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Calculator Soup - Edward Furey and Southborough Website Design
K to 12tag(s): calculators (35)
In the Classroom
Find exactly the calculator you need for students to operate on the interactive whiteboard or at computers. As an enrichment project, have students select a calculator and design problems to use it. Students can share their problems with classmates and be exposed to various types of math problems and calculators. Challenge students to create a video to "advertise" a certain calculator and share using a site such as SchoolTube (reviewed here).You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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School for Champions - Physics - Ron Kurtus
7 to 12tag(s): friction (9), magnetism (37), matter (46), motion (50)
In the Classroom
Add this site to your class website or wiki. Have students view pages of this site rather than textbook readings and ask them discussion questions about the content. The audio feature is very useful! Have cooperative learning groups investigate one specific topic at this site and create a multimedia project to share what they learned. Have your students create an interactive online poster using Canva, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Science of the Olympic Winter Games - Nantional Science Foundation
3 to 12tag(s): olympics (44)
In the Classroom
Share these videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector, being sure to have student use the whiteboard tools as you pause the video so students can draw lines to illustrate forces and other concepts. Have student groups watch different videos and report back on the theoretical science AND the actual results from that sport, connecting the science concepts to the actual results they see in competition. Use a video annotation tool such as MoocNote, reviewed here, for easy sharing with the class. Even younger students can benefit from the videos as an overview of more advanced concepts, provided you preview vocabulary, then stop and discuss more challenging words during the video. Your students will want the link to this site, so share it on your class web page. You can also embed the videos right in your web page, blog, or wiki. Have students write about the embedded piece, adding their own commentary of the actual Olympics based on the video.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Science Review Game Zone - Science Review Games
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): crosswords (19), game based learning (187)
In the Classroom
Use this site for section, chapter, quiz, or test review. Provide student(s) with a topic of study and an assignment to create questions to make their own review game. Assist students in identifying the important material and creating questions. Students can play each other's review game and discuss the questions that were helpful. Replace paper and pen by having students create their review game online using Construct3, reviewed here. Create a class wiki to discuss, compare, or constructively critique the student created review activity! Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Moviesheets - Christopher Sheehan
6 to 12tag(s): business (52), climate (82), geology (61), movies (54)
In the Classroom
Use the worksheets to get students thinking about the science (or math, or other subjects) beyond these videos. Encourage students to create their own questions from the movie (reminding them of the relevance to your subject area) and choose the best worksheets to use and submit. Require students to add additional questions that are thought provoking and tied to the content for additional consideration. Use questions that go beyond factual recall to tie concepts together, explain phenomena, or uncover misconceptions. Continue discussion of concepts further than the paper through open discussion or blog posting. Rather than creating a worksheet, have your students create an interactive online poster using Genial.ly, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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New York Times Science Lesson Plans - New York Times
6 to 12tag(s): cross cultural understanding (172), main idea (8), news (228)
In the Classroom
Scan the lessons. Choose topics appropriate to your content, and then incorporate into your classroom at will. Break lessons apart into both classroom and online discussions for students. A little disclaimer: some of these cutting edge science topics can be controversial so make sure to adequately prepare your students before embarking on these learning adventures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Gajitz Science - Gajitz
6 to 12tag(s): cells (83), engineering (127), inventors and inventions (80), medicine (56)
In the Classroom
Share selected discoveries or a science-in-real-life scenario at least weekly on a projector or interactive whiteboard. Watch the site for real world examples of your current unit or award extra credit to students who lurk on this site to find such connections. Just as your social studies colleagues assign students to write up a current event each week, you can assign students to write a blog post or brief explanation of a recent find on your class wiki. Be sure to include this link on your class web page for students to access both in and out of class and be sure to include it in your emergency sub plans for students to find and explain an accomplishment of a real scientist found here. If you do a unit on science careers, this is a definite source for student projects. Why not have students create an interactive infographic using a tool like Genially, on a branch of science that interests them after exploring this site?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Accident Depiction - ClaimMS GmbH (Germany)
9 to 12In the Classroom
Beyond obvious use in a Driver Ed class, this site could be used on an interactive whiteboard or by students on laptops to create or explain an accident scene that schematically illustrates forces of physics or to apply basic map and modeling skills. Use it to create a visual prompt for practice writing sequenced, factual accounts of an event in basic English or in a new language as you build every day, survival vocabulary. Help students learn skills to depict information visually. Present an accident map on an interactive whiteboard as a quiz on forces, inertia, momentum, and Newton's Laws, asking students to explain what forces would be in action.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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in Bflat 2.0 - Darren Solomon from Science for Girls
3 to 12tag(s): music theory (45)
In the Classroom
Test this site to be sure you can open it at school. Then turn up your speakers and open this site on a projector or -- even better -- interactive whiteboard to begin a music class, discuss key signatures, pitch, or instrumentation, and allow students to mix and remix their choice of sounds in harmonious blend. In science class, use the various sounds and an oscilloscope to teach about sound waves and the physical nature of sound. Challenge your musically gifted students to create a very simple version of this musical "machine" by recording and embedding videos of their own in a class music and technology wiki. Upload the videos to a school-friendly site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here or TeacherTube, reviewed here to avoid filtering issues. Set up a simpler face-to-face option by allowing student "conductors" to "turn on and off" multiple instruments and objects in your music classroom all playing the same pitch.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Watch Know Learn - Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi
K to 12tag(s): computers (109), crafts (62), decimals (85), environment (246), ethics (21), fractions (159), holidays (185), Juneteenth (22), scientific method (48), video (264), vocabulary development (94), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Search for videos relevant to your upcoming units or share the link with older students to search on their own. Use clips as engaging openings to units or as a review at the end. Have students identify the main points in the video and relate it back to class information. Students can use the examples on the site to create their own videos about a topic they have studied that could be beneficial to others.If you do join the site to submit videos (for more adventurous technology users), we recommend uploading, commenting, and participating in the project (the creation and growth of WatchKnow) as a whole-class collaborative activity. If your students create videos, critique them locally before submitting them to the site as the "bests" from your class.
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Biology Animation Library - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
8 to 12In the Classroom
The animation on this website will help explain some of the more difficult biological concepts in DNA. Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to show the animations during discussions about DNA topics. Also, animations could be posted to the class website for review at home or as part of electronic homework. An animation could be assigned to the class, and each student would need to watch it and re-explain it in his or her own words. Consider creating a class wiki about the topic being discussed. Not familiar with wikis? Check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Study Stack - John Weidner
4 to 12tag(s): flash cards (43), greek (45), hebrew (16), latin (22), test prep (69), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Encourage parents to use this site as a study-at-home tool for their students. Link your blog or website to this site by entering your url at the bottom of the homepage. Make sure your guidance counselor at your school is aware of this site as a tool for studying those college entrance tests. Be sure to save this site in your favorites.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Toys from trash - Arvind Gupta
K to 10In the Classroom
Share this site on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use the simple directions and pictures for students to make their own manipulatives. After creating and observing, students can share their observations and the math and science processes can be uncovered. Use these to uncover misconceptions and dispel myths that undermine understanding of processes. Group students to choose one manipulative and present the concept to the class. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own "Toy From Trash." Have the groups create videos to share their "toys" and instructions. Share the video clips using a site such as Teachers.TV reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Man Soars Into Flight - Resources - TeachersFirst
1 to 12tag(s): famous people (19), flight (34), inventors and inventions (80), wright brothers (16)
In the Classroom
Use this collection as a starting point for flight-related investigations by student groups. This project could also be an option during a broader unit on invention or the lives of scientists or famous Americans. Ask students to create a multimedia "poster" depicting some aspect of the Wright Brothers' work or a principle of aerodynamics that made it all possible. Use a simple software tool such as PowerPoint or a rich, online tool such as Sway, to create and share the projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Design*Sponge - Grace Bonney, Ed.
9 to 12In the Classroom
Share images and posts from this blog on your interactive whiteboard or projector to illustrate basic principles of color, line, and other art elements (use those whiteboard drawing tools for students to highlight and label!). After sharing a trend from this blog, ask your art or design students to take digital pictures illustrating that trend in their own home or local mall. Create a class wiki connecting what YOUR students see with what professional designers see. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.As an environmental awareness project, focus on recycled goods and their use as "design elements" in chic homes. Challenge visual/spatial intelligence and engage your visual learners by using this blog as a writing prompt option for student blogs, descriptive writing, or persuasive essays on America materialism or the environment. In science class where you may be studying the laws of motion or the nature of light, allow your "artsy" students to use objects from this blog as illustrative examples of curriculum concepts, connecting something they care about with the science curriculum. Ex. Why is this kind of metal better suited for a lamp? Offer this site as one of many optional links from which they may choose examples, along with more traditional "scientific" sources.
World language students will find the city design guides a wonderful way to study culture in other lands -- and practice describing it in the language of study!
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Photography - myvocabulary.com
4 to 12tag(s): light (54), photography (121)
In the Classroom
During your unit on light in science class or your study of photography, have students work in cooperative learning groups, divide up the vocabulary words, and have each group find the definitions for their assigned vocabulary words. This is a powerful way for them to master the vocabulary of photography, light, and lenses. Have the groups share their words and definitions in an online book, using a tool such as Bookemon (reviewed here). Have the groups share the online books on your interactive whiteboard or projector. And of course, don't miss the interactive word puzzles!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Kaboom - PBS
9 to 12tag(s): elements (34), fire (22), july 4th (12), periodic table (46)
In the Classroom
Share this "hot" site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Use this site to connect a topic students LOVE (fireworks) and the periodic table. Have cooperative learning groups explore this site together and create a multimedia presentation. Challenge groups to create online posters using a tool such as Web Poster Wizard, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Geometry Games - Jeff Weeks
K to 12Be sure to check with your technology department about the ability to download these applications to school computers. Many districts have restrictions on the ability to download. Click on each game icon to read a description of the games included and some uses. Games are Mac and Windows compatible. Read their FAQ link with each set of games for the most asked questions about the shareware. Once downloaded, to "stop" a program, click Esc. If you are not allowed to install software on your own, share these powerful games with your math or art supervisors so they can advocate for you with the tech folks.
tag(s): geometric shapes (135), symmetry (27), tessellations (3)
In the Classroom
Use many of the images as an introductory inquiry activity to get students thinking about shapes and space. In art class, use the tiling activity and others on a projector before having student create their own on paper. Share the activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Provide images to groups to explore and identify the underlying math concepts present in the artwork. Provide an opportunity for some groups to create their own work with a geometric shape that they are investigating. Follow up with student projects of the geometric shape or photographs of geometric shapes in nature and man-made structures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Academic Earth - Academic Earth
10 to 12tag(s): college (44)
In the Classroom
These are college-level lectures given at Ivy-league universities. The subject matter and the complexity of the subject matter will be beyond many high school students, and the delivery format (video-taped lecture) means there is a certain "MEGO" (my eyes glaze over) effect when viewing these offerings. However, for gifted or academically talented students, these lectures may be exactly the kind of enrichment they have been thirsting for. Provide a link to these lectures for times when a student or two has gotten way ahead of the rest of the class. Let parents know about this site for home use. Refer students who are doing in-depth research. And in your own copious free time, check one out yourself! It may provide an idea or two to apply to an upcoming lesson of your own.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Physics of Baseball - Alan Nathan, University of Illinois
4 to 12tag(s): baseball (32)
In the Classroom
Use this website to find content for your science and/or physics lessons. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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