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Daily 5s with Technology - Kelsey Hoffman
K to 3tag(s): listening (93), literacy (121), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96), sight words (23), vocabulary development (94), word study (60), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Bookmark this Prezi lesson plan for reference when implementing technology for students into the Daily 5 routines. Download the apps to student iPads in your classroom. Post a list, with the links to download, on your web page or blog for parents to download to their student's iPads at home. If you are interested in using Prezi in your classroom you will find a review of it here.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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LearnEnglish232.com YouTube Channel - learnenglish232.com
8 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): idioms (30), slang (15), vocabulary development (94)
In the Classroom
Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector. In pairs have students list idioms they did not understand. Create another list of new vocabulary words. Have students try Funnelbrain, reviewed here, to create flashcards of the new idioms and vocabulary to help them bring the words into their active vocabulary.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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All Math - Allsites LLC.
1 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): addition (129), division (98), multiplication (122), periodic table (46), subtraction (110), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Easily find resources to encourage practice and hone your students' skills with timed or untimed facts practice. Use one of the resources on the whiteboard and put students into groups for a math competition! Use the resources at centers to engage your students in fun practice, reinforcement, or enrichment. Add a link to one of the resources to your class website for practice at home. Use the Biographies of Math to show how mathematicians have made sense out of math! Be sure to share this site with other teachers on your campus.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pinside - Marco
K to 12tag(s): bulletin boards (15), organizational skills (88)
In the Classroom
Use Pinside as an easy collaboration tool with students, parents, and peers. Create a board for students to post questions about class assignments, due dates, or share information with others. Make another board just for parents and share links to resources, upcoming class events, and homework information. Collaborate with peers on a Pinside board to share lesson plans and technology resources. Ask students to use Pinside to organize resources used for any class project, then ask them to share a link to their board or include a screenshot with the final presentation.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WordTwist - PuzzleBaron
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): game based learning (187), spelling (98), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Create accounts for your students and let them compete against each other for points. Read tips for safely managing email registrations here. Display this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector to create words as a class. Challenge students to create lists of new words they learn from WordTwist.Comments
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Pitara Magazine - Pitara Kids Network
3 to 6This site includes advertising.
tag(s): biographies (93), crafts (62), holidays (185), riddles (16), short stories (18)
In the Classroom
Keep this site in mind to recommend to parents for use during summer vacation. Be sure to list this link on your class website. Take a few moments in class to display the various parts to show the wide range of reading activities (and writing activities, using these articles as models) students can enjoy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ClassMarker - ClassMarker Pty Ltd.
1 to 12Registration is not required. You can embed the tests on your own web page. This method is useful for practice tests since test results are only saved when students are registered and logged into ClassMarker. To register students, you create a group, add the student names (use a code for online safety), and create a password for the group. Or students can register themselves using a registration code you give them. You can then transfer users to multiple groups after they are registered if you wish.
This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
Create, assign, and practice tests easily with this resource! Create and manage your tests as well as view activity reports about those who have taken the test. Use this resource as a way to practice material and improve students' scores in preparation for an actual test. Use this resource to practice involved questions that like those found on the state tests. Practicing with various question formats builds confidence and improves performance. Create quizzes and tests that students must pass before moving on to other content or other harder tests. Use these as progress steps along the way to help students learn the content as they progress through a unit. Learning support teachers may want to work together with small groups to create their own "practice" quizzes before major tests.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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English With Jennifer - Jennifer Lebedev
2 to 8tag(s): grammar (137), video (264), vocabulary development (94), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Visit Jennifer's Blog to find ideas about how to use these lessons in the classroom and to find additional support. Jennifer frequently updates the offerings. Share these videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector. FLIP your classroom and have students view the videos at home and discuss the next day in class. (This is a great option if YouTube is blocked in your school.) Use the videos to introduce a grammar or punctuation point you would like to make, and assign others in the series for homework. Look at the "Word of the Day" each morning when you begin your ESL/ELL lesson. Use the slang offerings in a similar manner. Be sure to provide this link on your class website for students (and their families) to access at home for additional English practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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eQuiz Show - eQuizShow
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
Create Jeopardy style quizzes for review and reinforcement of classroom content. Have groups of students create a quiz to share with the class or with other groups. Students can brainstorm what they liked about each of the different activities for more analysis on their strengths and weaknesses and how they learn best (metacognition). Have student emcees operate the student-made quizzes on an interactive whiteboard or share them by url on a class wiki so every student can take try. Create pretests to offer to gifted students to "test out" of already learned material. Challenge your gifted students to create pretests for the rest of the class. Learning support teachers may want to have small groups create their own review quizzes, since creating the quiz is actually a way to reinforce content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Poetry Generators - Poem of Quotes
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): digital storytelling (153), poetry (192)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the poem generator to motivate students' interest in poetry and offer the opportunity to explore different types of poetry. As students become more confident in creating their poetry, use a digital portfolio tool like Spaces, reviewed here, for students to compile and share their poetry. Transform classroom technology use by having students publish their poetry using Book Creator, reviewed here. In addition to sharing poems, ask students to add images and record audio, reading their poems and sharing their creative process when writing poetry.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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OK2Ask: Bitmojis to Support Instruction: Oh, Yeah! - TeachersFirst
K to 12Looking for a way...more
Looking for a way to "jazz things up" in the classroom? Look no further! Use your personalized emoji to capture student attention and facilitate your lesson. Create a Bitmoji classroom scene to share the week's reading materials, take students on a virtual field trip, or create an escape room activity. This is definitely bells and whistles, but who doesn't like to have a little fun? Join us, and you too can participate in the Bitmoji classroom craze. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn how to create a Bitmoji classroom scene; 2. Share ways to use Bitmoji scenes for instruction; and 3. Plan for the instructional use of Bitmoji scenes. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.
tag(s): classroom management (118), professional development (373), remote learning (54)
In the Classroom
The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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HTML 5 Crossword Generator - Class Tools
3 to 12tag(s): crosswords (19), puzzles (144)
In the Classroom
Create puzzles for any subject or topic for review or introduction to new materials. Allow students to create puzzles for other students to solve. Add a puzzle to the classroom newsletter or blog to create interest. Share puzzles on an interactive whiteboard for students to solve together.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pinup - Martin Tajur
5 to 12tag(s): bulletin boards (15), homework (29), organizational skills (88)
In the Classroom
There are any number of ways to use Pinup! Introduce how to use Pinup on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Demonstrate how to use the checklist to mark off completed items. Have students use this as a way to organize their reminders and homework. With younger students use with a whole-class email account and list items to be accomplished for the day. Display the list on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have a student scribe check off completed items. Use this site with a whole-class email account to organize a major research project. Keep track (or share) sites to help students study for the big test. Provide this link on your class website for students (or parents) to access at home. Help students build organizational skills with this engaging and useful tool. If your students have a whole-class email account, use a class canvas to display ideas as student brainstorm or respond from their smart phones (if allowed in class). With the canvas open on a projector (interactive whiteboard), their ideas will appear instantaneously. Use Pinup to display and label images. Beginning ESL/ELL students can drag and drop images and label them in their new language. Use Pinup as and idea bin for writing or projects or any brainstorm list.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Kaizena - Kaizena
1 to 12Start by highlighting a text selection, hit record, and provide your feedback. Writers will be able to listen to your feedback and revise or edit their writing as though you were face to face. Tag your highlighted text with keywords that can be tracked in a mastery-based rubric. You could tag conventional errors, mistakes, or selections that are amazing. Verbal feedback can be played on an iPad so students can listen in the best learning environment to meet their needs. Writers will progress as you enhance the writing process with explicit audio feedback. Kaizena can enhance feedback for written work for any school subject or even outside of school. With the free Kaizena you can create up to 5 lessons.
tag(s): communication (129), editing (93), process writing (37), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Editing and revising are better with audio feedback. Provide explicit details to improve student performance. Students can record peer edits and share audio recordings with classmates. Classroom time is more efficient and effective when students can listen to your feedback before meeting face to face. Have students highlight passages of text and provide their reflections on the selection. World language classes can speak text or respond to questions in their new language. Learning support students will better understand audio feedback on their writing than detailed comments written in "teacher-ese." This is a great tool for students to highlight poetry and record their thoughts and feelings on the text. Students can highlight and record their thought process as they solve math word problems. Highlight and record opinions on current event articles. Highlight an entire passage of text to model reading fluency. Students can listen and read along with the recording to help with phrasing and expression. Highlight text and model fluency for ESL/ELL students. Highlight assessment questions or text for lower-level readers to provide a level playing field in the classroom. Challenge students to provide audio feedback to their peers on passages where they would like to know more, questions they have as readers, and positive feedback on passages they enjoy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ESL Base - ESL Base
3 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): grammar (137), grammar review (31), professional development (373), resources (83), verbs (26)
In the Classroom
Check here if you need a new way to teach a specific grammar skill or if you want to find support from the TEFL community. This is a great professional resource, so don't miss out on the many helpful articles. Provide the direct link to interactives/practice games on your class website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Milestones - GreatKids
K to 8tag(s): parent conferences (21), parents (57), professional development (373), video (264)
In the Classroom
Milestones is perfect for sharing with parents to explain grade-level goals and expectations. Share a link on your class web page or blog for parents to access at any time. Share one or two videos during your meet the teacher night or with individual parents during conferences.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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English Teacher Melanie Vocabulary - http://www.englishteachermelanie.com
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): idioms (30), listening (93), slang (15), vocabulary (238)
In the Classroom
Search these lessons to find something appropriate to your other lessons and the time of year. For example, several lessons feature Academy Awards, Names of Actresses and Names of Actors. The "Lesson Plan" part of this site is on the same page as the video. It has an explanation of the the video and some grammar explanations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Airtable - Emmett Nicholas, Howie Liu, Andrew Ofstad
K to 12tag(s): bookmarks (43), collaboration (90), curation (32), DAT device agnostic tool (146)
In the Classroom
Use Airtable to collaborate on lessons with other teachers, both local and across the world. Share with students to use when collaborating on projects or to create study guides. Use the provided templates to catalog your books or share study guides with students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Grammar Words - myvocabulary.com
4 to 8tag(s): crosswords (19), grammar (137), grammar review (31), spelling (98), vocabulary (238), vocabulary development (94)
In the Classroom
Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to try out the puzzles on their own. Challenge students to try to create their own word puzzles using a site like HTML Crossword Generator, reviewed here, if you are just beginning to integrate technology into your classroom, or Educaplay, reviewed here, if you and your students are experienced tech users. Share them on a class wiki.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Coggle - coggle.it
2 to 12tag(s): brainstorming (18), charts and graphs (170), collaboration (90), graphic organizers (48), mind map (27)
In the Classroom
Coggle's ease of use makes it easy to focus on the process of creating a mind map, rather than learning how to use the program or playing with its features to make it pretty. Have your class create organizers together, such as in a brainstorming session on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Assign students to "map" out a chapter or story. Assign groups to create study guides using this tool. Use this site for literature activities, research projects, social studies, or science topics. Use this site to create family trees or food pyramids in family and consumer science. Have students collaborate (online) to create group mind maps or review charts before tests on a given subject. Have students organize any concepts you study; color-code concepts to show what they understand, wonder, and question; map out a story, plot line, or plan for the future; map out a step-by-step process (life cycle).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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