create an annotated, narrated image, including text boxes and related links, using a tool such as Google Drawings, reviewed here. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use it: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here. Place the videos on your classroom website or blog for students to explore on their own. Flip your instruction, and have your scientists watch the videos before class time to build background knowledge. Review nonfiction reading strategies with students before reading the transcripts. Have students investigate STEM careers by researching the jobs of the scientists interviewed in the videos.

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Higher Education for Students with Disabilities - Accredited Schools Online

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This guide, part of the larger site titled Accredited Schools Online, helps students with learning disabilities and their parents better understand their rights and responsibilities...more
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This guide, part of the larger site titled Accredited Schools Online, helps students with learning disabilities and their parents better understand their rights and responsibilities regarding postsecondary education. Organized as one lengthy page of useful tips, information includes choosing an online accredited college or university program that best suits a student's needs, financial aid advice, and links to other helpful sites. Specific school searches may be done elsewhere on the sponsoring site once you register. Other areas of the larger website include advice for the hearing and visual impaired.

tag(s): careers (141), college (44), disabilities (31), learning disability (21), Special Needs (53)

In the Classroom

Guidance counselors and teachers, particularly intervention specialists, will find this a helpful place to share with students and their parents although information is very basic. The larger sponsoring site includes higher education selection advice for all students. Use this resource with individual students or in group settings, perhaps at a college and career night, or as part of a newsletter or other resource geared to high school students and their parents.

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Transitioning to College, T2C - Kent State University

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This site, delivered via a LibGuide format, is a virtual field trip to a college campus and college library, giving high school students a taste of the higher education experience....more
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This site, delivered via a LibGuide format, is a virtual field trip to a college campus and college library, giving high school students a taste of the higher education experience. Topics emphasize the college and career readiness standards. Short, interesting videos (with transcripts) of college students lead visitors through what to expect, give tips on adjusting, and doing college-level work. Additional links, mostly other college sites, provide more helpful information.

tag(s): assessment (143), college (44), digital citizenship (85), media literacy (107)

In the Classroom

Find many resources to share and teach about college-level academic requirements. Assign areas to "visit" and incorporate the videos and activities into a blended learning or flipped classroom. A section on assessments and an area for educators have useful ideas for incorporating T2C in the classroom.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Highbrow - Artem Zavyalov & Jane Limanskaya

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Learn something new each day with Highbrow's unique course delivery system. Sign up for a course, then receive an email each day with a five to ten-minute lesson. Each course ...more
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Learn something new each day with Highbrow's unique course delivery system. Sign up for a course, then receive an email each day with a five to ten-minute lesson. Each course is completed in ten days making learning quick and easy! Choose from many different course options in subjects such as art, literature, languages, history, tech and coding, photography, and several others. Highbrow only allows one course per user at a time to encourage complete focus on each topic. If you don't see what you like, choose the Create Course option and create your own learning experience using your expertise!

tag(s): 20th century (62), architecture (74), authors (106), business (52), differentiation (82), endangered species (27), equations (118), financial literacy (91), greeks (41), human body (93), inventors and inventions (80), logic (161), medicine (56), mental math (19), numbers (119), photography (120), poetry (192), psychology (65), short stories (18), surrealism (2), weather (160), women (146)

In the Classroom

Highbrow is perfect for differentiated learning. Allow students to choose their own topic and sign up for a course. When complete, choose another topic and start a new course. Modify classroom technology by having students create commercials for finished courses using Powtoon, reviewed here, and share them using a tool such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Challenge students to create a course after a unit of study as a final assessment. Be sure to include this site on your class webpage for students to access both in and outside of class for personal use.

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Bystander Revolution - Take the Power Out of Bullying - MacKenzie Bezos

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Take a stand against bullying with practical ideas and information from Bystander Revolution. Choose the All Videos link to filter solutions from different perspectives, or filter by...more
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Take a stand against bullying with practical ideas and information from Bystander Revolution. Choose the All Videos link to filter solutions from different perspectives, or filter by specific problems or solutions. Most videos run less than two minutes in length. The presenters include well-known celebrities as well as "typical" students. Sign up for the weekly newsletter that includes a simple transformative task to complete each week along with other helpful tips and videos. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): bullying (48)

In the Classroom

Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to talk to your class about bullying with these videos. Use this discussion to prompt a journal entry, skit, or other personal response on the topic of bullying and how to handle it. Exchange pencil and paper and use a blogging tool like edublog, reviewed here. Provide this link for parents to view at home with their students. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own videos addressing bullying issues. Replace paper and start with Story Map, reviewed here, for students to plan their skit. Share the skits on a site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here. Be sure to share this site with your school's counselors and anyone else who deals with students who are being bullied.

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SheHeroes -

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SheHeroes is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering girls from ages 8-14 to dream big and pursue any interests regardless of gender. Articles feature well-known and everyday...more
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SheHeroes is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering girls from ages 8-14 to dream big and pursue any interests regardless of gender. Articles feature well-known and everyday females that serve as inspiration for young girls. Choose the Interests link to browse articles by topics such as engineering and sports. The curriculum link offers four categories (creators, explorers, analysts, observers) and units for each to explore them. Each unit includes essential questions, learning objectives, procedure, learning activities, and discussion questions. The videos under profiles reside on YouTube. If your district blocks Youtube, they may not be viewable.

tag(s): careers (141), mentoring (6), women (146), womens suffrage (51)

In the Classroom

Use SheHeroes as part of your Career Day or career unit resources. Add a link on classroom computers for students (male and female) to explore on their own. Take advantage of the further discussion questions to encourage students to think about the obstacles faced by women in business and society. Ask a prominent local business woman to speak to your class and discuss obstacles she has faced and how she was able to overcome those issues. Although the site is dedicated to girls from ages 8-14, share with both boys and girls from ages 8 and up as part of any unit on gender inequalites.
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KidsThinkDesign - Kids Design Collaborative

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KidsThinkDesign offers insight into the many different areas of design. Choose from several categories to begin exploring design in architecture, fashion, interiors, and more. Each...more
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KidsThinkDesign offers insight into the many different areas of design. Choose from several categories to begin exploring design in architecture, fashion, interiors, and more. Each section includes a short overview of the topic and opportunities to meet a designer and think like a designer. In addition, each design section includes instructions for a project for you to complete on your own.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): animation (65), architecture (74), design (78), fashion (11), graphic design (49), makerspace (40)

In the Classroom

Share KidsThinkDesign with your school's art teacher as an excellent addition to art lessons or for ideas to use as a collaborative project. Share with students as part of career exploration activities to help them learn about the different areas of design and also try some designs on their own. After creating a design, have students upload a photo they have taken and add voice bubbles to explain what they learned using a tool such as, reviewed here.

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Radio Rookies - WNYC Public Radio

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Radio Rookies offers programming created by teens for teens to help in coping with the challenges of teen life. Scroll down the home page to browse through recent episodes and ...more
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Radio Rookies offers programming created by teens for teens to help in coping with the challenges of teen life. Scroll down the home page to browse through recent episodes and articles featuring difficult topics such as abuse, dating, and dealing with peers. Become a part of Radio Rookies by downloading the DIY Radio Rookies Toolkit here, featuring ideas and information for sharing your own story. Be sure to check out the features of the toolkit for videos and tip sheets with ideas for using Radio Rookies as a teaching tool. Please note - many topics discussed on this site are sensitive, and not necessarily appropriate for your class. Be sure to preview any broadcast before sharing with the class.

tag(s): adolescence (12), behavior (45), difficult conversations (57), emotions (48), radio (20), social and emotional learning (95), social skills (22)

In the Classroom

Be sure to include this site on your class webpage for students to access both in and outside of class as a resource for hearing how peers handle difficult teenage issues. Share a link with parents as a resource for them to use with their teen. Remind parents to PREVIEW! Be sure to share with your school's counselor as an excellent tool for use when working with students. Listen to episodes together with your class, and then have cooperative learning groups create podcasts discussing specific issues found in your school or classroom. Use a tool such as podOmatic, reviewed here. Before beginning the podcast, have students create a storyboard using a tool like Notepad, reviewed here. They will also need to develop a script and practice. Try using Typewrite, reviewed here, for students to write the script collaboratively. This tool allows groups to write together. All the tools mentioned in this review will augment classroom technology use.
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Thrively - Thrively

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Thrively is a free tool that gives strengths and interests assessments in an engaging and entertaining way. Based on twenty-three factors and developed for children, you receive a profile...more
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Thrively is a free tool that gives strengths and interests assessments in an engaging and entertaining way. Based on twenty-three factors and developed for children, you receive a profile that is personal, positive, and celebrates each child's core strengths and unique talents. Children, teachers, and parents all have a dashboard displaying activities and videos selected specifically for the child's strengths and interests. Explore a comprehensive activity index with over 120,000 activities and hundreds of videos designed to inspire. The videos feature interesting ideas, leaders, and a range of insights into careers and opportunities that are a good fit for the child's unique strengths. The Activity Boards are a way to discover and research the activities and collect them all in one place. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): back to school (55), differentiation (82), multiple intelligences (7), social and emotional learning (95), Special Needs (53), Teacher Utilities (183)

In the Classroom

Begin your school year with a more personal touch, by knowing what your students' interests are. On the teacher dashboard, examine each student and match interest to activities to differentiate instruction. Students can explore careers, apps, and activities matching their profile. With interest and strengths targeted, you can sail smoothly into a highly engaged class of individualized learning. During career explorations, open up worlds of possibilities for students and families to begin planning a successful path. Add a link to this tool to your class website for possible enrichment activities for families. Offer suggestions to parents for enriching after school activities found around your area.

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FutureLearn for Schools - FutureLearn

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FutureLearn for Schools offers a large variety of free online courses presented by leading universities for students aged 13 and older in a variety of topics. Choose a category to ...more
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FutureLearn for Schools offers a large variety of free online courses presented by leading universities for students aged 13 and older in a variety of topics. Choose a category to begin browsing topics offered. Content includes history, creative arts and media, literature, and much more. Watch a short video to learn specifics about the course offerings and objectives. This site was created in the UK, so some of the pronunciations and spellings may differ from those in American English.

tag(s): advertising (26), business (52), computers (109), creative writing (124), cultures (171), dental health (14), environment (246), financial literacy (91), gifted (66), literature (220), photography (120), politics (117), professional development (373), psychology (65)

In the Classroom

Allow gifted students to enroll in courses that interest them or that provide enrichment beyond classroom content. Share with others in your building as a resource for professional development. Explore the topics yourself for some new, engaging material to round out your own expertise. Allow students to enroll in a course that would fit into their career goals as an exploratory opportunity in that field. With older students you may want to consider requiring them to take a course with the idea that it is a model.
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Learn Engineering - The Physics Behind Engineering - Lesics

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The goal of Learn Engineering is to present "tough engineering concepts" in a logical and simple way. Click Blogs from the top menu to choose from one of the main ...more
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The goal of Learn Engineering is to present "tough engineering concepts" in a logical and simple way. Click Blogs from the top menu to choose from one of the main fields of engineering on the top menu- automobile, mechanical, electrictronics, aerospace, and others to begin. Subcategories within each section answer questions using labeled images and detailed image explanations, and have videos. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): careers (141), engineering (127), STEM (288)

In the Classroom

Share information on the site during career lessons and activities. Share this site with parents as a resource for learning more about careers in engineering. During a unit in careers, divide students into small groups (their interest) to cover all engineering fields, and challenge them to create a multimedia presentation using Presentious, reviewed here, and present their findings about that field to their classmates. Presentious is a mix of the best parts of slide and video recordings, in one new format and is easy to use.

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Happier - Nataly Kogan

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Share positive moments and increase your happiness! Share by describing your happy moment, upload a picture (not required), and place it in categories you create, such as working out,...more
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Share positive moments and increase your happiness! Share by describing your happy moment, upload a picture (not required), and place it in categories you create, such as working out, family, and more. Click Share to share with others, including on Twitter or Facebook. Why use categories? If you are lacking motivation for working out, viewing your positive messages from before can definitely help! Connect with others and comment on their happy moments! Read helpful tips to center you on happiness, find mini-courses, and use daily reminders to increase your happiness. Read the many articles on your journey to a happier YOU! This site/app is easy to use with today's busy lives, and interactivity is grounded in actual science.

tag(s): emotions (48), mental health (32), psychology (65), social and emotional learning (95)

In the Classroom

With testing, social pressure, and the desire to do well use Happier in class to reinforce social-emotional learning (SEL) by celebrating the small steps and successes on which students should be focusing. Teach students to identify positives along the way, no matter what the test or situation's outcome. Consider asking what did you learn from the situation? Identify categories that encompass all of the student's lives and focus on finding happy moments in all areas. Be sure to use this yourself! Find the positives in every facet of your day building happiness day by day. Psychology and Sociology classes can use this as an experiment about happiness, collecting student or family data through the year.

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Kartveli: Innovator in Aviation - Aviation Media LLC

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Learn about the life and accomplishments of Alexander Kartveli, one of the most important aircraft designers of the world. This site provides information about Kartveli's design accomplishments,...more
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Learn about the life and accomplishments of Alexander Kartveli, one of the most important aircraft designers of the world. This site provides information about Kartveli's design accomplishments, including seed ideas for the space shuttle. Learn about the different aircraft he worked on throughout the years. Be sure to check out the Resources link that includes images, documents, video, lesson plans, and more. If your district blocks YouTube, then the videos may not be viewable.

tag(s): aircraft (16), aviation (40), design (78), engineering (127)

In the Classroom

Introduce this site on an interactive whiteboard or projector as part of a career or technology unit. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. This is a great find for gifted students to discover lesser known pioneers in the aviation field. Have students use Fakebook, reviewed here, to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about Alexander Kartveli or his peers.
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Disability History Museum - Disability History Museum

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The Disability History Museum is dedicated to raising awareness about how culture, identity, and law have helped define the lives of those with disabilities. A digital archive of photographs,...more
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The Disability History Museum is dedicated to raising awareness about how culture, identity, and law have helped define the lives of those with disabilities. A digital archive of photographs, artifacts, cartoons, and other primary source material offers important context to the discussion. A small collection of lesson plans will assist in helping students talk about and understand their own assumptions and knowledge of what it means to live with disabilities, both historically, and in the present. A collection of digital exhibits is expected to be added in the near future.

tag(s): character education (78), disabilities (31), primary sources (116)

In the Classroom

Use the resources here to help students talk about the role and experiences of those living with a disability. How have attitudes changed over time? What has driven those changes? Helping students understand why some people experience physical and emotional challenges, and the importance of honoring their contributions and abilities can be difficult. The resources in this archive may be helpful in sparking discussion.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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More - Parchment

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1 Favorites 0  Comments creates resumes in a beautiful and compelling infographic format. Create an account to begin editing your resume. Import data from LinkedIn or personalize your information...more
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 Close Link creates resumes in a beautiful and compelling infographic format. Create an account to begin editing your resume. Import data from LinkedIn or personalize your information using's dashboard. Customize your profile, change themes, and modify colors and styles using the dashboard. Share via URL, embed onto your website, or share on social networking sites. Download to your computer for a printable version. The introductory video is hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, the video may not be viewable.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): careers (141), infographics (56), portfolios (23)

In the Classroom

Have students create a personal resume as an example of how to portray their strengths and interests to potential employers. Middle school students in an art or career exploration class can create a resume infographic about themselves to use for summer jobs or even on a flyer to get part-time work around the neighborhood. In history classes, offer the infographic resume as a possible project alternative. For instance, if you are studying Medival History and the feudal pyramid, students could create a resume for a serf or knight. The possibilities for personalities in history are practically endless! Students in literature classes could create an infographic resume for a literary character or author.

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