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Exam General -

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Create and administer tests easily with this resource. ExamGeneral is free to use (unless you decide to sell your tests). ExamGeneral receives a portion of the revenue as well as ...more
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Create and administer tests easily with this resource. ExamGeneral is free to use (unless you decide to sell your tests). ExamGeneral receives a portion of the revenue as well as a nominal up-front fee if you do sell. Follow the detailed tutorial for help in using the site. Create a class and even define whether students require a subscription. Use the class ID for students to use to join your class. Create test templates, tests, schedule tests, and view results from your dashboard. Secret URL's are generated for each exam. Choose to auto grade your exam, create a time limit, and other parameters of the exam.

tag(s): quizzes (89), test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Create an easy way to enter tests and grade them. Create pre- and post- assessment tests as well as unit tests. Create practice rest for end of the year type exams. Be sure to save this site in your favorites! Students could also create peer "tests" as review activities or as follow up after student presentations.

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Tammy Worcester's Tech Tip of the Week - Tammy Worcester

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Find a wealth of ideas and tips for using technology in your classroom. Tammy Worcester, an instructional technology specialist for ESSDACK and ISTE presenter, compiles her tips of...more
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Find a wealth of ideas and tips for using technology in your classroom. Tammy Worcester, an instructional technology specialist for ESSDACK and ISTE presenter, compiles her tips of the week here. Other portions of the site include her book sales and paid training and consultation services. See a list of over 100 technology of the week tips, such as creating lesson plans as a Google spreadsheet, sharing lesson plans using Google, as well as publishing them. Follow simple step by step instructions with screen shots embedded for even the most wary technology user. You will also find lists of internet resources given by category. Find 18 ideas and activities explained in simple formats. Some activities include: All about me scavenger hunt, idiom slide show, multiplication charts, Tall Tales, and poetry. This site is ever-growing, so check back often.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): folktales (34), idioms (30), number sense (70), operations (72), tutorials (53)

In the Classroom

Trying to think of new ways to use technology with your students (in all grades?). Want to learn just one small tip each week? The weekly tips are a great ice-breaker to using technology and new teaching ideas in your classroom. Try that one tip that is suggested and explore more as you feel comfortable.

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SlateBox - SlateBox

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Use this free site for mind mapping (concept maps) and collaboration. Sign up is easy by using existing Google/OpenID/Facebook logins or creating a new login. Review the simple tutorial...more
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Use this free site for mind mapping (concept maps) and collaboration. Sign up is easy by using existing Google/OpenID/Facebook logins or creating a new login. Review the simple tutorial after sign up for the basics. The FREE account is only for ONE user. So if you plan to have students use the site, you will have to have each student register individually, or each group create an individual account. Note that free accounts make all your "slates" public for others to collaborate/change.

View the video for a quick introduction on copying, moving, and linking boxes. Use the template panel to drop nodes needed for your new slate into the drop panel. Hovering over the box shows tools for editing text, creating links to other boxes (click and hold on the icon while dragging to another box.) Control the colors, borders, template, etc. in the right navigation pane. Export your slate to a pdf document or create an embed code to place into a wiki or blog.

tag(s): concept mapping (15), mind map (28)

In the Classroom

Create a template mindmap and add collaborator leaders (perhaps one in each group) who can --in turn-- add the rest of the group to collaborate. Assign portions of a template to a group of students. Groups can collaborate on paper or your whiteboard and then choose the best ideas for the slate being created. You can also use Slatebox with a whole-class account. Show SlateBox creations using an interactive whiteboard or projector. Edit or change elements easily with class input. Use for mapping content being studied in the current unit, problem solving, vocabulary, and more. Use this site to help students interact with and organize ideas. Construct points of a short story, identify main points of passages, or generate a map of the basic points of paragraph development. Wrap up a lesson by having the students create a "diagram of the day" (the main points of the lesson). Students can use this site to map ideas in passages of a textbook. If each student or group maps a specific passage, ideas from chapters can be seen visually. Be sure to include the links to student-created "diagrams" on a class wiki or web page so students can use them for review. If your students have Internet access outside of class, assign them to create a simple diagram of an assigned reading as homework and embed it into a wiki or blog.

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Homework hotline -

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Have a student stumped by homework? Find exercises and extra help in various subject areas in this kid-friendly site. Navigate through the various resources and friendly graphics to...more
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Have a student stumped by homework? Find exercises and extra help in various subject areas in this kid-friendly site. Navigate through the various resources and friendly graphics to areas of the site such as "Sweet Stuff" which features neat interactives, "Needed Knowledge" with great tips, "Book review" to view video book reviews, and "Getting Historical." Watch informative (don't confuse with boring) videos of various math problems whether it be basic math, solving word problems, or even geometry. Find videos for other subjects such as science, language arts, social studies, health, and art. Review information in various subjects by trying age-appropriate interactives.

tag(s): homework (29), tutorials (53)

In the Classroom

Visit the "Boring Stuff' link for parents and teachers to find a PDF of 10 Ways to Use the Homework Helper Site in Your Classroom. Find segment guides, scripts, and book reviews beneficial for in class or use by students outside of class. Share this link at Back to School Night and put the link directly on your class website. Encourage middle schoolers to build independent work habits using this site.

Consider creating helpful information, videos, and tutorials of information students need answers to and creating your own help site as a school. Use students to create book reviews, math tutorials, etc. Use a tool such as SchoolTube reviewed here to share the videos.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Regents Exam Prep Center - Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center

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This resource contains great review information, test questions, and other materials for several content areas. The materials included for review are a great way to identify the basic...more
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This resource contains great review information, test questions, and other materials for several content areas. The materials included for review are a great way to identify the basic material needed for the understanding of Chemistry, Physics, Geometry, Algebra, U.S. and Global History, Earth Science, and the Living Environment.

tag(s): test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Use this site as a great review of information about various topics in the subject. This activity would work well for individual or pairs of students in a lab or on laptops. Make a shortcut to this site on classroom computers and use it as a center. Be sure to include this site on your class web page for students to access both in and outside of class for further practice.

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MathPuzzle - Martin Gardner

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If you are looking for many different variations of math puzzles, look here. This site contains many puzzles of all kinds, together with links to other puzzles and mathematical recreation...more
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If you are looking for many different variations of math puzzles, look here. This site contains many puzzles of all kinds, together with links to other puzzles and mathematical recreation pages. The puzzles are marvelous, though many are a bit hard to understand -- often the author starts talking about a group of puzzles without explaining what the puzzle is. You may also have to work your way through some other random thoughts by the author; however, the puzzles on the page are worth sifting through the page to find them. Puzzles are listed in order of being added to the site, it may be easier to find items by looking on the right-hand side of the page and following the links listed under "Math Games". Activities are listed here by title without any explanation or picture, it would have been easier if they were in alphabetical order; however, this is still easier to find than scrolling through the long page of activities.

tag(s): logic (161), problem solving (225), puzzles (143), trivia (19)

In the Classroom

Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector then challenge students to choose a puzzle to solve. Have students explain the solution to the class. Use puzzles as a Problem of the Week for homework or extra credit by posting on your classroom website or blog.

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Museum of Obsolete Objects - MoooJvM

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View this interactive video timeline to look at obsolete technologies from the past, including rotary hand mixers, cassette tapes, and other technologies. These short videos share "obsolete"...more
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View this interactive video timeline to look at obsolete technologies from the past, including rotary hand mixers, cassette tapes, and other technologies. These short videos share "obsolete" items from the 1860s to 2000s. (Note: if your school blocks YouTube, this site will not be accessible. Ask to have this specific url unblocked).

tag(s): inventors and inventions (78)

In the Classroom

Use as a introductory video into science and technology. Identify the science understanding and concepts needed to change the technologies. Brainstorm other technologies that could be added to this list from the various decades. Brainstorm together using a tool such as Mindmeister. Challenge cooperative learning groups to investigate a specific decade and determine what was a new invention then but is no longer used today. Have students create slideshows using Slides. Display these on a blog or wiki for students to review and comment. Assign students to do a written or recorded interview of those who have used these old technologies to find out how life has changed before and after the technology.

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AOL 5min Life Videopedia - 5 Min Media, Ltd.

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Need to be in the know -- now? AOL 5min Life Videopedia gives you five-minute stories about current news in a range of areas including arts, business, health, video games ...more
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Need to be in the know -- now? AOL 5min Life Videopedia gives you five-minute stories about current news in a range of areas including arts, business, health, video games and much more! The how-to videos are great too! The main page features current news highlights. You can join this site, but it is not necessary to view the videos. Please be advised that not all topics are class or school appropriate. The "Knowledge" section has many school-related topics, but there are also useful How-to's in other areas. Preview and select what to share. Videos include short ads at the start. Once the ad is over, you can click the small link icon to find a direct link or embed code for that video.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): business (52), dance (31), fashion (11), fitness (39), news (228), nutrition (135), origami (15), photography (119), video (263)

In the Classroom

This resource would be fantastic as a lesson or as a class opener to get students thinking about a particular topic. It also would be helpful for relating classroom topics and content to real life events. Filter the appropriate videos for your students by embedding them in a on your own website or wiki so that students are not distracted. With older students, you can have them use this as a resource to embed video clips or links in presentations and projects for their own classes. Try sharing one of the How To videos with your students in science class, and then have them make their own how-to five-minute video to demonstrate a lab. Share the videos using a tool such as SchoolTube.

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Study Smarter - Chegg

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This site lets you keep study notes with you anywhere you go! Create flashcards and study even on your mobile phone. Share notes, flashcards, study guides, and quizzes with others ...more
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This site lets you keep study notes with you anywhere you go! Create flashcards and study even on your mobile phone. Share notes, flashcards, study guides, and quizzes with others for excellent collaboration. Study Blue also provides hints to help students study. Create a folder in "My Backpack." Make flashcards to get started or search flashcards already created by others.

tag(s): flash cards (42)

In the Classroom

Use as a study aid for students. This is a great tool for older students (who own cell phones). Students can study their flashcards on the bus, in the backseat of the family car, or while waiting for their dentist appointment! Have students create individual accounts and collaborate with others or create a class account for all to use. Have groups collaborate on the creation of flashcards for students to use or have groups create flashcards for specific parts of the unit. Learning support students can take their extra help along with them.

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MoMath - Museum of Mathematics - Museum of Mathematics

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This is the official website for the first math museum in the United States that opened in 2012. Currently, there are several videos from their "Math Encounters" presentations that...more
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This is the official website for the first math museum in the United States that opened in 2012. Currently, there are several videos from their "Math Encounters" presentations that help bring math to life. Topics include Symmetry, Art and Illusion, the Geometry of Origami, Geometric Sculpture Barn Raising, and more. One fascinating portion of the site is Math Monday - a weekly column discussing fun, experiential mathematics topics. Previous topics include shadow folds, cut and fold Escher, and pencil star.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): critical thinking (121), logic (161), origami (15), sculpture (18), video (263)

In the Classroom

Use activities from Math Monday during Math nights or competitions at school. Challenge students to choose one of the activities to create while discovering math concepts such as symmetry and angles. Show videos from Math Encounters to students on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) as supplements to classroom activities. Have older students create projects found on the site, then share and create them with younger students. Share the site with the art teacher and work together to have students create mathematical art projects.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Puzzle Picnic - Johan de Ruiter

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This site offers well over 1000 logic puzzles to solve online. Puzzles are searchable by genre, level of difficulty, author, and date. Difficulty levels range from 1 to 5 stars ...more
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This site offers well over 1000 logic puzzles to solve online. Puzzles are searchable by genre, level of difficulty, author, and date. Difficulty levels range from 1 to 5 stars with 5 stars being the most difficult. Over 50 different types of puzzles are included from Sudoku, Battleship, Disconnect Four, and Diamonds. When searching by genre there is a link explaining the puzzle type included under that heading. Membership in the site is free and not necessary to solve puzzles; however, members can see puzzles they have already solved, statistics, and perhaps most interesting - can create their own puzzles to upload to the site. Membership does not require an email address.

tag(s): logic (161), problem solving (225), puzzles (143)

In the Classroom

Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then create a link on classroom computers or the computer lab for students to explore. Challenge students to create their own puzzles to share with other classmates.

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Jotform - Interlogy, LLC

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Use JotForm to quickly build a professional online form. Build contact forms, surveys, and many other forms in a matter of minutes. Customize to meet your needs. Use the large, ...more
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Use JotForm to quickly build a professional online form. Build contact forms, surveys, and many other forms in a matter of minutes. Customize to meet your needs. Use the large, empty canvas by dragging and dropping elements. Generate and post your form online and receive an email for every survey response.

tag(s): polls and surveys (49)

In the Classroom

Use in the classroom for a survey, collecting student information, or any time you are looking for feedback. Use this site for checking student knowledge quickly and easily. Use in projects, including graduation projects. Students can collect data for analysis. Teachers can collect input from parents or students, including conference concerns to know about in advance or questions students have about current curriculum topics. Students who might never speak up in class may be willing to share their questions online, especially if it is anonymous.


Jotform is really easy to use! But there are some limits regarding how long and often you can use it without paying. I also use Google forms/ spreadsheets in my class to make forms. Google spreadsheets also have gadgets that let you graph the results! Elise, CO, Grades: 0 - 12

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Visual Fractions - Richard Rand

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This site is a tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles through several different options. Applets are divided into categories such as identify fractions, rename...more
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This site is a tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles through several different options. Applets are divided into categories such as identify fractions, rename fractions, compare fractions, investigate fractions, and much more. Each category contains different options for exploration with flash applets to practice that skill. The "investigate" option offers step-by-step explanations of the different categories and would be very useful to offer students when reviewing skills such as comparing fractions and using order of operations. Some of the slide shows are also available in PDF form along with practice worksheets. Another component of the site allows you to input your own fractions to practice your own examples.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): decimals (84), fractions (158), percent (59), test prep (69)

In the Classroom

Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have the students open the site and use the whiteboard tools to explore and practice different aspects of fractions. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start your study of fractions. Create a link to this site on classroom computers, and your classroom website or blog for students to explore.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Fall Celebrations and Halloween - TeachersFirst

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Find resources and activities appropriate for Halloween or Fall Festivals in this collection from TeachersFirst. Most are appropriate for younger grades with a few ideas for secondary....more
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Find resources and activities appropriate for Halloween or Fall Festivals in this collection from TeachersFirst. Most are appropriate for younger grades with a few ideas for secondary.

tag(s): halloween (32)

In the Classroom

Use these resources to connect Halloween or Fall Festival to your curriculum in almost any subject or select one or two ideas to highlight along with your regular lessons.

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Cinco de Mayo Resources - TeachersFirst

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Find resources and activities appropriate for Cinco de Mayo in this collection from TeachersFirst. ...more
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Find resources and activities appropriate for Cinco de Mayo in this collection from TeachersFirst.

tag(s): hispanic (34), holidays (184), mexico (30)

In the Classroom

Use these resources to connect Cinco de Mayo to your curriculum in almost any subject or select one or two ideas to highlight along with your regular lessons.

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Columbus Day Resources - TeachersFirst

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Find resources and activities appropriate for Columbus Day in this collection from TeachersFirst. ...more
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Find resources and activities appropriate for Columbus Day in this collection from TeachersFirst.

tag(s): holidays (184)

In the Classroom

Use these resources to connect Columbus Day to your curriculum in almost any subject or select one or two ideas to highlight along with your regular lessons.

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Valentine's Day Resources - TeachersFirst

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Find resources and activities appropriate for Valentine's Day in this collection from TeachersFirst. ...more
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Find resources and activities appropriate for Valentine's Day in this collection from TeachersFirst.

tag(s): valentines day (11)

In the Classroom

Use these resources to connect Valentine's Day to your curriculum in almost any subject or select one or two ideas to highlight along with your regular lessons.

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St. Patrick's Day Resources - TeachersFirst

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Find resources and activities appropriate for St. Patrick's' Day in this collection from TeachersFirst. ...more
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Find resources and activities appropriate for St. Patrick's' Day in this collection from TeachersFirst.

tag(s): st patricks day (12)

In the Classroom

Use these resources to connect St. Patrick's Day to your curriculum in almost any subject or select one or two ideas to highlight along with your regular lessons. Give new meaning to "going green"!

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Online Mathematics Dictionary - MathPro Press

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This site offers a simple, basic math dictionary that may be helpful as a quick classroom resource. It contains definitions for virtually all math terms in a quick sentence. All ...more
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This site offers a simple, basic math dictionary that may be helpful as a quick classroom resource. It contains definitions for virtually all math terms in a quick sentence. All definitions are on one page and words can be found either by clicking the alphabetical links at the top of the page or by scrolling down through the site.
This site includes advertising.

tag(s): dictionaries (48), vocabulary (238)

In the Classroom

Create a link on classroom computers for easy access to mathematics terms. Print a copy of the site for students to include with math notebooks or journals. Use definitions from the site to create flash cards for learning mathematical definitions.

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Viewbix - Qoof, Ltd.

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Create interactive videos from existing YouTube videos. The creations can be used on your site as well as other sites (driving traffic back to your site). Create a free account ...more
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Create interactive videos from existing YouTube videos. The creations can be used on your site as well as other sites (driving traffic back to your site). Create a free account and then create a new interactive video. Watch the video demo for an example. Link the button on the tool to a page on your site. Add photos, pricing (just an option,) and/or descriptions. Note that this tool will not work if YouTube is blocked in your school.

tag(s): movies (54), video (263)

In the Classroom

Use custom videos to sell materials at school for your clubs or organizations. Drive people back to your site when students make creative projects on a curriculum topic and host them on YouTube.

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